- Nanepashemet fights its way into a customer project contract using prior contacts.
- Various lower tier customer staff have loyalties to a host of other competitors, and throw all kinds of roadblocks.
- Nanepashemet dodges all obstacles and provides superior service regardless of the pitfalls.
- Senior staff of the customer start saying nice things about Nanepashemet because of positive metrics and results.
- Rank and File customer staff start to kiss our ass, and claim that they were in our corner all along.
- Recurring work comes our way from lower tier staff who want to impress senior staff that they are tight with Nanepashemet.

Not sure if this is a model that the Harvard Business School can use in its case studies. But that's the way it seems to work for Nanepashemet Telecom.
And we understand what we sell.... not telecom services.... but career advancement of the rank and file. We provide the opportunity for customer staff to attach their corporate career success to the project metrics that Nanepashemet can achieve for them when they identify with our output.
- Don't forget golf shirts and coffee mugs
1 comment:
Don't forget golf shirts and coffee mugs
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