Just watched Scott Brown being interviewed by Baba Wawa. We've elected one hell of a Senator. He pinned back the pointy headed, self righteous Walters really well.
Barbara seems to measure him so much on his answers on Gays in the Military, and Abortion.
She's got an original copy of that 28year old Cosmo issue which also had an article about her in it. Wonder which photo she stared at the most.???
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Ideas and Memories
We have the grandkids this weekend, and had a nice visit at FreshAyer. They really have fun there which is kind of weird. These visits will be nice memories for them when they get older, if they can remember them at all. I don't think that we have memories from the toddler age as much as flashes of recognition. Like if you see a photo of yourself at age three, and seem to remember the Halloween costume you were wearing in the picture.
Supposedly, everything that you do is permanently recorded in the collective consciousness that the Hindu's call the Akashic Records. It's probably good that we mortals forget stuff. If you remembered everything, you would be so encumbered with memories that you couldn't address the present.
In the future, science will figure out what our brains really do.... I wonder how many Gigabits of memory they hold, or how powerful they are as radio transmitters. I'll bet the answers are that our hearts and brains are virtually powerplants of energy that our senses cannot perceive. Science will discover that our thoughts are tangible things that forge the reality that we experience.
So think good thoughts... just in case I'm right about this.
Supposedly, everything that you do is permanently recorded in the collective consciousness that the Hindu's call the Akashic Records. It's probably good that we mortals forget stuff. If you remembered everything, you would be so encumbered with memories that you couldn't address the present.
In the future, science will figure out what our brains really do.... I wonder how many Gigabits of memory they hold, or how powerful they are as radio transmitters. I'll bet the answers are that our hearts and brains are virtually powerplants of energy that our senses cannot perceive. Science will discover that our thoughts are tangible things that forge the reality that we experience.
So think good thoughts... just in case I'm right about this.
Friday, January 29, 2010
POTW Week 4
It was a long, hard fought week at Nanepashemet Telecom. Keeping your eye on business prospects while maintaining operational quality is not an easy mix. It's times like this when I thank God that he saw fit to make me the Mountain of a Man that I am.
Maybe I'll ratchet the activity down for this weekend, but there is a lot going on, and I can't afford to disappoint any Peeps who need a full dose of MOAM.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the Fourth Week of 2010.
Harvey Leonard
Kerry D'Orio
Steve Ferrar
Tommy O'Shea
Brian Butler
Sarah Crawford
Maybe I'll ratchet the activity down for this weekend, but there is a lot going on, and I can't afford to disappoint any Peeps who need a full dose of MOAM.
- Pisc said...
- In life, as in a football game, the principle is to hit the line hard. Theodore Roosevelt.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Attention Span
I didn't really listen to President Obama's speech last night. I tried to pay attention, but kept drifting off practicing scales on my guitar.
Every time I tried to get into it, I ended up being sidetracked by Sappy Biden nodding his head like a mindless moron or Speaker Pelosi smirking, drooling and jumping out of her chair at every opportunity to clap like a sophomore cheerleader.
Am I the only one who feels nauseous by the sight of these two adults acting like pitiful airheads everytime Barack raises his voice?
I did listen when the President said that he was elected for "change" but he never said that he could do it by himself. No Shit. He hasn't got the votes.
And I'm so happy that he is going to let gays serve in the military. Does anybody give a shit about that? One tenth of the population is gay. They've always served in the military. Clinton already jumped on a sword with this non-issue. How stupid is Obama to do the same?
I'd like to give you an intellectual critique of his State of the Union Speech,... but I didn't/couldn't pay attention.
Every time I tried to get into it, I ended up being sidetracked by Sappy Biden nodding his head like a mindless moron or Speaker Pelosi smirking, drooling and jumping out of her chair at every opportunity to clap like a sophomore cheerleader.
Am I the only one who feels nauseous by the sight of these two adults acting like pitiful airheads everytime Barack raises his voice?
I did listen when the President said that he was elected for "change" but he never said that he could do it by himself. No Shit. He hasn't got the votes.
And I'm so happy that he is going to let gays serve in the military. Does anybody give a shit about that? One tenth of the population is gay. They've always served in the military. Clinton already jumped on a sword with this non-issue. How stupid is Obama to do the same?
I'd like to give you an intellectual critique of his State of the Union Speech,... but I didn't/couldn't pay attention.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Business Cycle
We have a business cycle as a small consulting/contracting company that I really didn't anticipate when we founded Nanepashemet Telecom a few years ago. Here is the way that the cycle works.
Not sure if this is a model that the Harvard Business School can use in its case studies. But that's the way it seems to work for Nanepashemet Telecom.
And we understand what we sell.... not telecom services.... but career advancement of the rank and file. We provide the opportunity for customer staff to attach their corporate career success to the project metrics that Nanepashemet can achieve for them when they identify with our output.
- Nanepashemet fights its way into a customer project contract using prior contacts.
- Various lower tier customer staff have loyalties to a host of other competitors, and throw all kinds of roadblocks.
- Nanepashemet dodges all obstacles and provides superior service regardless of the pitfalls.
- Senior staff of the customer start saying nice things about Nanepashemet because of positive metrics and results.
- Rank and File customer staff start to kiss our ass, and claim that they were in our corner all along.
- Recurring work comes our way from lower tier staff who want to impress senior staff that they are tight with Nanepashemet.

Not sure if this is a model that the Harvard Business School can use in its case studies. But that's the way it seems to work for Nanepashemet Telecom.
And we understand what we sell.... not telecom services.... but career advancement of the rank and file. We provide the opportunity for customer staff to attach their corporate career success to the project metrics that Nanepashemet can achieve for them when they identify with our output.
- Pisc said...
- Don't forget golf shirts and coffee mugs
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Next Big Thing

My prediction is that these devices will replace PC's, Telephones and Books within 5 years. This will be the convenient standard necessary for instant intercommunication on a video, voice and data basis.
People will have instant access to each other, and all of the information, books and records that they need. It's impossible to predict how this capacity will mold our lives.
We will truly be limited only by our imagination, intelligence, and creativity.
It will enable all of us to think for ourselves and take personal responsibility. That will be a huge change for the better.
- Pisc said...
- It will also enable media outlets and figures to tell us what to think. Obama! P.S. In case you did not hear, he said its not about him.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
POTW Week 3
I feel bad that our President needed such a jolt of a wake up call this week. When I get woken up that way, I'm generally pretty cranky with Joanne and stuff. Poor Barack probably can't pull that act off wth Michelle, without getting his ass kicked. I'd be afraid to piss her off too.
This has been a special weekend with one day left. For security reasons, I can't give you any details
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the Third Week of 2010.
Dale Johnson
Senator Robert Menendez
Nancy Pelosi
Christos Laganos
Julie Johnson
Angelina Joli
This has been a special weekend with one day left. For security reasons, I can't give you any details
Bottomless Pitt

No, there wasn't any screeching or wailing on my part.... just a whole pile of hurt and heartache.
