Saturday, December 08, 2007

Successful Striving

That telecom deal that I was semi-telling you about kicked in last week. It's a bit different than what we were anticipating, but less may be more in the long run.
It means that the holiday season will be alot more stressful than usual, because I won't have too much idle time.
It's funny.... the let down that you get when you have achieved something that you have been striving for. When I was a business director at General Dynamics, the sales people always wanted to have a celebration when we won a big job. But the project managers were always soberly assessing the work effort ahead. I always tended to side with the PMs, even though the sales staff were legitimate in feeling good and resolved about the win. Their work was done.
I'm psyched though. This is the breakthrough that we have been looking for. We have a chance to go head to head with our competitors and show the customers how this business can be done.
The rubber is hitting the road. Should be a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Felice Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo

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