Monday, July 19, 2010

No Invitation

So far, Joanne and I have not been invited to Chelsea Clinton's wedding.
Naturally, we are shocked, perplexed, and not a little hurt.
Why Chelsea?  Why are we being left out and shunned????
Is it because of all of the bad things that we've said about your Dad and Mom?   Is it because you've invited the Obamas and are afraid we might do something embarassing?  Is it because Nanepashemet and Oprah in the same reception room might steal all of the attention?????

I can't believe this.  Can't believe that you would would be so shallow.

Tuna Lips said...
Hek, its festival seatin' at most of these back country nupshals, I always finds me a bridesmaid who is preggers and get my funky chicken goin', in case we can reach agreement, i gots no worries, she being all ruint and such. And alway keep a clean nose fer casin' the joint, it gets nutty enough thems fergets the jugs o' shine and balless chickens (the frenchies call 'em cape ons) that folk brung along. You stock yerself a party whilst partying. Good times. Hooooey!

1 comment:

Tuna Lips said...

Hek, its festival seatin' at most of these back country nupshals, I always finds me a bridesmaid who is preggers and get my funky chicken goin', in case we can reach agreement, i gots no worries, she being all ruint and such. And alway keep a clean nose fer casin' the joint, it gets nutty enough thems fergets the jugs o' shine and balless chickens (the frenchies call 'em cape ons) that folk brung along. You stock yerself a party whilst partying. Good times. Hooooey!