The Piandetosi Sliding Seat rigs were positioned and formed the basis for identifying the correct height of the seats. Then I had to fabricate a way to clamp the seat support stake to the gunwales.
Lots of standing around and vacant stareing.
After much trial and error, I came up with a way to clamp curved stakes so that they applied the correct clamping pressure.

The correct position of the seat support stakes now will drive the final trimming of the centerboard case, and no other mysteries remain as to how the work will proceed.
The tender is designed to be adaptable to rowing with one or two sliding seat rigs, or just the normal bench seats when sailing and rowing in a calm.

I like the idea of sailing, but I can envision this boat being used as a trolling unit for striped bass along the shore, while in getting a nice rowing workout with the sliding seat units.
Also, I haven't decided on whether to build in rod holders, or get detachable clamp on versions.
The pressure of these decisions would be a challenge to a lesser man....
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