Thursday, September 11, 2008

Week 37 -POTW

You have to admit, this is a great country.
Where else do bitter national Presidential rivals call a truce to show respect at the site of a national tragedy? Our political system is actually pretty enlighted and civilized.... compared to what it could be, and despite the pettiness that the press likes to hone in on.
I wonder if Sarah Palin knew what she was in for when she accepted this nomination. For that matter, consider the plight of her future son-in-law. Imagine that poor bastard waking up one morning and thinking, "Oh Shit! I knocked up my girlfriend! Man - Am I in Deep!" Buddy, you have no freaking idea.
And that leads us to the all important weekly selections, that virtually the entire country is waiting for.....
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for 37th week of 2008

Matt Damon
Emily Engardia
Vince Willfork
Sarah Crawford
Ben Orichi
Bill Hillegas

Can't wait to see what self righteous, all-full-of-themselves, celebrities that Sarah Palin pisses off next!!! This is getting to be fun.

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