Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Holiday Strain

Every year in the wireless telecom industry, the same thing happens.... a headlong rush to get things done by the end of the year. As I contemplate the last ten years doing this, the holidays are always extra stress. If it's not a major procurement, it is a production deadline that must be met.
This year is no different. Fending customer expectations and trying to get subs to take on challenging amounts of work.
The Stress and Strain Game. Pressure that a lesser man would surely find daunting. And yet I carry on. If I only was eligible for POTW, this type of inspiration would be a no-brainer.

Tuna Lips said...

Speaking of strain, I need to introduce some fiber to my diet. I popped a blood vessel "heavin' a havana" last night, plugged up the Route 135 rest stop outhouse but good.

Seems the local area boys choir gave a concert last night, al fresco, takin' to the woods about the rest area, singin' what musta been Christmas carols, what with all the howlin' and gleefulness. Gave me a special feelin'. And the local police provided the twinkle lights, with their strobes of blue and red flashin' and they search lights flashin' across the tree line. Real community spirit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of strain, I need to introduce some fiber to my diet. I popped a blood vessel "heavin' a havana" last night, plugged up the Route 135 rest stop outhouse but good.

Seems the local area boys choir gave a concert last night, al fresco, takin' to the woods about the rest area, singin' what musta been Christmas carols, what with all the howlin' and gleefulness. Gave me a special feelin'. And the local police provided the twinkle lights, with their strobes of blue and red flashin' and they search lights flashin' across the tree line. Real community spirit.