Thursday, January 17, 2008
POTW Week 3
- Wojo
So Bob Wojcik decides to tell me that the Blog is suffering.... Et tu, Brute.
Do you think I'm stupid Bob???
Don't you think I know crap when I see it????? Not to mention write it????
Once again, Wojcik succeeds in infuriating me. Go ahead... kick a guy when he's down. I know that the Blog is hurting... that I haven't had time to properly craft the level of literary excellence that you Peeps have grown to know and expect. I even went to the trouble to explain that I am completely preoccupied with some other stuff for the time being. But No. I'm held to an impossibly high standard by the pathetic, wanton, grasping masses.
Don't you think I deserve a pass once in awhile????
Man... why don't you just kill me and get it over with?
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the Third Week of 2008
Bob Wojcik
Bill Hillegas
Vince Antonnacci
Tedy Bruschi
Leonardo Di Caprio
Lynda Murray
At least I'm trying.
Anonymous said...
Do you think it is easy, calling out my Mentor? The man I look up to with utmost respect. Hell no!!! Nevertheless, somebody had to sack up and call you out. Had the roles been reversed, you would have had me for lunch a long time ago. In fact, if I were you, I would be disappointed that it has taken this long for any of the Peeps to question your efforts. That, in my opinion, is VERY unnestor like! We all deserve shame for giving you this extended free pass. At least I will be able to look in the mirror tonight. Question is, will you???
Wojo -
8:57 AM
Anonymous said...
Good Christ on the road to Calvary, who is this ignant feller Bob who needs to get a new last name? Doedn't he know that those Polack types is among the dumbest breeds of humanoids? Don't go advertisin it, let alone braggin' on yer smarts, there, Bobinski, criticizing the like of a real American mick. And how bout you buy yerself another vowel from Vanna White there, Kielbasa boy, get in line with the times.
I do admire the on-line porn that originates in the regions formerly ruled by the czar, I grant you that. But shut your one-foot-out of-the-gulag arse and be thankful you are eatin' more than grass and moldy potatoes. I'm out. -
1:21 PM
Do you think it is easy, calling out my Mentor? The man I look up to with utmost respect. Hell no!!! Nevertheless, somebody had to sack up and call you out. Had the roles been reversed, you would have had me for lunch a long time ago. In fact, if I were you, I would be disappointed that it has taken this long for any of the Peeps to question your efforts. That, in my opinion, is VERY unnestor like! We all deserve shame for giving you this extended free pass. At least I will be able to look in the mirror tonight. Question is, will you???
Good Christ on the road to Calvary, who is this ignant feller Bob who needs to get a new last name? Doedn't he know that those Polack types is among the dumbest breeds of humanoids? Don't go advertisin it, let alone braggin' on yer smarts, there, Bobinski, criticizing the like of a real American mick. And how bout you buy yerself another vowel from Vanna White there, Kielbasa boy, get in line with the times.
I do admire the on-line porn that originates in the regions formerly ruled by the czar, I grant you that. But shut your one-foot-out of-the-gulag arse and be thankful you are eatin' more than grass and moldy potatoes. I'm out.