Sunday, May 20, 2012

Summer Start Prep

Next weekend is Memorial Day... the start of summer
As most of you know, summer is the magic season here in the Coastal Town of Marblehead, Massachusetts.  Between fishing, boating, tie-ups at the islands, cookouts and hanging out on the Yacht Club Porches,  we try to find the time to get some work in and make some money.
Every summer is important.  You'll be dead a long time... so you really can't afford to waste the summer in Marblehead.
So I spent some hours this weekend getting the Pram and the Tender ready for the water.  I sanded and epoxied the outside hull of the pram and got it ready for a coat of primer and some finish coats of paint.  I won't make the mistake this year of putting bottom paint on the pram.  It's more of a problem always having the bottom paint come off on your hands than powerwashing whatever growth decides to reside on the pram bottom.  I know that there will be algae and barnacles galore on the bottom within a month, but I'd rather deal with that than bottom paint residue on your hands.
The Herreshoff Columbia Tender is another problem altogether.  Trying to keep the whole thing with a natural finish has been a nightmare.   The outside hull is fine, but the gunnel rails and the seats can't seem to hold a coat of epoxy and marine varnish, and the interior flooring panels have to be screwed down on rails and hold all sorts of debris underneath.
I'm going to spraypaint the interior from the seats down... White.  Marine White High Gloss.  And I will omit the flooring panels all together.
Even though the seats are laminated mahogany, oak and cedar... the fact that epoxy and varnish peals away within a season has me looking for a better maintenance alternative.   Have to go with the paint and see how that works this year.
There's probably another 20 hours of work left to get these boats up to the MOAM standard of excellence. I would love to squeeze these hours in before the end of the week, but I doubt it.  Have to head down to New Haven, and that always kills any personal hours left in the week.

Remedy for Excessive Blog Hits

I can tell from the excessive amounts of hits lately that some of you are a bit obsessed with this Nanepashemet Blog.   Not that I can blame you.  It's beyond the capabilities of most of you not to be enamored with the exploits and ideas of a Mountain of a Man like me.
But excessive searching on this Blog can be injurious to your health... kind of like the four hour stiffy that Viagara ads warn you about.
Part of the problem is that the average Peep tends to think that every vaguely worded post is all about them personally.... which portends the huge ego and mental feeblemindedness that this pathetic blog seems to attract.
And the frustration that this engenders is horrific, especially when the hapless Blog Reader finally reaches the conclusion that the Blog is not about them at all... that they are insignificant and minute blobs of protoplasm hopelessly trying to find meaning within the digital ramblings of a MOAM, and getting no satisfaction whatsoever.
After extensive consultation with some of the finest psychologists, self- help quacks and acupuncturists in the ten mile radius around my house, I have come to the following suggestion.
Don't look for meaning from me.... send money instead.
Each time you Google "Nanepashemet", send a $10 cash money American Bill in the mail directly to me.
After a while, you will be so broke that you won't be able to buy food, and the hunger will aid in a gradual decline in the number of daily blog hits that you make.
And don't think you can get around this by Googling "John Nestor Marblehead"  or " Mountain of a Man" instead of  "Nanepashemet".  You must send the ten spot cash to get the cure.   And for God sakes, don't even think of leaving a comment  (unless you are Tuna Lips, of course) .... that could cost you thousands.
If you want to risk screwing with the IRS, you can write off the payments to charity.  Because I will be using the money to fund the MOAM Foundation.... dedicated to the financial well being of me....  easily the most worthy charity that you could donate to.
And when you relapse, just double up on the payments.  Don't think of yourself as a Loser... just a recovering Nanepashaholic.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Maddies Fishing Tournament Entry

The Flying Elvis team talleyed   (1) 35" Striper, (1) 20" Cod, (3)  flounders and a Harbor Seal. They let the seal go, but I wish they kept it. Heard there were some great seal recipes in the Pow Wow Chow book.
They probably didn't win because Mark Vona was in the tournament and we don't have the results yet.


Mackerel are running in Salem Sound.   Brendt and Ryan hit them big on Tinker's Buoy as they fished for live bait.
When I was a kid, we used to eat them.  They are strong tasting,  dark and oily, but if you like fish, still good.  And highly nutritious... twice as much Omega3 oil as salmon.
They also put up a nice fight for a small fish and are a lot of fun to land with light tackle.  Good lobster trap bait too.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Sweet Charity

Nobody likes to be lied to.
It always brings on an aggressive reaction from those on the receiving end.
But when you start to see that the liar really believes the lie, and there is a persistent pattern of denial and misstatement, on many levels of background, history and normal facts,  it becomes apparent that there might be some sort of mental impairment.
Anger then turns to sympathy.

That changes everything. You get pissed at an Asshole, but you feel pity for the Mentally Deranged.

