Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Burdensome Free Speech

Have any of you Peeps noticed the comments made by "the Topper" and "Tuna Lips"???? They are bogging down the Blog, nasty to Nanepashemet, piercing to the Peeps. What can we do about these sinister influences???
Even though I believe in a free exchange of ideas, and cherish our civil liberties.... I am troubled by the hapless comments made by these ill advised individuals.
As always, I am open to suggestions from the Peeps in dealing with this unpalateable dilemma. Despite the fact that I hardly ever do what you suggest, I am still open.


Anonymous said...

Sound of crickets chirping. TL and the Topper are the lemon zest on a bland piece of Chicken Francese.

Anonymous said...

Here's a suggestion. Mix some Prestone in with yer Dark and Stormy. The green elixir will give you superhuman powers.