I'm willing to offer my considerable skills in marriage counseling for a reduced fee... if only they will make another go.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Cold Morning
It's eight degrees below zero this morning.
I know that this would stop most of you in your tracks, but a Mountan of a Man like me doesn't lose a step. As soon as Joanne gets the trash ready for me to take out, I'll get off this couch, put on my boots and ski pants, and bring those bags to the trash bin.
I won't even wait for her to shovel the path.
I know that this would stop most of you in your tracks, but a Mountan of a Man like me doesn't lose a step. As soon as Joanne gets the trash ready for me to take out, I'll get off this couch, put on my boots and ski pants, and bring those bags to the trash bin.
I won't even wait for her to shovel the path.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Sleep Tight
I began the day by torturing myself again and watching the ABC Good Morning America show. I pretty much can protect myself from their insidious thought police attempts, (which is a standard attribute of a Mountain of a Man) and today's episode wasn 't one of their worse attempts.
But since it was a down news day, they came out with this bit on dirty hotel rooms, and how to detect bed bugs and such. Unfortunately, I'm such an expert on that, having traveled at the government per diem rate for so many years previously.
I think that if I still went on business trips for a living, I would pack my own sleeping bag.
But since it was a down news day, they came out with this bit on dirty hotel rooms, and how to detect bed bugs and such. Unfortunately, I'm such an expert on that, having traveled at the government per diem rate for so many years previously.
I think that if I still went on business trips for a living, I would pack my own sleeping bag.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Feeder Focus
So this wicked irritating Peep sends me an email yesterday saying, "J. Now that Scott Brown has pulled off his election to the Senate, what will you have to focus on?"
What a stupid, irritating, idiotic, moronic, and again stupid question!!!!!
Not to mention being wicked annoying.
I'll just be paying more attention to the bird feeder.... that's what I'll be focusing on.... you freaking goofball.
But now that you mention it, there were two sparrows, a dark eyed junco and the squirrel at the feeder this morning.
What a stupid, irritating, idiotic, moronic, and again stupid question!!!!!
Not to mention being wicked annoying.
I'll just be paying more attention to the bird feeder.... that's what I'll be focusing on.... you freaking goofball.
But now that you mention it, there were two sparrows, a dark eyed junco and the squirrel at the feeder this morning.
- Maria Rowen said...
- Pity the poor mis-guided peeps and their political prescriptions...hopefully they all have jobs...Don't forget to feed the juncos!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Getting Off the Juggernaut Express
Don't know about you, but I woke up this morning for the first time in the last six months or so, not feeling like I was a helpless passenger on the Juggernaut Express with crazy Nancy Pelosi as the Conductor.
Stimulate the economy? Sure..... let's flow trillions to zip codes that don't exist. Do you know of one job that has been created???? Me either!
Reform Health care? No Problem. Open up the Checkbook, there's always more where that came from. And ram this down everybody's throats while the votes are there.
But when I woke up this morning, I just felt like the craziness might be starting to be moderated.
Stimulate the economy? Sure..... let's flow trillions to zip codes that don't exist. Do you know of one job that has been created???? Me either!
Reform Health care? No Problem. Open up the Checkbook, there's always more where that came from. And ram this down everybody's throats while the votes are there.
But when I woke up this morning, I just felt like the craziness might be starting to be moderated.
- Tuna Lips said...
- I likes Brown. He done bread them frisky kittens, he okay in the TL way o' thinkin'.
- Pisc said...
- Go after Tierney now. We have a target on William Delahunt's seat down on the S. Shore.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Great Power
Once again, the power of the Nanepashemet Blog is not to be denied.
Was Scott Brown not endorsed by Nanepashemet over a week ago????
Did Scott Brown not take this "Kennedy Seat" election running away????
I rest my case.
With great power comes great responsibility. Even though it is obvious that Nanepashemet tipped the scales for Brown, rest assured I will use this power prudently and wisely.
When is John Kerry's term up anyway?
Maria Rowen said...
At 9:15 PM last night the Democrats in Washington got their wake-up call from the Park Plaza Hotel and the rest of us got to party with Senator Scott Brown. Please weild your N-Power for Charlie Baker to make the same thing happen in November.
I will carefully consider your request, Maria. But what if Harvey decides to run instead? I think you are jumping the gun.
Was Scott Brown not endorsed by Nanepashemet over a week ago????
Did Scott Brown not take this "Kennedy Seat" election running away????
I rest my case.
With great power comes great responsibility. Even though it is obvious that Nanepashemet tipped the scales for Brown, rest assured I will use this power prudently and wisely.
When is John Kerry's term up anyway?
Maria Rowen said...
At 9:15 PM last night the Democrats in Washington got their wake-up call from the Park Plaza Hotel and the rest of us got to party with Senator Scott Brown. Please weild your N-Power for Charlie Baker to make the same thing happen in November.
I will carefully consider your request, Maria. But what if Harvey decides to run instead? I think you are jumping the gun.
Voice of the People
Just left the polls in mid morning. It was packed with voters. The people are speaking.
Thank God we live in a society where the people have an impact.
Even if the hapless, misguided Democrats win this seat, this outpouring of citizenship has been inspiring.
My head tells me that Scott Brown will win this going away. But I've been wrong before.... once or twice.
Kerry D'Orio said....
I agree. It was nice to young people at the polls exercising their right to vote!
Thank God we live in a society where the people have an impact.
Even if the hapless, misguided Democrats win this seat, this outpouring of citizenship has been inspiring.
My head tells me that Scott Brown will win this going away. But I've been wrong before.... once or twice.
Kerry D'Orio said....
I agree. It was nice to young people at the polls exercising their right to vote!
- PIsc said...
- If you are of a mind, continue to contribute to Brown, the machine will cry fowl and the SEIU thugs are shameless. Lawyers are the next call. We are kicking ass at 9 pm
Major Milestone
Today is slated to be a milestone day.
Obama gets a huge message that his policies are polarizing rather than bringing the country together. Hopefully he takes the hint.
But by far, the most important milestone is that the Nanepashemet Blog will be hit for the 70,000th time today. That's alot of reaching out in angst, anxiety and inspiration. I certainly hope that you received the solace/vengeance that you were seeking when you went to this Blog 70k times over the past three years or so.
Scott Brown is just frosting on the cake.
Obama gets a huge message that his policies are polarizing rather than bringing the country together. Hopefully he takes the hint.
But by far, the most important milestone is that the Nanepashemet Blog will be hit for the 70,000th time today. That's alot of reaching out in angst, anxiety and inspiration. I certainly hope that you received the solace/vengeance that you were seeking when you went to this Blog 70k times over the past three years or so.
Scott Brown is just frosting on the cake.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Rockett's Hat in the Ring
Mike Rockett announced today that he is running for a seat on the Marblehead Board of Selectmen.
First Brown, then Rockett.
Things are starting to look up politically.
If this trend continues, I just might register as a Republican. Been an Independent for too long.
But watch Mike. He has a lot of creativity, and knows how to get things accomplished. He won't be a Selectman for long.... I'd love to see him take that upcoming Kerry seat.
First Brown, then Rockett.
