Friday, September 21, 2012

POTW Week 38

Mitt Romney disclosed his taxes today.   Seems he has averaged 20% over the last twenty years, and the total is in the multi-millions.  And this doesn't include the 10% tithe that he makes to his church.

Now I want to see what Obama has paid... not just the percentage.... but the total amount.   Who has contributed the most????
And I want to see Obama's college transcripts.  What were his grades?  What did he study?  What financial aid did he receive?  The big rumor is that he registered as an Indonesian foreign aid student named Barry Soetoro.  Obama must disclose and quell this falsehood.  Right?
We have a right to know.... don't we??????
And in the meantime... where are Liz Warrens employment records?   How come she won't disclose?  What is she hiding?  A little ill begotten Affirmative Action perc maybe?

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 38th Week of 2012

Elizabeth Warren
Barry Soetoro
Wendy Heller
Cindy Bencal
Liz Kelleher
Maria Rowen

The game is over now that Romney has disclosed and called their bluff.   Now we want to see from the critical Dems.
Gotta Love Politics.
It is scientific proof that we never grow up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not to piss in your cherio's or spoil your love affair du'jour with the latest Republican but.....Remember, the figure Romney released was the average tax rate per year—not the cumulative tax rate. That means years in which he had lower income but a higher tax rate are weighted the same as years in which he had higher income and a lower rate. It's sort of a like a baseball player hitting .600 as a rookie in five games and then hitting .250 the next year in a full season, and then claiming a .425 lifetime batting average. It just doesn't add up.