Friday, January 18, 2008

Burdensome Dilemma

The pressure is on.
Wojcik has me really on the ropes to get back in the mainstream of Blog culture. And in my heart, I know he's right. As pissed off as he makes me, I actually like the little peckerhead. He's Polish, but he's smart. And Tuna Lips was way too harsh on Wojo. TL .... there's a difference between evil and deranged. Learn to recognize it!
But I digress . Let's continue talking about me.
It's just that Nanepashemet Telecom has been so busy. Really crazy busy. Which is good, but it has crimped my style big time. I need to be calm, and a little bored to get creative, and it's been anything but that. If we just perform on the stuff that is in front of us in the first quarter alone, we could make our whole year financially as well as solidify the position of Nanepashemet in the marketplace. All we have to do is keep our heads, work hard, and do what we know how to do.
So the dilemma is .... do I stay focused with my eyes on the prize, or divert into the itinerant world of blogging to satisfy the likes of Bob Wojcik and thousands of other pathetic souls who seek me out for daily and incessant guidance and inspiration???
What would you do if you were me..... with an incredibly needy, almost cult-like, Peep following to support?
Sometimes it's a burden to even breathe.

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