Things are starting to look up politically.
If this trend continues, I just might register as a Republican. Been an Independent for too long.
But watch Mike. He has a lot of creativity, and knows how to get things accomplished. He won't be a Selectman for long.... I'd love to see him take that upcoming Kerry seat.
Hopeless Obsession
Just sat through George Stephanopoulos and Diane Sawyer throwing in the towel on the Mass US Senate race, and lamenting the loss of the Health Bill. So much for objective journalism.
I don't know who is more pathetic... these ABC News Liberal puppets or me for watching them. I know that I'm pathetic for a number of other reasons, but this is just one of them.
But even if they are shills for the elitist Liberal thought police, it still was cool seeing them report that Washington is gearing up to take the hit.
Soon this Blog can get off of the obsession with seeing the good guys spit in the eye of the entitlement crowd, and write about some really relevant topics.... like building the Marblehead Gunning Dory, or .... how the Democrats really piss me off.
Sorry. It's freaking hopeless.
I don't know who is more pathetic... these ABC News Liberal puppets or me for watching them. I know that I'm pathetic for a number of other reasons, but this is just one of them.
But even if they are shills for the elitist Liberal thought police, it still was cool seeing them report that Washington is gearing up to take the hit.
Soon this Blog can get off of the obsession with seeing the good guys spit in the eye of the entitlement crowd, and write about some really relevant topics.... like building the Marblehead Gunning Dory, or .... how the Democrats really piss me off.
Sorry. It's freaking hopeless.
Presidential Desperation
Just 1500 people to see Obama with Coakley in Boston. Plus, without a teleprompter, he forgot he was in Massachusetts. I kid you not... it was on Fox last night.
Meanwhile a couple of thousand including "Yankee Fan" Curt Schilling and Doug Flutie were out in Worcester with Brown.
President Obama has been in office for one year. The discontent of the Massachusetts electorate, in making a close race of the seat vacated by Ted Kennedy, should be a clear message to him that he has to change course.
Meanwhile a couple of thousand including "Yankee Fan" Curt Schilling and Doug Flutie were out in Worcester with Brown.
President Obama has been in office for one year. The discontent of the Massachusetts electorate, in making a close race of the seat vacated by Ted Kennedy, should be a clear message to him that he has to change course.
- His economic stimulis package is a bureaucratic boondoggle.
- The war in Iraq and Afghanistan rages on.
- 10% of the people here are out of work.
- His Health Plan is a Democratic pork barrel.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Outlook Adjustment
Not a bad outlook for those of us (myself included) who tend to let the small stuff derail us from time to time.
Next Year
I got a 20.6 mile workout in on the Cybex for one hour. That's probably the toughest cardio workout that I've had in the last 20 years or so. At least on purpose. There were the mountain hikes that got a little out of hand that were probably tougher.
And I ate well, so the times this week where I fell off the wagon were properly responded to. I think that closed the week a bit under the calorie budget. Still on track with the weight loss plan, but it's only been 17 days. I'm giving myself the whole freaking year to lose these sixty pounds, and I'm not looking for anything to happen instantly.
So get off my back. One day you'll be ready to call me "Big Guy" and it just won't be freaking valid. But that won't next week or next month. It will be next year.
And I ate well, so the times this week where I fell off the wagon were properly responded to. I think that closed the week a bit under the calorie budget. Still on track with the weight loss plan, but it's only been 17 days. I'm giving myself the whole freaking year to lose these sixty pounds, and I'm not looking for anything to happen instantly.
So get off my back. One day you'll be ready to call me "Big Guy" and it just won't be freaking valid. But that won't next week or next month. It will be next year.
Conscience Examination
A naive and misguided Peep admonished me to "examine my conscience" this morning.... ostensibly because of the Senate Race stand of this venerable, yet pathetic Nanepashemet Blog..
Fair Enough.
Man, was that a mistake.... there's a lot of crazy assed shit in my conscience that I have no interest in unpacking. It's a scary place, and I don't like to go there.
But right there on one of the lower shelves was a clear indication that we should vote for Brown. Especially after the slur against Curt Schilling. For God sakes Martha, he freaking bled against the Yankees. How could you!!!!
Fair Enough.
Man, was that a mistake.... there's a lot of crazy assed shit in my conscience that I have no interest in unpacking. It's a scary place, and I don't like to go there.
But right there on one of the lower shelves was a clear indication that we should vote for Brown. Especially after the slur against Curt Schilling. For God sakes Martha, he freaking bled against the Yankees. How could you!!!!
- Pisc said...
- Typical liberal know it all and deep feeler, claiming the moral high ground. Sounds like a priest, you know, the ones who forgave all the sins and were adored by the sanctimonious, but were playing around with little boys. "Examine your conscience, John". Liberals are so goddamned arrogant and condescending, as if they are the only one's with a conscience. Bet this Higher Authority belongs to a book club and is, "well, if I must reveal it, quite frankly, oh willickers, I am in MENSA you know. Lovey, you know how cocktail sauce troubles my acid reflux - lets go with the watercress sandwich". No principles, just lines from the encounter group or therapist. Sounds like someone has mommy issue.
POTW Week Two of 2010
I've been so aggravated by the Senate Race that I almost forgot the POTW selections this week. Talk about political fallout! That would have been a true crisis.
Pray for the unfortunate Haitians.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 2nd week of 2010
Gail Johnson
Christos Laganos
Bill Weld
Tom Raiche
Lauren Rathbone
Steve Lewis
Pray for the unfortunate Haitians.
Building Codes
When you see the media coverage of the rubble of shanties in Haiti, you have to wonder what the building codes are like down there, and whether this type of carnage could have been avoided with a different standard of construction.
Eyewitnesses have said that the actual quake went on for about 3 seconds, then the buildings came crashing down. I'd like to think that my house wouldn't come apart after being shook for 3 seconds.
We should donate to the Haitians, but when they rebuild their communities, I hope they build in some lessons learned.
Eyewitnesses have said that the actual quake went on for about 3 seconds, then the buildings came crashing down. I'd like to think that my house wouldn't come apart after being shook for 3 seconds.
We should donate to the Haitians, but when they rebuild their communities, I hope they build in some lessons learned.
Manipulation Mutilation
I know that I have been obsessing lately about the United States Senate race. But this thing has really hit my hot button... you know... the button that gets pushed when people try to manipulate others by lies and deceit.
I'll admit that I'm really in an uncomfortable state of agitation.
Some of the attack ads are sent in by national interests who have keyed in on this race, and those ads can't be blamed on the candidates.... except for the one that starts with "I'm Martha Coakley, and I approve this message." Then the ad goes on to depict a women who ostensibly has just been raped.
As my friend, Harvey, has said, "You can't make this stuff up." But it looks like Martha is trying to. But ultimately the manipulation will turn to self mutilation.
I'll admit that I'm really in an uncomfortable state of agitation.
Some of the attack ads are sent in by national interests who have keyed in on this race, and those ads can't be blamed on the candidates.... except for the one that starts with "I'm Martha Coakley, and I approve this message." Then the ad goes on to depict a women who ostensibly has just been raped.
