
It would appear that heterosexuals are natural homophobes. The urges and thoughts that the average hetero gets about the opposite sex are so constant and prevailing that the very thought that these feelings could be aimed at a same sex situation, by people so inclined, causes a humorous, angry, or fearful reaction. Hence, gay jokes are used to defuse the impact of these emotions.
I think gay jokes are pretty funny. As a caring, feeling, human being, I don't want to hurt the feelings of gay people, but I'm not phony about laughing about gay stuff.
I've known gay people, and I don't feel that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice.
If you are confronted with a couple of provocative naked people, you can't choose whether a male or a female will give you the familiar tingle. You have no choice. So gay bashing obviously doesn't make any sense, outside of the basic human tendency to attack people who are different or who you do not understand.
In this sense, homophobia might be a tribal thing.
BTW - I'm in the Hetero Tribe and Blogging is NOT GAY!!!!
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