In their condition, they are just poor losers trying to cope.  They place the source of their bad fortune on everybody else by lying to themselves.  When they get fired, it's the Bosses fault.  When they lose their house, it's the Banker's fault.   When their kids act like spoiled jerks, it's the Teacher's fault.  They project all of their shortcomings on to others. Maybe they're not trying to screw people all the time.  Maybe they just can't help it.
They don't have the mental ability to realize that they are the cause of their own problems.   They don't take responsibility for their own lives.   They continually lie to themselves and others.

Some might be content to call them Assholes, but there has to be a deeper mental disturbance going on here.  And the pattern goes on and on.
Thank God for Charity.  But then again, they lie in order to get it.... about their job, income, etc.  And the pattern is perpetuated.  Unfortunately, the legal system doesn't have a way to manage these types, and sooner or later, their lies buy them time in the joint.

Pow Wow Chow???... WOW!

Just when you think that the Warren "I'm 1/32 Indian, so I checked the Affirmative Action Box" issue has run it's course, now comes the bombshell that she contributed plagiarized recipes to POW WOW CHOW, that classic of American Indian Cuisine.

Pow Wow Chow, A Collection of Recipes from Families of the Five Civilized Tribes : Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole [Paperback], is available from Amazon.
Apparently, Elizabeth Warren reached deeply into her 1/32 heritage and came out with some old family recipes that her family enjoyed after a buffalo hunt or a little stint in the sweat lodge with the Medicine Men.  Funny how those native cuisine recipe chestnuts get handed down... even to those who have 31/32 white blood coursing through their native veins.  It explains why Liz always orders the Buffalo Jerky appetizer at the Harvard Law Luncheon soirees.

This fraud is running for the US Senate  to represent Massachusetts.  Some might say that the Commonwealth deserves a NutJob like this pulling the strings from Washington.  If she was running against Kerry, maybe even I would throw her a vote, but she's taking on Scott Brown, who is one of the few pols that I actually believe is level headed and trying to do the right thing.
My old friend, Wayne Webster put a lot of great stuff out about our Indian Wannabee on Facebook the other day, and I pushed like hell to provoke some of my Lefty friends to come to her aid with some hanging Facebook strings..... and didn't get one taker.

That's how bad she is.  Even the Dems won't touch this one.

My hypothesis stands... You have to be weird to run for politics, in the first place, but there are weirdos.... then there are Holy Shit, NO FREAKING WAAAY Weirdos.....
......Which is the category currently taken by the Cherokee Chef who grew up to be a Harvard Law Professor.

Road to Hell

I believe that Florida seventeen year old, Trevon Martin, was a punk who beat the shit out of George Zimmerman.   And I believe that George Zimmerman was afraid for his life and shot Martin out of self defense.
But George Zimmerman is guilty as sin.  He was told by the Police to back off, yet he voluntarily put himself in harm's way.  If he had obeyed police orders, Martin would be alive... punk or not, and Zimmerman would not be weathering judgement for murder.
Because Martin is Black, race baiters like Jesse Jackson have taken advantage of the situation, trying to fan the flames that keep haters like them in business.   That's been a tragic side show within an overall tragic situation.
Zimmerman is probably a good guy... with good intentions.  But the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, and his poor judgement is sending him down the road.... which he deserves.

Anonymous9:14 AM
Let's get technical for a moment; the police said, "we don't need you to do that"--they never said for him to get back into his car and drive away. Knowing this will be fundamental part to refute the charges.
Appreciate your point Frank, but he didn't have to get involved.  He called the police.  It was their call.  Now a kid is dead and his life is ruined

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Piscine Prognostication

It happens every year.  Some Hollywood types begging me to take the Nanepashemet Blog into some sort of tawdry reality show series.    And every year, I tell them to go to hell.  My story is not for sale.  At least not for sale cheaply.   And I'm definitely not doing it now that fishing season is around the corner. 
We've got all of our fishing tackle organized as hell, and have big plans to tune up all of the loose ends on the WhaleEye.
Got a call this morning from another of my legal buddies telling me of his fishing success down on the Cape this weekend. The piscine aficionado landed some blues and schoolie stripers, and was right at the verge of his enthusiasm transforming into bravado. Not that I can blame him. If I caught Blues and Stripers this early in the season, I'd be bragging my ass off.
Tomorrow, I'm thinking of taking the CEO of a promising wireless startup in the public safety networks sector to lunch at the Boston Yacht Club. I thought I might impress him with the ambiance of Marblehead Harbor, but it appears that he lives on the Monterrey Peninsula in California, which is probably the most spectacular ocean venue that I've yet seen.
So I'll have to find another way to impress him. Maybe with fishing stories  Or Maybe he will invest in the Nanepashemet Reality Series..
Anyway.... I predict the best fishing season ever this year. Tuna, Stipers, Blues and Lobster. Not necessarily in that order.