As my friend, Harvey, has said, "You can't make this stuff up." But it looks like Martha is trying to. But ultimately the manipulation will turn to self mutilation.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Knee Jerk
Without thinking, Coakley moves to discredit. You can see why she favors attack ads. I just fear that she is part of a machine.
- Maria Rowen said...
- There was a great comment on Fox this morning. Massachusetts is not a blue state. It's a Red Sox State... Martha! How do you spell Massachusetts?
Case for Brown
The machine that changed the rules to put Paul Kirk into the US Senate seat has a lot of work to do this weekend. We've got Clinton and Obama taking time out of the Haitian disaster to tend to this other earthquake.... the unimaginable thought that the Massachusetts electorate might give the senate seat held by Ted Kennedy for the last forty years to a Republican.
Rest assured, after they make the plea for Martha and she loses, it won't be any reflection on them. They will blame the loss on Coakley's weaknesses as a candidate, and not the misgivings of the Obama startup, or the manipulation of the Senate seat by Duval Patrick..
Man.... I'm sure they didn't see this coming. But they should have. The people of Massachusetts have always found a balance over their party affiliation. Guys like Ed Brooke, Ed King, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Paul Celluci have broken the mold with messages that resonated with the Massachusetts voters.
And that is is case with Scott Brown
Rest assured, after they make the plea for Martha and she loses, it won't be any reflection on them. They will blame the loss on Coakley's weaknesses as a candidate, and not the misgivings of the Obama startup, or the manipulation of the Senate seat by Duval Patrick..
Man.... I'm sure they didn't see this coming. But they should have. The people of Massachusetts have always found a balance over their party affiliation. Guys like Ed Brooke, Ed King, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Paul Celluci have broken the mold with messages that resonated with the Massachusetts voters.
And that is is case with Scott Brown
- He wants a well thought out health care approach - and not a power play jammed down our throats.
- He wants terrorists tried in a military tribunal, not with all of the privileges of the US citizens that they are resolved to annihilate.
- He is a free enterprise advocate who believes that lower taxes can encourage economic growth.
- He is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army National Guard, who has won the respect and endorsement of Police Unions across the state.
- He wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and his family seems to be a solid hard working unit.
- Pisc said...
- Wicked well put.
~Pat, when you look at the list of Republicans that Mass Voters have sent to statewide seats, it seems like really bad advice to run ads denigrating Scott as a "Republican". You have to wonder who is pulling the strings for the Coakley strategy.
Nice Evening
Tonight we had dinner at Maddies with POTY, Jeremy Johnson's Mom and Dad, Dale and Gail, then headed over to the Harbor Light Inn for a nightcap.
Nothing bad happened (that I was aware of).
Nothing bad happened (that I was aware of).
Friday, January 15, 2010
Senate Shoo In
The Massachusetts Senate Race is being looked at nationally as a referendum on Obama Care. This headlong rush by the Democrats to stuff a pork infested Health bill that has huge fiscal implications down our throats will be their ultimate downfall.
The people voted for Obama for change, not a pork fed, self destructive trip to financial oblivion.
I'm no prognosticator, but the Democrats have run into a buzz saw with Scott Brown, who can take the heat and send it back. At this point, I think he will win even if I didn't give him the Nanepashemet Endorsement.
Although, since I did..... he is a shoo in.
The people voted for Obama for change, not a pork fed, self destructive trip to financial oblivion.
I'm no prognosticator, but the Democrats have run into a buzz saw with Scott Brown, who can take the heat and send it back. At this point, I think he will win even if I didn't give him the Nanepashemet Endorsement.
Although, since I did..... he is a shoo in.
Issues of the Senate Candidates.
If you go to the Coakley and Brown websites and look at the how they examine the issues, it's clear why Martha Coakley has taken the low road in this campaign. Martha articulates so poorly. She should take the time to spell out what she believes, and stop acting like this Senate Seat is a Democratic birthright.
Click on the links yourself and make your own deternination.
Scott Brown issues Martha Coakley Issues
I read what they said, not what mud has been slung about them.
The Nanepashemet Nod proudly stands for Scott Brown as our next US Senator from Massachusetts.
Click on the links yourself and make your own deternination.
Scott Brown issues Martha Coakley Issues
I read what they said, not what mud has been slung about them.
The Nanepashemet Nod proudly stands for Scott Brown as our next US Senator from Massachusetts.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Haitian Hardship
It's hard to get a handle on what's happening in Haiti. I don't understand how such a horrendous earthquake can be so localized. And I've seen the Media reporting the death toll at 100,000 one time and 500,000 at another. Our prayers reach out for those unfortunate families in Port Au Prince.
- Maria Rowen said...
- Once again nature kills in seismic proportions. For sure this tragedy may rock our faith in a higher power, but it will never diminish our faith in human kindness. Prayers said are prayers heard….God please bless the victims, the survivors and all relief efforts.
Off the Wagon
I went off the wagon yesterday.
Big Time.
The first time in three weeks since I started this calorie counting business.
It started in the morning when I had some english muffins for breakfast and didn't work out on the Cybex because I had to leave for a customer meeting at 10:30 AM. We decided to work through lunch so we brought in pizzas for everybody. I had four slices and a diet Coke.
I still had a chance to salvage the day if I jumped on the Cybex when I got back to my office at 3:00PM, but had to get on a conference call at 3:30 that stretched for an hour.
By that time, I went up to see the grandkids with Joanne, and their uncle Mike showed up to have dinner with us. So I had roasted chicken, stuffing and salad that sent me way over the calorie budget. With a couple of after dinner drinks, I was completely busted, so I had a nacho snack before finally going to bed.
A 3500 calorie day when my budget is 2200 calories! I am weak and a bad man.
The good news is that I'm down 10 lbs. This calorie counting system works and I'm getting back in the wagon today.
Big Time.
The first time in three weeks since I started this calorie counting business.
It started in the morning when I had some english muffins for breakfast and didn't work out on the Cybex because I had to leave for a customer meeting at 10:30 AM. We decided to work through lunch so we brought in pizzas for everybody. I had four slices and a diet Coke.
I still had a chance to salvage the day if I jumped on the Cybex when I got back to my office at 3:00PM, but had to get on a conference call at 3:30 that stretched for an hour.
By that time, I went up to see the grandkids with Joanne, and their uncle Mike showed up to have dinner with us. So I had roasted chicken, stuffing and salad that sent me way over the calorie budget. With a couple of after dinner drinks, I was completely busted, so I had a nacho snack before finally going to bed.
A 3500 calorie day when my budget is 2200 calories! I am weak and a bad man.
The good news is that I'm down 10 lbs. This calorie counting system works and I'm getting back in the wagon today.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Chicken Little
Remember two years ago??? We were supposed to all die of Bird Flu.
Then this year... we shifted to the Swine Flu which was supposed to be a global pandemic which would wipe a lot us out. Obama was teaching us to sneeze into our sleeves.
