Friday, September 12, 2008

Gibson Go Around

Getting ready to watch the next masterpiece of media journalism from Charlie Gibson.
"Have you ever met a head of state?" he asked the Governor of Alaska last night. How many heads of state did Obama know before he ran for President? Let's have more great probing questions like that one tonight Charlie.
I'll take Palin with her sense of judgement over all of those Georgetown dinner party politicians who could answer yes to that question.
I never used to buy into this Democratic media bias that guys like Rush Limbaugh always rail about. But now the media seems to be showing their true colors... and are showing a need to manipulate public opinion away from John McCain's great choice.
Seems to me like Gibson and the media are the real losers here. When this campaign is over, and the people speak in this great system that we have, I doubt that these media elitists will be so smug, after their concerted smear effort is defeated. Good luck Charlie.
BTW - How's the prepping going for your next riveting interview with Joe Biden? Not one scheduled? No sound bites needed there??? Seems a little biased/sexist to me.

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