Catching the Wave

Oh Baby...
After a little comic diversion this morning, the day really picked up.
Remember that business tsunami that I told you Peeps about a few months ago?
Wax the surfboards.
Screw surfboards.... need some heavy duty white water rafts.
Time to catch the wave.

Another Kennedy Tragedy

Kennedy Tragedy.
Man... These words seem to go together, don't they?
Is it that the family is cursed? Or is it that they have been American royalty, watched closely, and go through the same challenges, setbacks, and foibles as any extended American family?
 Maybe due to their celebrity, we see every bit of their bad luck.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Film Extras

After an insignificant little detour today, we were back to making money at Nanepashemet Telecom.   Plus, it seems that Adam Sandler and his Marblehead GrownUps 2 film crew is looking for extras, and naturally, the Mountain of a Man is at the top of the list.
I'm not a little concerned that I will steal any scene that I appear in the background and really piss off those Hollywood types.
Just another MOAM burden that we must bear.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Milking the Culture

Never heard of a sippy cup?
Nobody asked me, but in this culture, I'll bet real American Dollars that this kid turns out be be an Asshole.
Because his mother sure looks like one.
Here's the thing, Mommy.... your little prince is going to get a royal schoolyard screwing regularly in his formative Middle School Years because of your little mammary indiscretion.
At least he would if he went to Eastern Junior High in Lynn like I did.
Not that I would ever have taunted him....I prefer homogenized ice cold milk anyway.
But I wonder what happens when the Momma's Little Darling gets a stiffy?
C'mon Time.... let's uncover some more investigative journalism..... get to the Nub of the Matter... so to speak

Casting Federal Stones

A good friend of ours just got socked with a Federal Indictment for doing something stupid.  She'll be going away, because the way the Feds work, if you don't take a plea and agree to go away for a few years, they put the hammer down and push for the maximum.    Did she do it?  Probably.  But let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
I know I won't be throwing any.

That seems to be going around a lot in this country these days.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Forward Looking from the Past.

I was explaining one of my concerns with my old friend and Attorney,  Harvey Rowe last evening and he agreed to take out his legal skills and bring them to bear.  All of my friends would like to help, but Harvey with his litigation skills can absolutely  help and I'm expecting a really positive week.... like the old days.

Looking forward to it.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Don't Care

So much of the Morning News is just gossip for filler.
Is there anyone who really cares about John Edwards and Rihal Hunter and the campaign money that was funneled to try to keep the knocked up Bimbo quiet as Edwards sought the highest office of the land?
And does anyone really care that John Kerry chose this complete asshole as his Vice-Presidential Running Mate?
And does anyone care about Kerry's inside investment and his tax evasion with his multi-million dollar yacht that he had built in New Zealand, when he could have revitalized a New England Boatbuilding company with that investment?
And does anyone care that Obama was doing drugs in High School, but the evil Romney cut someone's hair?
And unless you are a Homo, does anyone really care whether you get married to someone with similar genitals as you?
It's just Gossip.  Except for the Kerry Stuff, I don't care.

tuna Lips Said...6:23 PM
Ise likes me some sn*tch. For the record. Honest Injun and such. Part of my platform.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Pier Fishing

It was the first beautiful warm evening of the early summer, so I rigged up my casting rod and headed for the new pier down the lane in Gerry Playground.  Ryan had said that some guy down there claimed to have landed a keeper Striped Bass, so I thought I'd give it a try.
The new pier was blocked by a piece of plywood, so I had to give my overweight, overage body a little challenge in scaling the fence to get out to the end.  I did it... but it wasn't pretty .... either getting on or getting off.  When they get the floats in, it will be a lot easier.
Two fish jumped which was a good sign, but none were enticed by my offering as the sun went down past Salem Harbor.
I will be trying again.

Swinging Pendulum

The Washington Post doctors up a story about Romney in High School, manipulates witness accounts, and besmirches the reputation of the now deceased victim according to his family.... but Barach, his grade transcripts etc. etc. are untouched.  
I don't get it.   When I was a young man, I used to think that Liberals stood for truth and justice.  Maybe they did back then.  Maybe the pendulum has just swung.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Happiest Coastal Towns in the US

According to Coastal Living Magazine's new rankings based on sunny days, beach quality, low crime, commute time, education of residents and other factors the happiest Coastal Towns in the US are....
1.   Kiawah Island, S.C.
2. Naples, Fla.
3. Sausalito, Calif.
4. Lake Bluff, Ill.
5. Tiburon, Calif.
6. Laguna Beach, Calif.
7. Half Moon Bay, Calif.
8. Chatham, Mass.
9. Jupiter, Fla.
10. Lahaina, Hawaii
11. Marblehead, Mass.
12. Stinson Beach, Calif.
13. Cohasset, Mass.
14. Duxbury, Mass.
15. Solomons Island, Md.
These lists are always subjective crap shoots.  I know for a fact that there are numerous miserable bastards in Nanepashemet's home town of Marblehead.  And when we owned a condo in Naples, the Condo Commandoes never seemed too chipper either.  
On the other hand, when I did my work stint for a year out in California, I headed on the forty mile trek to Half Moon Bay as much as I could, and Sausalito, under the Golden Gate Bridge wasalso  stunning.
I guess when you get familiar with a place, you start to take it for granted,,,, so I have to agree, Marblehead is really the Balls.

