Are they hard hitting questions or just ideological boobytraps that Charlie Gibson asks with his low toned, condescending manner? What do you think?
I personally think that Palin came through as much more of a person that I would trust than Gibson, and Gibson never really bothered me before. Who seemed truthful and sincere to you?.... Sarah or Charlie???
I care more about sincerity than whether someone can define the "Bush Doctrine". The Presidency is not a pop quiz. It's about leadership, competence, and judgment.
Did you see Gibson's face when Sarah praised Hillary Clinton??? He didn't see that coming and looked like a fly had landed on his burger. By Palin praising the virtues of Clinton taking shots as a women, she tied directly into the bulk of female voters who supported Hillary because of her gender, and Mr. Smug knew it.
Palin was good on her feet, struggled with some of the questions, and came through exactly as the person that we need for leadership - a free thinking, non-phoney.
So Charlie, I think I'm going to vote for Palin, and avoid your biased journalism for the rest of your smug, condescending career. Nice interview.
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