Saturday, December 15, 2007

Stupid Choice

Those of you Peeps who have had the good fortune to actually work with me know that when the going gets tough, sooner or later I'll end up quoting Henry Ford.
"Whether you think you Can, or think you Can't... you're Right!"
Some people get inspired and motivated when I say this.... others are doubtful and intimidated... and the majority just get pissed off at me.
I don't care, because I really believe it. Plus I'm not afraid to fail. Babe Ruth was the Home Run King of Baseball for years, but did you know that he also has the record for strikeouts? You are known by your successes, not your failures.... and you can't succeed unless you try.
But I feel the need to modify Ford's credo. After all, he wasn't right about everything, being a racist and whatnot.
So for now on, I'm going to nudge others to success by the following.....
"If you think you CAN, at least you've given yourself a fighting chance. If you think you CAN'T, you are absolutely right."
This way, those of you who are so paranoid of failure have an out.

No matter which choice you make, the one thing that you can absolutely count on is that things change and anything can happen. So with that basic fact, to say you can't is pretty stupid.

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