Mitt the Bully

Now they're saying that Mitt Romney was involved in a bullying episode against a gay kid while he was in high school.
Romney says he doesn't recall, but that he did a lot of stupid stuff in high school and he's sorry if he offended anyone.
We'll see where this leads.  Wonder what nasty things will come out about BO growing up as a young Muslim lad in Indonesia?
I'd hate to be blamed for the stupid stuff I said and did in High School.
The Spindoctors have hit on a nice combo here though... bullying and gay bashing.  I don't agree with bashing gays, but I've seen a lot of times when Scumbag Girly men whine "Bully" because they are legitimately getting their clocks cleaned with some nice Payback.   It's OK for them to screw with people, but when it comes back their way, they are being "Bullied".  
Don't let the tears stain your Bib.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Total Recall

Every once in a while, I think that the Assholes are going to get away with it.
Then I remember the Law of Karma.
They are really screwed.
They can win a Skirmish, maybe even a Battle.  But they are doomed in the War.

Anonymous Wild Bill Said...7:53 PM
"All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him."

- Sun Tzu
 Once again Wild One, you have pointed the way.  

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Gay Marriage Time

President Obama came out in favor today of Gay Marriage.
When the ABC News political pundit,  George Stephanopoulos, was asked if there was a planned strategy behind this, he emphatically replied, "NO WAY!"  George is a lot smarter that the rest of us, and never shows his liberal bias, so there must be no strategy to this little proclamation.
Note to George:  When the POTUS comes out and declares his position on a highly charged and volatile issue like GAY MARRIAGE, it is definitely planned, rehearsed scripted, thought out, and strategized.  I was being sarcastic about the smarter comment.
We were born at night, George, but not last night.
I've already stated my position on Gay Marriage and am in favor because... WHO GIVES A SHIT!
If God didn't want Gay Marriage, he wouldn't have invented limp wrists and guys who talk with a lisp.
And don't give me the argument that marriage is only for a man and a woman.  It's for anyone who wants to give a life commitment to another person.  If you can't get it up for a woman, then you shouldn't allowed to be married?   That's stupid.
Plus, I love the gay couple on "Modern Family."
But back to the self-proclaimed 4th best President of the United States and Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Barach Hussein "I am not a Muslim" Obama.
So you are in favor of gay marriage????  Big freaking Deal.  I don't care if you're a Muslim.. don't care if you want Gays to get married.   I care that you bring this "nothing shit topic " up in order to get people all lathered up about it, while the economy stagnates with no policy and guys still get killed over some poppy fields and dry dirt in Afghanistan.
There's no strategy at work here, George.... NO WAY!

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Mini Serve

I'll  be coming into some money soon, and I was thinking of buying one of those cool Mini-Poopers.
We'll be dropping by the dealer for test drive soon. Checking out the financing packages, talking to the management.
I heard it is a good place for service.

Anonymous Wild Bill Said...9:31 AM
Don't do it! The downside....The Mini is a POS. Poor reliability, won't last long with all the miles you will put on it. There is an is a cute girls car so when you pull up to the next zoning meeting and the libtards on the commmission see you drive one they will approve your request bacause they wont want to piss off the ghey guy driving the mini in fear of being brought to court on a sexual discrimination charge. Also they will give you a discount at the local bikini waxing place when you drive your mini there for your brozilian.
I hear you Bill.  But I'm primarily interested in the Mini for SERVICE.  There will be lots of SERVICE there at the dealership.  Especially for malicious destruction of property.

Anonymous Wild Bill Said....2:54 PM

Then you would be better off buying from a private seller, then going to an independent shop for service. At least you would be dealing with a businessman with a bit of self respect instead the losers that have to work at a stealership. We dont even afford car dealers or anyone that works at them membership at our country club.

You may be right Oh Wild One.  Although undoubtedly, I would be blackballed at your country club as well.   The only thing resembling service will probably be civil suits and criminal warrants being served to stealership employees. But it's important that wages are paid so they can be garnished.

Cool Script for Matt Damon

You know Peeps... you never can show your vulnerable side.  Just as I lighten up on the evil liberal Damon, and confess that I like his acting and movies..... I get blindsided with this....
If you click on this link, you'll see that Damon is coming to the aid of the Poser Pocahontas, Elizabeth Warren.
How's this for a script, Matt?? .....

