Feeder visitors of note were this Chickadee and a few of his flock, two young Cardinals - a male and female - as well as a House Finch and the Downy Woodpecker.
I couldn't catch the woodpecker on camera.
Other than that, the Sparrows are pigging out and a couple of Mourning Doves have shown up.

See, it was on account of them barn burnings that we had to move across the county to Cow Nipple Creek. Daddy said is was for our protection. Anyhow, back of the house, the Stockard rail line passed, running from Atlanta to Chattanooga to Austin, TX. Carried pork entrails one way, beef the other. Cow Nipple Creek was a whistle stop along the way. We took back to things same as ever, pa was shinin, momma was giving dance lessons to the brakeman as well as the coal scuttlers. Dirty work, momma said it made her feel filthy. Me, I was rising like a weed, getting into everything, chasing craw dads at the creek shaped like a cow's nipple (hence the name, see), takin the etiquette lessons as they came, and shoveling corn from the silo into the buckets, werefrom we slopped the landowners pigs. It was in this stage of my life that I learned of these here birds you are holding forth about. See, daddy went and mixed some kerosene into his hooch, lookin' for that secret mix that he says was his pappy's pappy's recipe, and well, the whole town turned out to complain one night on account of the local banker and his sons being in a cato tonic state, they claim on account of daddy's secret recipe. . . .
Hello there, my chickadee....
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