Friday, May 18, 2012

Road to Hell

I believe that Florida seventeen year old, Trevon Martin, was a punk who beat the shit out of George Zimmerman.   And I believe that George Zimmerman was afraid for his life and shot Martin out of self defense.
But George Zimmerman is guilty as sin.  He was told by the Police to back off, yet he voluntarily put himself in harm's way.  If he had obeyed police orders, Martin would be alive... punk or not, and Zimmerman would not be weathering judgement for murder.
Because Martin is Black, race baiters like Jesse Jackson have taken advantage of the situation, trying to fan the flames that keep haters like them in business.   That's been a tragic side show within an overall tragic situation.
Zimmerman is probably a good guy... with good intentions.  But the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, and his poor judgement is sending him down the road.... which he deserves.

Anonymous9:14 AM
Let's get technical for a moment; the police said, "we don't need you to do that"--they never said for him to get back into his car and drive away. Knowing this will be fundamental part to refute the charges.
Appreciate your point Frank, but he didn't have to get involved.  He called the police.  It was their call.  Now a kid is dead and his life is ruined

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's get technical for a moment; the police said, "we don't need you to do that"--they never said for him to get back into his car and drive away. Knowing this will be fundamental part to refute the charges.