A tough savant from Southie, gets a job as a janitor at Harvard.... then tells everyone he's an Indian and qualifies for a job as a law professor.  He runs for US Senator and gets crushed like a bug by a "Brown" man.   The downtrodden "Brown" man gives Matt a broken down pickup truck and Pow Wow Damon heads west to a casino on the reservation... never to be seen again.
.......Fade to Black.

You have to admit, Matt ... this has Oscar written all over it.
You like Apples?   How do you like them Apples?
I should have never let my guard down.

Legal Inexperience

The other day, some AssWipe claimed to be damaged by this ridiculous Blog.  Naturally the DipShit says she will sue me for libel, slander and being a Big Meanie.
The great majority of People who threaten to sue have never been to court and never paid a legal bill in their life.
If they had, they wouldn't be so glib with their silly threats and exhortations.
As some of you know, I have paid a ton of money to  lawyers in my adult life, and seen the inside of a courtroom way too often.
So if you want to sue me...... Put up or Shut up.  And, if you don't like what this Blog says... don't read it.... it's not about you, Ms. AssWipe DipShit.  But just in case your enormous ego won't let you absorb that.... pay an Attorney to tell you.  My guess is that will be the first legal bill you ever saw.
Money Talks, Bullshit Walks.

Monday, May 07, 2012

My Confession

I have a confession to make.
And I'm not a little bit ashamed to make it.
This is wicked humiliating.
But being a Mountain of a Man means that you have to face your foibles head on.
This is it.
I like Matt Damon.
I think he is a great actor and I love his movies.
Yes... I know he is an asshole in real life and his liberal, "Matt Knows What's  Best for You" Dumbercrat politics is incredibly insulting and obnoxious.
But I like him anyway.
Yes.... I have flaws.
This is one of them.
I'm so very sorry.

The Old Bull and the Young Bull

Years ago, Ed Calnan, one of my mentors, told me the story of the Old Bull and the Young Bull.
The Old Bull and the Young Bull were walking in the pasture and looked up at a herd of cows at the top of a hill.
The Young Bull said, "Look at those Cows!  Let's RUN up and Fuck one of them.!"
The Old Bull paused, turned and responded... "That sounds good, but, Let's WALK up and Fuck ALL of them."
Over the years, I've often started out like the Young Bull, but then caught myself.
Calnan also was the first to admonish me with, "Don't get Mad... Get Even..." when I was a young upstart.
Now you probably think that this Old Bull is looking to Get Even, and you would be right.   Those old Lynn lessons are about to pay off.... once again.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Nanepashemet Nod for President

President Obama has begun his campaign for re-election that will culminate next November.
Rather than screw around with you hapless and totally disoriented Peeps, I think I will take an unprecedented action and cut through any drama and delay by giving the coveted Nanepashemet endorsement to his opponent, Republican Mitt Romney.
Normally, the Nanepashemet Nod ends all speculation and secures the outcome in favor of the endorsed candidate, but in this case, I must reluctantly say.... Not so much.
I say this because I haven't forgotten the training that earned me a Bachelor of Arts Cum Laude in Political Science from that esteemed institution of higher learning... the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.    At that school, despite intensive partying and other hijinx, I was introduced to the hypothesis of the Harvard Professor, V.O. Key  (March 13, 1908 - October 4, 1963) who wrote one of my textbooks and explained that Presidential Elections have historically been determined by a few simple factors.

  • An Incumbent has the advantage.
  • People make their voting decision based upon how they personally feel about their own economic security... not what the candidate says or stands for.
  • If the Incumbent is running and the economy is on the upswing, the Incumbent will win.

So Peeps... even though I prefer Romney because of his intelligence and business acumen, I predict four more years of hope and change from the Obamanistas.  Yes... BO will win.
Why????   Do the math yourself !!
The War on Terror has run its course, and the cyclical nature of the economy has curative powers and will improve things as we come closer to November.
Since Obama is the incumbent, he will benefit from the good feeling that these trends will bring to the American Electorate.
Hence, BO continues his teleprompter based, remarkable hold on the Presidency despite his hazy history and complete lack of applicable experience.  I don't like it either, but it is what it is.
Course... the late Professor Key never knew about the power of the Nanepashemet Nod.
But I doubt he would have changed his hypothesis even if he was a Nanepashemet Peep.... which he obviously would have been.
  1. You, sir, are correct. BO will win in November, as we all lose. Can we even imagine what he might do this term with no thoughts of re-election?

