Saturday, October 14, 2006

Cramming It In

Sunday shapes up to be a little busy.
Get up in No. Conway - take a walk around the neighborhood with Joanne, then maybe break a sweat with a run through the woods behind the hospital afterward.
Joanne is going to stay until Mon. Morn., but I have an 8:00 AM flight to Atlanta so I'll be heading out by 11:00 or noon to Marblehead. That gets me home by 2:30PM - plenty of time to organize the packing for next week. Darwinians will be in Atlanta, then SF, Phoenix and San Diego, returning Fri.
The Herreshoff is falling behind. If I can get the breasthook installed tomorrow and glue the spacer blocks onto the interior gunwale rails, then it would be a semblance of progress. Today's sojourn along the Androscoggin and to Umbagog Lake gave me a lot ideas about trailering the finished Herreshoff and trolling around the White Mountain rivers and ponds next year.
Problem is that a great day fishing here up north is a great day fishing around Marblehead. It's hard to choose.
Probably no moose sightings tomorrow.

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