Sunday, January 27, 2008

Saturday Satisfaction

Yesterday was a fun day.
A little bit of Nanepashemet Telecom in the morning, then I shut it down to do a dump run. Two weeks of missing the curbside trash collection can be a messy thing - a bit of an overflow. So I brought four barrell loads to the Marblehead Town Transfer Station, which is a fancy name for the Marblehead Dump.
I love it at the Dump.
Everyone you see is always pretty friendly.... it seems that you capture the essense of their goodness.... at the Dump. In over 20 years, I've only had one bad experience there, which I won't tell you about. Painful memory.
When I got home, Ryan and Will Crawford came over with a load of scrap wood from Ryan's basement renovation project. I was getting ready to knock apart some hardwood delivery pallets from our Telecom warehouse anyway, and cut it to size to burn in the fireplace this weekend. So I cut up the load of scrap wood and worked up a little sweat in the garage.
Then I went to see my friend who doesn't want his name mentioned in the Blog. I can understand his concern. Anyone I name here usually attains instant celebrity, and many of you can't handle that type of pressure. My "Friend Who Doesn't Want His Name Mentioned in the Blog" is one such individual.
So I had a couple of beers with "FWDWHNM in the B," then suggested that I pick up Joanne and make some pizza's for dinner.
"FWDWHNM in the B" is allergic to cats, so he only comes to my house at special occasions, like when he has to borrow some tools. So when we want to invite him and his fascinating wife to my house for dinner, we usually pick up the meal and bring it to their house.
Joanne bought some artichokes, roasted peppers and pancetta at the Community Store. Pancetta is Italian bacon and Joanne fried it until it was crumbly and crumbly and crispy. It was killer topping of the pizza.
I'm not saying that my pizza is better than Vesuvius', but it's still damn good, and last night was some of the best that I've made in some time.

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