All the while, global warming was supposed to be killing us as soon as the polar bears were done in. Al Gore won an Academy Award because of it. The problem here is that it is freaking cold out there, and the European Global Summit in Copenhagen was snowed out. Florida fruit growers are going to be hit hard with frozen fruit due to the plunging temps.
Not to mention the myth that the American Health care system doesn't work, and that the Democrats will "fix" it.
Do you ever get the idea that the leftys are trying to scare the shit out of us? Kind of like, create a problem then offer themselves as the solution.
How many times do they expect us to swallow this Chicken Little, the Sky is Falling, Bullshit???
Let's send them a message from Massachusetts next Tuesday. They have the audacity to think that the US Senate seat that has been occupied by Ted Kennedy is their heirloom. Let's vote for Scott Brown and shock the shit out of these phonies.
Then this year... we shifted to the Swine Flu which was supposed to be a global pandemic which would wipe a lot us out. Obama was teaching us to sneeze into our sleeves.
All the while, global warming was supposed to be killing us as soon as the polar bears were done in. Al Gore won an Academy Award because of it. The problem here is that it is freaking cold out there, and the European Global Summit in Copenhagen was snowed out. Florida fruit growers are going to be hit hard with frozen fruit due to the plunging temps.
Not to mention the myth that the American Health care system doesn't work, and that the Democrats will "fix" it.
Do you ever get the idea that the leftys are trying to scare the shit out of us? Kind of like, create a problem then offer themselves as the solution.
How many times do they expect us to swallow this Chicken Little, the Sky is Falling, Bullshit???
Let's send them a message from Massachusetts next Tuesday. They have the audacity to think that the US Senate seat that has been occupied by Ted Kennedy is their heirloom. Let's vote for Scott Brown and shock the shit out of these phonies.
- Lauren Rathbone, former POTY said...
- I am so glad that this blog supports Scott Brown. I cannot stand Martha Coakley!!!
Big Momentum
With less than a week to go in the Massachusetts US Senate special election, Scott Brown has tied Martha Coakley in the polls.
Obviously, the Nanepashemet Endorsement has put Scott in front of the Big Mo.
Coakley attack ads accuse Brown of being anti-liberal. That he actually doubts that Global Warming is caused by humans. That he wishes to kill Obama Health Care. Thanks for clarifying that.
Keep those ads coming Martha. We didn't give that seat over and over to Kennedy because he was liberal. He got the votes because he was a Kennedy, and you are no Kennedy.
Those lefty ads will sweep Brown comfortably into the seat.
Obviously, the Nanepashemet Endorsement has put Scott in front of the Big Mo.
Coakley attack ads accuse Brown of being anti-liberal. That he actually doubts that Global Warming is caused by humans. That he wishes to kill Obama Health Care. Thanks for clarifying that.
Keep those ads coming Martha. We didn't give that seat over and over to Kennedy because he was liberal. He got the votes because he was a Kennedy, and you are no Kennedy.
Those lefty ads will sweep Brown comfortably into the seat.
- Maria Rowen said...
- Martha, Martha, Martha… Please stop calling me at home to ask for my vote. You have done less than nothing to deserve it. But give Lois Thistletwat a call. She is itchin’ to make you her queen. My name is Maria Rowen and I approve this message.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Inflated Accomplishment

Martha.... if you were that good, don't you think that you would have gotten the Nanepashemet Nod???
If you did all of the good that you say you did, it would be a tossup between canonization as a living Saint, or coronation as our new Queen. You would have been toasted and feted at every turn, instead of running scared as Scott Brown closes the gap in the polls.
So maybe there is a little Bullshit being slung here....
You should tell the people what you believe in, and what you would do as our United States Senator....not regale us with tales of your self indulgent superhero feats.
Don't embarrass yourself.
Tuna Lips said...
The mug on this gal, with that gob of hers drawn up in a big ole suck face, brings amind Lois Thistletwat, the hard chargin' teen that absconded with my virtue and left me a drawer full o' crushedasians that no reglar soap could scrub aways, had me pawwin' at my rooster fer weeks. I say get thee to a nuttery, you brillo snatched she demon!
Pisc said...
In that pose, she looks like the wife of Judge Smails (Ted Knight) from CaddyShack.
Judge Elihu Smails said...
This is Martha (we can call her pooky), christening the "Flying Wasp":
Monday, January 11, 2010
Half Marathon
Ryan put in 13 miles on the Fort Devens track in 1 hr. 49 min. today. I think his secret plan is to kick some Kenyan ass in the Boston Marathon a couple of years hence.
Or maybe he has another secret plan.
Or maybe he has another secret plan.
Let the Beatings Begin
Senator Harry Reid (D) , Majority Leader said that President Obama is "too light skinned, and only speaks with a Negro dialect when he wants".
Uh Oh. Free speech aside, he is about to get a "political correctness" old fashioned ass whupping.
It did seem like Obama would adjust his speech to fit the crowd during the campaign, but most Dems seem to pander that way. And Obama seems to have skin that would befit his caucasian mother and negro father. So his skin seems genetically correct.
Not sure what "too light skinned" would actually mean anyway. I hope I'm not "too light skinned".
So I guess the Senate Majority leader has entered the "political correctness shitstorm" with some questionable facts.
Uh Oh. Free speech aside, he is about to get a "political correctness" old fashioned ass whupping.
It did seem like Obama would adjust his speech to fit the crowd during the campaign, but most Dems seem to pander that way. And Obama seems to have skin that would befit his caucasian mother and negro father. So his skin seems genetically correct.
Not sure what "too light skinned" would actually mean anyway. I hope I'm not "too light skinned".
So I guess the Senate Majority leader has entered the "political correctness shitstorm" with some questionable facts.
Let the beatings begin.
- Pisc said...
- I have an affinity for the precision of the moniker "douche bag". This chap is a douche bag. You know he got whacked upside the head playing kill ball, or dodge ball as it is referred to among the gentry.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Post Season Pats
Patriots lost to the Baltimore Ravens and are out of the playoffs.
It's not like I'm going to off myself or anything.
It's only Professional Football.
But it's still damn depressing.
At least we had a nice visit to FreshAyer this morning. Ryan was his usual upbeat, forward thinking, self. I guess life's not so bad if watching the Pats is more depressing than going to FreshAyer.
It's not like I'm going to off myself or anything.
It's only Professional Football.
But it's still damn depressing.
At least we had a nice visit to FreshAyer this morning. Ryan was his usual upbeat, forward thinking, self. I guess life's not so bad if watching the Pats is more depressing than going to FreshAyer.
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Lag Time
I've been spending a lot of time on the weight loss book lately. Since it's about me, it really holds my interest. Plus, there is nothing really screwed up going on.
Obama is saying a lot of nothing in his security speeches, and seems almost to be putting the health care fiasco on the back burner.
We're waiting to see if the Nanepashemet endorsement causes Scott Brown to win the Senate race.
The NFL playoffs are just getting underway.
Tiger's sex life seems to have blown over... so to speak.
So I might as well use this lag time to move the future New York Times bestseller along. I find the subject matter utterly fascinating.
Maria Rowen said...
