Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Detour from Arkansas

Hat's off to Tuna Lips for setting me straight on the big Clinton shun.   Do you ever wonder why the Clinton clan went straight to New York after Washington DC and never seem to show up in Arkansas?
I once had the occasion to have lunch in Little Rock and got a pretty good dose of the distain that the locals there have for the Clinton's.   There was a burger on the menu at the pub that was touted as the "Best Burger West of the Mississippi".  The undercaption read..."And unlike Clinton, we ain't lying."
When I asked my local guests, who were project managers at Alltel that we were doing a network upgrade for, what that might signify.....they went on a tirade about Clinton that had me a bit taken back.   I had expected a bit of local loyalty.... especially towards an outsider like me from New England.
I'll bet that the contingent from Arkansas will be pretty small at the upcoming nuptials.

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