Saturday, May 05, 2012


My favorite line from the film "Gladiator", starring Russell Crowe as the General Maximus, is when the Germanic Barbarians send the headless body of the unfortunate Roman emissary back on his horse to the Roman lines.
The Field Captain of Maximus notes the act, watches the Germanic Leader taunt and hurl the severed head back to the Roman lines, turns to Maximus and calmly says...
"People should know when they are conquered."
The Romans then proceed to decimate the enthusiastic but utterly disorganized Germanic army.
~ can swagger and boast all you want, but if simple facts and a solid organization are not in place, and you cut off the head of your enemy's negotiator, you will be annihilated.  You should know when you should step back.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 18th Week of 2012

Lorie Tabor
Tom Egan
Kathy Peabody
Peter Lojko
Mike Rockett
Lisa Panakio Rowe

By the way, the taunting Germanic Leader was completely skewered with Roman spears and swords.
So all the swaggering and bravado ended up to be short lived and really counterproductive.     Maybe if he didn't cut off the emissary's head, he might not like his immediate surroundings, but things would have eventually worked out for him.
Instead he dug himself a hole which led to his utter demise.

  • Waterfront Offerings
  • Land Offerings
  • Lily White Warren

    I said I was done with Warren posts... but I'm not.  I admit that even a Mountain of a Man has his weaknesses and this "claiming she is a Native American" continues to taunt me.
    So I pick up the Salem News on a Sat. morning and see that our candidate has visited Salem State University yesterday on the campaign stump.  Naturally, one of the first questions was if she is a Native American, to which she replied," I am proud of my family and proud of my heritage, and would rather speak of something else."
    Translation.... "No Comment, so change the freaking subject."
    This is what bugs the hell out of me with this issue.
    Affirmative Action was created to redress the evils placed on minorities in the past, and bring about economic equality.  I happen to support it, even though it is patently unfair at times.
    But if there is no way that you can be discerned as a minority, as is the case with our Indian Princess but otherwise Lily White Warren, then is it unethical to proclaim that you are one in order to gain Affirmative Action status?
    Should you qualify for benefits as a minority if nobody can tell you are a minority?  How can you be discriminated against if nobody knows you are a minority unless you tell them?
    Warren is a law professor.... but she should audit a Freshman Ethics class.  Even at Harvard.
    Maybe my sense of morality is warped, but I definitely think this is grossly unethical.

    Friday, May 04, 2012

    Not a Coal Miner's Daughter

    I swear to the Angels, Saints and all that is Holy..... that this is the last time I post something about how U.S. Senate Candidate, Elizabeth Warren, bugs the hell out of me.
    But now she has Fearless Leader, B. H. Obama, touting her as the daughter of a janitor.
    Is he dissing janitors?   Is he saying that a person performing building maintenance services is somehow a lesser soul, and that if you happen to be the daughter of a janitor, then that makes your some kind of person who has overcome some vast adversity?????  Is it some kind of Coal Miner's Daughter Loretta Lynn deal?
    If I were a janitor, I would be wicked insulted and quite pissed.
    Then, the POTUS mentions that Poser Pocahontas Liz created some federal agency to help the middle class.
    What?   Where?  How?
     Liz... I'm middle class through and through, and in need of a ton of help.    So where do I tie into this cool agency that you created?   If it is so freaking good, how come I never heard of it, and how come Barach O never even mentions the name of said "agency" in your pandering TV ad???
    Maybe it's only for middle class white people who are 1/32 Native American like yourself.   So that would disqualify me right off the bat.
     Just my luck.  I can only find poor Irish immigrants in my genealogy, and none of them seemed to diddle with any Cherokees even a little... which would have given be a step up and a chance to check off the minority box for a little AA.
    But then again... why should I get any advantages?   My father wasn't a janitor, and I'm 100% British Isles European Caucasian... so no extra boost for me.
    I guess I'll just have to get by without Liz's cool agency to help... which is ok because I don't know what the agency is.

    hoya hoya hoya. Aren't you glad you live in Mass? What a freakin nightmare. At least Scotty drives a truck!

    Divine rules! Oh how you long for Jane Swift!

    Word Association

    Get serious, don't put your family through this.  You should move yourself and not let the Sheriff do it.  Even if you have to stay with family, it is better than a forced move, because that is where this is going.  This has been done by a lot smarter people than you or I.  Time to turn the page.

    You simply can't afford to live in our home, and we have a host of others who can, and have already leased it to a family ready to move in.  There is no shame.  One thing is certain.  You will not be in our home much longer.  I would avoid the traumatic path to your family if I were you and move yourself rather than have a forced move occur.

    We have heard all of your rants and insults, but in the long run, this can't really hurt me or my family, financially or otherwise.   It is you who are putting your family through this.  You should do the right thing for them.

