She is the Governor of the largest state in the Union with huge energy and environmental issues.
Obama is one of two Senators in the State of Illinois.
Let's get off of the experience issue and actually listen to these people.
I also get a big kick out of those who think they can put horns on the head of George Bush, and say that if you agree with the President of the United States, that you are somehow ominous.
All I know is that after September 11, 2001, when we thought that we were under seige by fanatical, suicidal, murderous ideologues, George Bush pinned the assholes back into holes somewhere in Whatthefuckistan, and there have been no more attacks on American soil.
Do you realize how easy it is for some suicidal sociopath to wreak havoc in our urban areas? I give Bush the credit for the safety we have enjoyed for the past eight years. Can you imagine if we had a weakling like Jimmy Carter in there with his hands at the wheel? People forget that Iran flipped us the bird for over a year while Carter was President, holding our diplomats hostage, and released them the day that a strong leader, Ronald Reagan, was elected.
Like Harry Truman before him, history will be kind to the judgement and courage

"At one point in his second term, near the end of the Korean War, Truman's public opinion ratings reached the lowest point yet recorded for any United States president until George W. Bush. Despite negative public opinion during his term in office, popular and scholarly assessments of his presidency became more positive after his retirement from politics and the publication of his memoirs. U.S. scholars today rank him among the top ten best presidents." - Wikipedia
Ah. I was having a discussion today with some friends and despite some a mixed political audience, we failed to come up with any reason why one would think the state of the country is anything less than dreadful. Do you really, honestly believe that "history will be kind to George Bush"? Seriously, man. It might be time to get a passport, open a book, turn off Fox news, or otherwise just declare yourself a knee-jerk Republican.
Dear Anonymous,
First, get some new friends.
Second, have the courage of your convictions and sign your real name.
Third, check out something other than Fox news.
Fourth, Notice that you ass is still intact and hasn't been blown apart by an Al Queda Terrorist since Sept. 11, 2001.
If you think Obama is for change, you are right. Wait till you see what kind of change you're in for.
I thinks its time for yonder "Anonymous" pantywaste (its okay boy, I respects your need to not go braggin' on being a wussy boy) to consider getting hisself on a plane and turnin' off the View and findin' a new location to be pecker jerkin' rest stop twink. I myself is better off, every day I live is better than the one afore.
Which gets my entreprontorail lobes thinking. Mayhap this double servin' o' fruit salad should russle up some of his electronics wizard friends he plays the Dungeons and Dillholes game with, set up a studio with a camera, you know, like they do with the streamin' porn, and hang hisself on the internet. I'd pay to see his getting his release from the interminable fires of this sweet land of liberty. He could make a nickel or 2 and donate it to the fund his group of friends will start, them folks that he talks with about important stuff, they might get some danish and bagels fer they next meeting, or double down and score some cyanide and goes Jonestown. You could do that at half time at the roller derby. Yee haw! I is good!
If I knew it was you Tommy, I definitely would have been a little gentler. After all, you are a former POTY.
You knows this feller, Tommie the Commie? Smack him twice, put on some Skynard and plug him with some sour mash. These maladictions can be cured. I seens it. I will come round and lay hands on his peanut skull if need arises.
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