Why stop there? You should probalby start thinking about the movie rights. Then of course, who will play the Mountain of a Man on the big screen...?
Excellent Point Maria. I'm thinking Clooney or Pitt.
Obama is saying a lot of nothing in his security speeches, and seems almost to be putting the health care fiasco on the back burner.
We're waiting to see if the Nanepashemet endorsement causes Scott Brown to win the Senate race.
The NFL playoffs are just getting underway.
Tiger's sex life seems to have blown over... so to speak.
So I might as well use this lag time to move the future New York Times bestseller along. I find the subject matter utterly fascinating.
Maria Rowen said...
Why stop there? You should probalby start thinking about the movie rights. Then of course, who will play the Mountain of a Man on the big screen...?
Excellent Point Maria. I'm thinking Clooney or Pitt.
Friday, January 08, 2010
POTW Week One of 2010
After all of the Peep of the Year Hoopla, it's back to good old Peeps of the Week.
I'm glad the holidays are over and we can get down to business.
A fresh new year. A Brand New Decade! Imagine the possibilities.
All we have to do is dodge the Mayan's and we have a new Lease on Life!
I'm glad the holidays are over and we can get down to business.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the First Week of 2010
Maria Rowen
Pat Piscatelli
Scott Brown
Steve Lewis
Carrie Paige DeBlasi
Jim Lundgren
A fresh new year. A Brand New Decade! Imagine the possibilities.
All we have to do is dodge the Mayan's and we have a new Lease on Life!
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Badass POTY
Because he is no longer local to the Boston area, quite a few of the Peeps have been bothering me with emails regarding details of the POTY, Jeremy Johnson.
Click on this Link and knock yourself out.
As you can see, Jeremy is no Pussy. He's a Badass Up and Coming Minnesota attorney.
Now you can bother Jeremy directly and leave me alone.
Click on this Link and knock yourself out.
As you can see, Jeremy is no Pussy. He's a Badass Up and Coming Minnesota attorney.
Now you can bother Jeremy directly and leave me alone.
- Pisc said...
- Though not readily apparent, the essence of the Nuremberg defense is infused in this cop out. Let's start this off easy, low hanging fruit if you will. Has he ever provided a bottle of Lagavulin? If no, then should there not be an automatic yer not the peep of the year rule for such an ommission?
Maria Rowen said...
- Wow! This POTY also gets the PEEPle's Choice 2010, Maybe someday he will let us see his briefs!Now..let's all celebrate 'Jeremy' with a nice big slice of poor-loser-pie. __________________________________________________________________________________________
Amanda Johnson said.....Jay, I want names. Who the hell is questioning Big J Furious Esq's well-deserved honor and general roundhouse-in-your-eye-mutha-suckah-badassness? I swear to baby Jesus, I will crush skulls. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Amanda - It was Piscatelli and Rowen. I had nothing to do with it! If you need their addresses, I'll look them up for you. Please leave my skull out of this. - J _________________________________________________________________________________________
- Maria Rowen said...
- Ms. Johnson, with all due respect, I have the biggest, born-in-Lynn bada** in town (40 Badass Street, Swampscott, Massachusetts 01907-1903). Furthermore, I am 100% in support of 2010 POTY and I don't even know him. But, I respect the MoaM and the rules. And for the record, I am very attached to my head. __________________________________________________________________________________ Amanda - Since you live in LA and Maria lives in Swampscott.... and since both of you can probably kick my ass... I agree with Maria. Maybe I'll change my mind when you come back this way. -J
Nanepashemet Nod for Senate
It's time to announce the all-important Nanepashemet Blog Massachusetts Senate Race endorsement.
Since this will undoubtably decide the outcome of the race, I've had to deliberate long and hard. But with both Scott Brown and Martha Coakley pestering me daily and constantly, I have to put an end to the angst and speculation.
I've noticed that the Kennedy clan have thrown their support to Coakley, despite her grabbing at the nomination before Ted's corpse was cold. Even while holding their noses, the Kennedy's can't imagine that a Republican would occupy their family heirloom (ie Ted's Senate Seat).
In the end, our endorsement was fairly easy to make.... Scott drives a truck, might even be a Ford F150, and Martha dissed one of my favorite Peeps in the recent past by saying that she didn't need her help with her campaign. Plus Martha's lips look funny when she is talking like she has a mouth full of marbles.
So it's clear that Scott Brown gets the Nanepashemet Nod.
As our President has said repeatedly, "It's time for a change."
Don't worry Scott. This endorsement comes with no strings attached. Athrough if you could throw one of those no-bid fat government contracts to Nanepashemet Telecom, it would be kindly appreciated.
Since this will undoubtably decide the outcome of the race, I've had to deliberate long and hard. But with both Scott Brown and Martha Coakley pestering me daily and constantly, I have to put an end to the angst and speculation.

In the end, our endorsement was fairly easy to make.... Scott drives a truck, might even be a Ford F150, and Martha dissed one of my favorite Peeps in the recent past by saying that she didn't need her help with her campaign. Plus Martha's lips look funny when she is talking like she has a mouth full of marbles.
So it's clear that Scott Brown gets the Nanepashemet Nod.
As our President has said repeatedly, "It's time for a change."
Don't worry Scott. This endorsement comes with no strings attached. Athrough if you could throw one of those no-bid fat government contracts to Nanepashemet Telecom, it would be kindly appreciated.
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Google Assist
Google announced today it's new smart phone, the Nexus One, designed to compete with the Apples IPhone.
What does this mean?
It means revenue for Nanepashemet Telecom, that's what!
As more of you demand wireless bandwidth to run the applications that are becoming essential, such as my LoseIt! iPod program, you will need more wireless infrastructure. More Antennas, more Towers.
Way to go Google.
Next year, all of the Peeps will be downloading my book onto your cool device.
Would you consider offering me an advance??
What does this mean?
It means revenue for Nanepashemet Telecom, that's what!
As more of you demand wireless bandwidth to run the applications that are becoming essential, such as my LoseIt! iPod program, you will need more wireless infrastructure. More Antennas, more Towers.
Way to go Google.
Next year, all of the Peeps will be downloading my book onto your cool device.
Would you consider offering me an advance??
- Tuna Lips said...
- I gots an cool-like add on youse might try . . . thuh not be a borin' d-bag app. This thing we got done gone stupid borin' since "Jeremy" (what, yer mammy and pappy dudn't give you a right Christian name like Jeremiah, theys kow tow to them Obamamy fruit pie type is screwin up my U S of A?) got his trophy? This here business' akin to the WBO, WBC, WBA, and WWF (my genre, natchally), where any three time loser junkie can gits a belt. Lets me water this tomchickery down some mo by shakin' my monster overs this peeps of the year gnome deploomery.
Book Announcement
Peeps -
I'm writing the book that I told you about. It will be compiled over the course of the year, and I already have 60 or so pages written.
It's a about a Big Guy who lost 60 lbs weight in 2010 and is tentatively entitled. "Don't Call Me Fat Shit Anymore." I hope like hell that it is non-fiction by the time I'm done.