    Thursday, May 03, 2012

    An Honest Answer from Edwards and Warren

    You're probably getting a bit bored with my Elizabeth Warren "Native American" obsession.
    I know I am.
    But just once, I'd like one of these politicians to come clean.
    Like John Kerry's running mate, Jon Edwards knocking up that campaign bimbo.  
    More denial than the river in Egypt.
    Jon... why couldn't you just have said something like.... "Yeah, I had sex with her.... mindless, crazy, who-gives-a- crap monkey sex... and now I'm paying the price of my ailing wife kicking my ass... and I really freaking deserve it.   Plus I knocked up the Bitch and will never live it down, so that's the end of trying to be Kerry's Veep."  
    Seems to me, he could have taken the hit, got it over with, and be well into a nice career doing real estate passings or lawyer ambulance chasing down in the Carolinas by now.   Instead..... he freaking lies, his wife dies of cancer, he looks like the scumbag of the Western Hemisphere and most likely will be doing time in Federal Prison.  And the monkey sex???  Be more like gorilla sex doggy style for him in his new digs.
    And for that matter... back to the Posing Pocahontas Warren....
    When the erudite Law Professor got caught with her little Red hand  in the Affirmative Action cookie jar, why couldn't she just have said something like... "Yeah  I signed up as an Indian... and why the hell not??? I'm not that freaking smart compared to all of those chauvinistic male law professors and needed all the boost  I could get.  Plus, I never thought I would run for the US Senate and get caught with a little "Red Lie".  But you can't prove I'm not a Cherokee.  You freaking whites destroyed all the birth certificates."
    Course that response would be outrageous, but at least it's believable, and probably the truth.  I'd still refuse to give her my vote, but at least I wouldn't be so insulted by her bullshit current answer of trying to find others out there who are 1/32 Native American that she could have lunch with..

    That Explains It

    How does a lie morph into a stupid lie?  Read below.

    Mass. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren explains past listing of Native American heritage

    (Steven Senne/ Associated Press ) - Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate Elizabeth Warren faces reporters during a news conference at Liberty Bay Credit Union headquarters, in Braintree, Mass., Wednesday, May 2, 2012. Warren responded to questions on her Native American heritage.
    BRAINTREE, Mass. — Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren said Wednesday she listed herself as having Native American heritage in law school directories because she hoped to meet people with similar roots.
    Warren, a Harvard Law School professor, said she never tried to use minority status to get teaching jobs and criticized the campaign of Republican Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown for suggesting that may have been the case.

     “I listed myself in the directory in the hopes that might mean that I would be invited to a luncheon, a group, something that might happen with people who are like I am,” Warren said during a campaign appearance in Braintree, according to the Boston Herald (
    The listing did not produce any such contacts, and she later stopped using it, Warren said.
    So you lied about your heritage to find other liars?  Man... I thought they were smart over at Harvard.  Glad I went to UMASS.
    Note to Liz:   Shut the F'k up.   Do not mention this bogus topic again and hope that enough of your flock of mindless sheep never pick up on your "affirmative action" career move.
    Note to Scott Brown:  Go light on spending  your campaign chest.  You are a shoo in facing this crazy phony and it's a shame to waste too much money.

    Tuesday, May 01, 2012

    Warren's Pow Wow

    Elizabeth Warren is a Native American least that's what her employer, Harvard University, said in an effort to explain the lack of minorities employed at that esteemed  "Institution of Knowing What's Best for Us".
    We used to call the Native Americans, Indians.... but that is not politically correct.   And even though this pathetic blog is named after the great Massachusetts Sachem, Nanepashemet of the Naumkeags, I just can't warm up to the Democratic US Senate candidate from Harvard University.... and it's not just because of her insulting "talk down to the little people" political ads that she has been running.
    I should be thrilled to see that native people like Warren are striding forward and running for Federal office.  Native Americans were brutally oppressed by the white settlers in this area as well as the rest of the American Continent.  The fact that Ms. Warren can succeed  despite the obvious obstacles in her path should bring a huge swell of pride for me, with my dedication to Native American heritage and all.
    But I just can't see it with Professor Warren.
    Can you?
    Apparently, she listed herself as a minority in two other Law Schools where she previously taught but geneologists who have traced her heritage back to her mother's great-grandmother can find no Native American lineage.

    Seems like there is a little liberal phony bullshit in play here.
    If Warren is an Indian... then I'm Hiawatha.
    How disgusting is it to ride on the Affirmative Action coattails of a genuinely oppressed minority when you are a middle class white women for all to see????  Harvard should fire her lying ass.  It's as bad as lying that you have a degree from Harvard... actually worse.  People go to jail for that, but Phony Pocahontas will walk free for her stealth of a minority designation.
    Remember that comely Indian Maiden who got it going with Kevin Costner in "Dances With Wolves"?
    I think her name was "Stands With A Fist."    The Rumor around Nanepashemet is that the Native American moniker for Elizabeth Warren is "Heaves the Cow Chips".

    Tuna Lips saidMay 1, 2012 05:32 PM
    I knows me an injun or three. Mostly honest, quick with a blade and always up fir a pow wow. Loved me a Cheyenne gal, went by the name of Little Spread Eagle, did the swing shift down at the Naked Eye.

