Friday, June 15, 2012

Indian Fighters

I like to think of myself as an open-minded thinker... there being two sides to every story... my side and the wrong side.
So you would think that the tolerance and high mindedness of a mountain of a man like myself would be able to look past the foibles and idiosyncracies of the Harvard Native Indian Law Professor, Elizabeth Warren.
But I can't.
Not only that, I can't see how anyone could prefer her over a straight shooter like Scott Brown.  Yet there are some who defend and support her.
A nice girl named Malika just came to my front door with an Environmental Petition, asking me for money, which I politely refused to give.  Then she asked me if I was supporting Warren or Brown.  I said "Absolutely Brown" and she tried to keep a straight face.
I just don't get it.

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