If you have any vignettes, anecdotes or other literary contributions that you would like to add to this effort, please feel free to email me.
I won't mention your name in the book without your permission, or unless you really piss me off. (Which means that quite a few names could be mentioned, so I have a legal fund earmarked for this just in case).
When this hits the New York Times Best Seller list, you will have the satisfaction that you have made a miniscule contribution albeit without any compensation.
Appreciate your involvement.
- J "Mountain of a Man" Nestor
I'm writing the book that I told you about. It will be compiled over the course of the year, and I already have 60 or so pages written.
It's a about a Big Guy who lost 60 lbs weight in 2010 and is tentatively entitled. "Don't Call Me Fat Shit Anymore." I hope like hell that it is non-fiction by the time I'm done.
If you have any vignettes, anecdotes or other literary contributions that you would like to add to this effort, please feel free to email me.
I won't mention your name in the book without your permission, or unless you really piss me off. (Which means that quite a few names could be mentioned, so I have a legal fund earmarked for this just in case).
When this hits the New York Times Best Seller list, you will have the satisfaction that you have made a miniscule contribution albeit without any compensation.
Appreciate your involvement.
- J "Mountain of a Man" Nestor
- Maria Rowen said...
- One of your earlier chapters could be entitled: "Big Rig and a Barstool". Feel free to claim full literary licence with your own Nom de Plume!
Monday, January 04, 2010
Pain in the Obama
I decided that I should go to the Doctor today to check out this pain in my abdomen. After the rubber glove routine, my physician pointed out (so to speak) that an infection in my prostate was not the culprit.
Now I had a whole new source of discomfort, and still have a freaking pain in my pre-private area.
I wish this was one of those things that you could blame on the Obama administration, but it could have happened even if Bush was still in office.
Maybe tomorrow the results of the urine test will be more productive..... and less invasive..
Now I had a whole new source of discomfort, and still have a freaking pain in my pre-private area.
I wish this was one of those things that you could blame on the Obama administration, but it could have happened even if Bush was still in office.
Maybe tomorrow the results of the urine test will be more productive..... and less invasive..
- Pisc said...
- Like your prostate exam, the Health Care Debates will not be covered by C-Span. So you and Barry have that connection. Trasparency is overrated once you are the King.
Outgoing POTY Address
Lauren Rathbone, 2009 Peep of the Year, has given the following inspirational POTY annual outgoing address....
I was just reading the blog, I have been in North Conway all week with no Internet, and had to first read the peep of the year selection 2010. I sadly did this before getting my kids out of the car, before feeding my family, before unpacking the car, and before I checked facebook. Jason was really thrilled with my priority list. I was sure Brian Butler was going to get the title. I know his new years day was ruined by this.
I congratulate Jeremy on the PEEP of the year 2010. I am ready to move on from the title. I have an idea of why I was given it last year. But my guess is I will never really know. When I look at the picture of my kids and I on the blog last year it made me realize that a year goes by super fast! And a lot can change in a year. I will try not to take things for granted. I will try to laugh when Ethan and Beckett fight all day, color the entire living room with magic markers, throw food at each other, because I know next year things could and will be completely different.
I hope all the peeps have a safe, healthy, and fun 2010!!!!
- Lauren Rathbone
I was just reading the blog, I have been in North Conway all week with no Internet, and had to first read the peep of the year selection 2010. I sadly did this before getting my kids out of the car, before feeding my family, before unpacking the car, and before I checked facebook. Jason was really thrilled with my priority list. I was sure Brian Butler was going to get the title. I know his new years day was ruined by this.
I congratulate Jeremy on the PEEP of the year 2010. I am ready to move on from the title. I have an idea of why I was given it last year. But my guess is I will never really know. When I look at the picture of my kids and I on the blog last year it made me realize that a year goes by super fast! And a lot can change in a year. I will try not to take things for granted. I will try to laugh when Ethan and Beckett fight all day, color the entire living room with magic markers, throw food at each other, because I know next year things could and will be completely different.
I hope all the peeps have a safe, healthy, and fun 2010!!!!
- Lauren Rathbone
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Jeremy Johnson's Acceptance Speech.
Did you see Jeremy's acceptance a few posts down???
As most of you know, I don't tear up easily.
But I'm so misty now, I can hardly write.
I think he got me at "facial hair".
Outgoing POTY, Lauren Rathbone said...
Did you get my remarks on email?
I didn't get those Lauren, and will promptly insert them in accordance with you status as soon as they are received.
- J
Maria Rowen said...
Jeremy, your-Hairy-Highness. Bring on the bounty of benevolence but promise that all mystical powers in the world of worlds do not bear a beard for a prissy peep like me...
As most of you know, I don't tear up easily.
But I'm so misty now, I can hardly write.
I think he got me at "facial hair".
Outgoing POTY, Lauren Rathbone said...
Did you get my remarks on email?
I didn't get those Lauren, and will promptly insert them in accordance with you status as soon as they are received.
- J
Maria Rowen said...
Jeremy, your-Hairy-Highness. Bring on the bounty of benevolence but promise that all mystical powers in the world of worlds do not bear a beard for a prissy peep like me...
Saturday, January 02, 2010
Apology Offered
Please accept my apology if I insult you in any way with this Blog, but I think that political correctness is cowardly and obscene. I believe in live and let live, but if I think that you are a jerk, I have no problem letting you know. Honesty and loyalty occupy the top shelf in my pantry.
Chick Flick Pain
It's Saturday during a three day weekend. That's probably my favorite day plus I have no crisis to attend to, or immediate obligation.
So I think I'll sit on this couch for awhile and watch Saturday morning cable fishing shows. And when they are over, I'll probably sit and watch something else.
Unless Joanne starts to watch Chick Flick shows on the Women's Channel.
Then I'll do something better, like twist a high speed drill bit into my forehead.
That would actually be less painful than another day of Chick Flicks.
Don't get me wrong. I have my feminine side.... but I think that my feminine side is kind of a slut.
It would be great if they showed porn once in awhile on the Women's Channel.
So I think I'll sit on this couch for awhile and watch Saturday morning cable fishing shows. And when they are over, I'll probably sit and watch something else.
Unless Joanne starts to watch Chick Flick shows on the Women's Channel.
Then I'll do something better, like twist a high speed drill bit into my forehead.
That would actually be less painful than another day of Chick Flicks.
Don't get me wrong. I have my feminine side.... but I think that my feminine side is kind of a slut.
It would be great if they showed porn once in awhile on the Women's Channel.
Friday, January 01, 2010
Tommy O is In.
Tommy O just came across the street and announced that he is in to lose 52 lbs. this year as well.
Good Luck Big Guy.
We'll track your progress.
Pisc said...
Who is we? The august we? You sound like some French King with the we shit, or Brian Williams.
Keep it real.
Maria Rowen said...
With my degree in Nutrition, I feel confident in making a couple of dietary recommendations: Surrender the Sara Lee and grab some grapes. Saute spinach in stock, and grill a nice filet of fish...but...skip the tuna. It's oily and full of mercury.