    Fine folks, them godless heathens.

    Sunday, April 29, 2012

    RIP Lou Panakio

    Lou Panakio died in his sleep last night in Naples, Florida,  He was 81.
    Greater Lynn area people will know him as the proprietor of Panakio Adjusters, a public insurance adjuster business started by his father, and which flourished under Lou.
    I first knew of him when I was eight years old.  My father was proud to be his landscaper, and he took me with him to bury my dead parakeet in Lou's Walnut Street sideyard while we were planting  some marigolds.... unbeknownst to Lou.
    He was a quiet and understated presence in the Lynn community and served on the Lynn Zoning Board of Appeals for 43 years with a strong combination of fairness, common sense, and political savvy.
    His ability to provide service as an insurance adjuster was legendary.  I remember Jim Starratt, the Lynn Building Commissioner, once stating to me that if he ever had a fire in his house, his first call would be to Lou Panakio and the second would be to the Lynn Fire Department.    That was an exaggeration... but not by much. On every occasion that we used Panakio Adusters, Lou more than took the sting out of the loss.
    Lou helped me land my first property management contract after I left the Lynn Housing Authority and later partnered on some ill fated development projects with me that went south in the 80's housing collapse.  There were some harrowing and embarrassing moments for me during that period, but Lou always showed a ton of strength and class.
    He could always turn a phrase and was intolerant of Bullshit.  Many times, when I would embellish a situation to him his response was "That and a nickel will buy you a cup of coffee."  That would bring me right back down to Earth.
    I was so happy when we reunited with Lou, his daughter Lisa, and son-in-law, Harvey Rowe three or four years ago.  When Lou first came into our Marblehead home at Beverly Ave., which we had just remodeled, he looked around and remarked to Harvey,   "You couldn't keep John Nestor down even if you buried him in a coffin six feet under and nailed it shut."  It was funny at the time, and I was thankful and proud to hear Lou say that.  But it was typical of his wit, good nature,  and genuine affection for other people.
    He had a long and happy marriage with his wife, Marcia, and they both thoroughly enjoyed golfing at the Salem Country Club and from his condominium on the golf course in Naples, Florida.  A year and a half ago, when he was inducted into the Lynn Heritage State Park Museum for his contributions to the City of Lynn, his great lament was that his wife of 53 years wasn't alive to experience it with him.
    Now Lou, you can tell Marcia all about it, and celebrate with her about the remarkable and fruitful life that you have just completed.

    RIP Louis J. Panakio.  You will be missed.

    Saturday, April 28, 2012

    POTW Week 17

    Every once in a while, you can't have a win-win situation.  For things to go good for you, they have to go bad for someone else.   On these occasions, the only saving grace is if the someone else has some dispicable and disengenuous characteristics.  Then when you win, it's not so bad that the other party gets the ass end of the deal.

    Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 17th Week of 2012.

    Brendt D'Orio
    Patrick Piscatelli
    Tom Egan
    Kim Kardashian
    Joanne Nestor
    Bill Hillegas

    My problem is that I'm too damn nice and easygoing.   Can't have win-win all the time.

    Thursday, April 26, 2012

    Time Warp

    It's been one of those weeks where you go to bed on Monday night and when you wake up it's Thursday.  I have no idea how the time has flown so fast this week.
    All I've been doing is staring at a computer screen.
    Yesterday, I started at 6:00AM and then looked at the clock that said 1:30PM.  What a freaking time warp!
    "What am I working on????", you ask?   Long time Peeps know that the answer to this annoying question is "None of your Freaking Business."  Suffice it to say that I'm really glad that Nanepashemet Telecom came up short on the last two large procurements that we pitched, because the stuff on our plate these days requires our constant attention.
    But I'm pretty sure that the current intensive effort will have a huge payback in the near future.
    At least that's what the spreadsheet says.

    Monday, April 23, 2012

    Crucial Career Tool


    Having a hard time seeing the screen this evening because I've been squinting at spreadsheet cells all day.  But it was for a good cause and a worthwhile investment of the day.
    My career advice to you is to learn Microsoft Excel  Use it as much as possible and become as much of an expert as you possibly can.
    I was an early adopter of spreadsheet software... Visicalc, Supercalc, Lotus123, and finally Excel which has emerged as the time tested standard.
    Capturing my business and activity in an Excel spreadsheet has saved my ass and enhanced my career more times than I can count.   It's one thing to think you know the status and trend of your endeavors, but when you have it in hard numbers, you can send the pretenders, phonies and detractors back into their corporate-speak bunny holes and move your stuff forward.
    These days, knowing your way around Excel is the only way to carve up the mountain of data that major corporations throw at you just to produce a freaking invoice.
    A crucial business skillset.

    Sunday, April 22, 2012