Monday, September 03, 2012


Harvey Rowe, Lisa Panakio Rowe, and Superpeep Maria Rowen came by  for dinner tonight on the deck.  Maria brought some incredible crab stuffed mushrooms, and we did our best with the lemon pepper chicken breasts on the grill with some garden salads.
I had one or three Dark and Stormies and listened to Harvey's incredible story of his friend, Kim Garbarino's swim across the English Channel this month.  Harvey worked the boat politics while Craig Lewin did the in the water coaching as Kim Garabino braved fifty seven degree water to swim the 22 mi. channel in over 13 hours.
Harvey's rendition of the effort was spellbinding as Kim completed the feat after wishing to quit after the initial six hours.  It was absolutely a mind over matter accomplishment.
It was a great trip to London for Harvey and his team and I'm really happy for their success.

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