Not so if you heard the "objective" (and I say that with a hint of sarcasm in my voice) analysis by the ABC News analysts, Charlie Gibson, George Stephanopoulos and that blonde idiot, Dianne Sawyer. You would have thought that Obama emerged anointed as the obvious victor.

I just don't get it. Did I watch the same debate that they did???? When McCain showed a vast historical reservoir of knowledge, these phonies analyzed that it made him look "old". Old because he knew the history behind the current situation. My problem is that I was too lazy to get up and switch off these pundit posers.
I really didn't have anything against these assholes before they showed their biased colors. Now I can't believe how repugnant they are to me as they seek to forcefeed this Obama juggernaut to this nation.

The only solace is that it's just a short period of time to endure before McCain wins and forces these shitheads to return to their dens to contemplate their obvious intellectual superiority over the American electorate. It must be nice to be so right.
I think yer kerect. That Obamy is the poster chile fer the support that sand perdestrian iranian feller. Christ on a popsicle stick. This here planet aint got time to truck the insolence of that Adjimabob feller. someone incarcerate his camel ridin ass and hose him down. Needs a bath. Obamy would talk to him over some nice white whine and them little sangwiches while the sand spittin viper nods his head and talks about justice on earth, all the while his 40 theives is cleaning out the pantry and ravishin' the kitchen girls.
Arm yerself for justice, I says. I am votin' fer fear, ladies.