Sarah Palin has just finished her speech at the Republican National Convention, and blasted one out of the Ballpark. What a brilliant, charismatic, poised leader! What a huge job by John McCain choosing such a talented running mate!
Hillary must have messed her pantsuit.
So tough, so erudite, so centered and down to earth, a great sense of humor. American has witnesssed the birth of a great leader.
The Democrats and Liberals will throw the kitchen sink at her, but they had better take cover because she has the ability to hurl it right back.
She's forthright, honest, balanced and confident. What a surprise! I like her a lot.
"What is the difference between a Pit Bull and a Hockey Mom?
Lipstick. " - Gov. Sarah Palin
Hills waren't the only one with a mess in her shorts - I started humpin' the throw pillow when sweet Sarah Pecan Pie (thats my pet name fer her) went on about wearing lipstick and laying pipelines. Ooohey. I feel like Bugs Bunny when he kissed that robot Rabbit with the nice taters and got hisself a shock. No need for the $3.49 I drop every month on "NaughtyLibrarian.com"! The economics just got trended up!