It was a frosty twenty eight degree morning when we left at 8:15 and the mountain views were as crisp as an HDTV plasma flat screen in a Circuit City showroom.
Following the Androscoggin River on Route 16 past Berlin, we had to stop for a moose in the middle of the road. It casually lumbered into the woods and immediately seemed to be transparent in the background. It is still hard to imagine that something so big thrives in the woodland up here. Look at the right of the picture and you can see it before it vanished into the forest.
Stopped at LL Cote in Errol and I bought a small Okuma spinning rig and some lures to wet a line at the Lake, while Joanne was in another part of the store. When we met up to leave the store, I told her that I bought the rod and reel for her as an early Christmas present, but I couldn't pull the story off.
Joanne thought she was being set up, and felt that I had planned this trip solely to

After my tenth, I started to feel guilty, but the rig, set up with a small Kastmaster jig, was so much fun to cast.
So I cast a couple more.
When I felt I was pressing my luck, I got back into the truck and we went through the Grafton Notch Sate Park in Maine over to Bethel. I obligingly went into a couple of gift shops, then we deadheaded to Margaritaville in Glen for lunch.
Two margaritas and one pulled pork chimichanga later, it definitely qualified as a Saturday morning to remember.
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