Good Luck Big Guy.
We'll track your progress.
Pisc said...
Who is we? The august we? You sound like some French King with the we shit, or Brian Williams.
Keep it real.
Maria Rowen said...
With my degree in Nutrition, I feel confident in making a couple of dietary recommendations: Surrender the Sara Lee and grab some grapes. Saute spinach in stock, and grill a nice filet of fish...but...skip the tuna. It's oily and full of mercury.
Big Guy
I hate it when somebody calls me “Big Guy”. And everybody thinks that it is cool to do so. Waiters in restaurants, friends, family…. It doesn’t matter.
But when they call me “Big Guy”, there is no way that they are referring to my just barely six foot height. They were referring to my 257 lbs. of body mass. Some muscle and bone, but a significant part of it is flabby fat that has no place on the body of a Mountain of a Man like myself.
I’ve always had this internal picture of myself as “Rough, Touch, Hard to Bluff and Damn Good Looking”. In reality though, I was a “Big Guy” aka “Fat Shit”.
So every time someone says “Thanks, Big Guy” or “See you later, Big Guy”, I know that they are really saying “Thanks, Fat Shit”.
In High School and College, I was on the Cross Country and Track teams running long distance, and I ran the Boston Marathon when I was 18 years old. I weighed in the 150 lb. range, depending upon the level of training at the time. Granted, I didn’t feel comfortable at that weight. The bones in my buttocks actually bothered me when I sat on a wooden stool.
Over 100lbs and 30 odd years later, I don’t have that problem on a bar stool.
But I hate it when the bartender says, “What can I get you, Big Guy?”.
This year, I'm going to lose 60 lbs and get below 200 lbs again. And I'm going to write a book entitled "Don't Call Me Fat Shit." or something like that.
That is my New Year's Resolution.
Harvey Rowe said...
Good luck Big Guy on the resolution.However remember if you keep doing the same things and they never work you are bordering on"crazy acts".....I am willing to share my "DAPPER PLAN " with you......but trust me it will not be easy.....Let me know.
Thanks Harvey.
I agree that my selves are all stocked up on "crazy", but I'll have to pass on the "DAPPER PLAN". I'm frankly too scared to ask what that plan is.
Harvey Rowe said...
Good luck Big Guy on the resolution.However remember if you keep doing the same things and they never work you are bordering on"crazy acts".....I am willing to share my "DAPPER PLAN " with you......but trust me it will not be easy.....Let me know.
Thanks Harvey.
I agree that my selves are all stocked up on "crazy", but I'll have to pass on the "DAPPER PLAN". I'm frankly too scared to ask what that plan is.
Nanepashemet Peep of the Year - 2010
When you look at the history of this pathetic yet honorable designation....
Tom McMahon 2007
Michael "Murph" Murphy 2008
Lauren Rathbone 2009
.... there really isn't a discernible pattern. But all three have their strengths and weaknesses, and they all survived their year of glory/ridicule.
So today, the momentous decision arises again.
There was a huge pack of candidates to choose from this year. You know yourself how many annoying and/or inspirational things you did this year. So do I.
I let my guard down earlier this week and joked with SuperPeep Lindsey Kepnes that she was under consideration. Sorry Lindsey. And my sister-in-law Sue Sue Raiche made a last minute run at it this morning to no avail. No such luck Sue Sue. And how could Tuna Lips Antagonist Maria Rowen be ignored.... or the perennial also-ran, SuperPeep Brian Butler??? Both came up short. There's always next year.
Even with all of the worthy candidates during a year that was itself, annoying and inspirational, one Peep emerged above all others. Peep Protocol demands that there can be no explanation for the choice, and I will abide by this sacrosanct tenet, but those of you who know Jeremy and what he did this year can easily figure it out.
Good luck this year Jeremy. Shortly you will feel the almost mystical power that this honor/disgrace entails. May you reign with all of humility and arrogance that your title bestows upon you in the coming year.
Maria Rowen said...
Peak-Peep-Perfomance-Prevails for Jeremy! Congratulations and enjoy the honor and disgrace...364 days, 9 hours, 31 minutes and counting...
Jeremy Johnson, Reigning PEEP OF THE YEAR said....
Wow, I'm honored. The POTY powers are no joke – I woke up this morning with a Chuck Norris-style beard. And to think I had given up years ago on this lifelong dream. What’s next? I don’t know, but obviously the sky’s the limit. I’m just taking it one day at a time, looking forward with great anticipation to a year of reaping the vast bounty of goodwill, good luck, and great facial hair growth that accompanies this honorable designation. I promise all of the NPash Peeps that I'll keep it real -- my reign will be marked by benevolence, bipartisanship, and some old school trickle-down economics. 2009 was indeed a trying year but I realized how fiercely loyal, thoughtful and downright badass all of you peeps are. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no. 2010 will indeed be a better year -- 2012 will be outstanding.
Tom McMahon 2007
Michael "Murph" Murphy 2008
Lauren Rathbone 2009
.... there really isn't a discernible pattern. But all three have their strengths and weaknesses, and they all survived their year of glory/ridicule.
So today, the momentous decision arises again.
There was a huge pack of candidates to choose from this year. You know yourself how many annoying and/or inspirational things you did this year. So do I.
I let my guard down earlier this week and joked with SuperPeep Lindsey Kepnes that she was under consideration. Sorry Lindsey. And my sister-in-law Sue Sue Raiche made a last minute run at it this morning to no avail. No such luck Sue Sue. And how could Tuna Lips Antagonist Maria Rowen be ignored.... or the perennial also-ran, SuperPeep Brian Butler??? Both came up short. There's always next year.
Even with all of the worthy candidates during a year that was itself, annoying and inspirational, one Peep emerged above all others. Peep Protocol demands that there can be no explanation for the choice, and I will abide by this sacrosanct tenet, but those of you who know Jeremy and what he did this year can easily figure it out.
Nanepashemet Peep of the Year 2010
Jeremy Johnson
~Good luck this year Jeremy. Shortly you will feel the almost mystical power that this honor/disgrace entails. May you reign with all of humility and arrogance that your title bestows upon you in the coming year.
Maria Rowen said...
Peak-Peep-Perfomance-Prevails for Jeremy! Congratulations and enjoy the honor and disgrace...364 days, 9 hours, 31 minutes and counting...
Jeremy Johnson, Reigning PEEP OF THE YEAR said....
Wow, I'm honored. The POTY powers are no joke – I woke up this morning with a Chuck Norris-style beard. And to think I had given up years ago on this lifelong dream. What’s next? I don’t know, but obviously the sky’s the limit. I’m just taking it one day at a time, looking forward with great anticipation to a year of reaping the vast bounty of goodwill, good luck, and great facial hair growth that accompanies this honorable designation. I promise all of the NPash Peeps that I'll keep it real -- my reign will be marked by benevolence, bipartisanship, and some old school trickle-down economics. 2009 was indeed a trying year but I realized how fiercely loyal, thoughtful and downright badass all of you peeps are. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no. 2010 will indeed be a better year -- 2012 will be outstanding.
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