We used to call the Native Americans, Indians.... but that is not politically correct. And even though this pathetic blog is named after the great Massachusetts Sachem, Nanepashemet of the Naumkeags, I just can't warm up to the Democratic US Senate candidate from Harvard University.... and it's not just because of her insulting "talk down to the little people" political ads that she has been running.
I should be thrilled to see that native people like Warren are striding forward and running for Federal office. Native Americans were brutally oppressed by the white settlers in this area as well as the rest of the American Continent. The fact that Ms. Warren can succeed despite the obvious obstacles in her path should bring a huge swell of pride for me, with my dedication to Native American heritage and all.

But I just can't see it with Professor Warren.
Can you?
Apparently, she listed herself as a minority in two other Law Schools where she previously taught but geneologists who have traced her heritage back to her mother's great-grandmother can find no Native American lineage.
Seems like there is a little liberal phony bullshit in play here.
If Warren is an Indian... then I'm Hiawatha.
How disgusting is it to ride on the Affirmative Action coattails of a genuinely oppressed minority when you are a middle class white women for all to see???? Harvard should fire her lying ass. It's as bad as lying that you have a degree from Harvard... actually worse. People go to jail for that, but Phony Pocahontas will walk free for her stealth of a minority designation.
Remember that comely Indian Maiden who got it going with Kevin Costner in "Dances With Wolves"?
I think her name was "Stands With A Fist." The Rumor around Nanepashemet is that the Native American moniker for Elizabeth Warren is "Heaves the Cow Chips".
Tuna Lips saidMay 1, 2012 05:32 PM
I knows me an injun or three. Mostly honest, quick with a blade and always up fir a pow wow. Loved me a Cheyenne gal, went by the name of Little Spread Eagle, did the swing shift down at the Naked Eye.
Fine folks, them godless heathens.
Fine folks, them godless heathens.