Martha.... if you were that good, don't you think that you would have gotten the Nanepashemet Nod???
If you did all of the good that you say you did, it would be a tossup between canonization as a living Saint, or coronation as our new Queen. You would have been toasted and feted at every turn, instead of running scared as Scott Brown closes the gap in the polls.
So maybe there is a little Bullshit being slung here....
You should tell the people what you believe in, and what you would do as our United States Senator....not regale us with tales of your self indulgent superhero feats.
Don't embarrass yourself.
Tuna Lips said...
The mug on this gal, with that gob of hers drawn up in a big ole suck face, brings amind Lois Thistletwat, the hard chargin' teen that absconded with my virtue and left me a drawer full o' crushedasians that no reglar soap could scrub aways, had me pawwin' at my rooster fer weeks. I say get thee to a nuttery, you brillo snatched she demon!
Pisc said...
In that pose, she looks like the wife of Judge Smails (Ted Knight) from CaddyShack.
Judge Elihu Smails said...
This is Martha (we can call her pooky), christening the "Flying Wasp":
The mug on this gal, with that gob of hers drawn up in a big ole suck face, brings amind Lois Thistletwat, the hard chargin' teen that absconded with my virtue and left me a drawer full o' crushedasians that no reglar soap could scrub aways, had me pawwin' at my rooster fer weeks. I say get thee to a nuttery, you brillo snatched she demon!
In that pose, she looks like the wife of Judge Smails (Ted Knight) from CaddyShack.
Let's give Scotzo a push to the finish line against this pearl wearing brahmin the Dems are puppeteering for the Commonwealth. Donate in the in the name of Peep of the Year "Crow Eater" Johnson.
This is Martha (we can call her pooky), christening the "Flying Wasp":
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