Friday, April 13, 2007

An Elder Voice

Finally. A guy with balls emerges who is not pandering to the rush to judgment and the hysteria around Imus. So far, all of the minority leaders including Deval Patrick, Barach Obama, Maya Angelou, Hillary Clinton have been surfing the payback rhetoric wave.
Larry Elder has shown the courage to see the factual basis of the incident. Apparently, the Rutgers Women's Basketball team has done the same.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Beauty to Behold

Based upon the dozens of emails received, it's so surprizing that so many of you have never seen an elevator permit.. When you built your own elevators, didn't you notice the simple beauty of an encased permit?
Take the time to smell the roses!!! It's not all work you know.

Week 15 - Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week

A friend of mine said this morning that Johnny Bagadonuts should be a POTW. Two reasons why that will never happen.

1. You can't tell me who to choose as Peep of the Week - Joanne knows that rule only too well.
2. I'm not telling you the other reason.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week - 2007/wk 15

Don Imus
Al Sharpton
The Duke Lacrosse Team
Mike Pressler, the Bryant College Lacrosse coach
Captain Michael Porter
Jack O'Connor, the Massachusetts Dept. of Public Safety elevator inspector.

As you might expect..... the Duke acquittal, the Imus Kangaroo Court, and the Sundance Permit took center stage this week. Hopefully next week we'll return to less emotional selections.

Speech Police

The firestorm that is racism in America has consumed Don Imus. Forget the truth about his mistake, forget the facts, forget his sincere apology about a quote that was stupid and repulsive. This is a set back for healthy race relations, much like the OJ acquittal was. OJ killed his wife. He was acquitted because of his race. It was wrong 100 years ago and is wrong now.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Jackson and Sharpton are racists and their actions perpetuate racism. They have drawn blood, and are sustaining the hysteria of hate.
Imus was fired by CBS and MSNBC for making a stupid remark. He was punished for using his freedom of speech. Freedom isn't free - we have to tolerate stupid stuff so that people are free to grow for the greater good. Stifling speech is wrong - we must all take the responsibility to determine what is right or wrong - and not be consumed by those who would police and tell us what to think.
Maintaining freedom of speech in the face of thoughtless racial slurs has to be particularly taxing for African Americans who have endured a legacy of bigotry and predudice. But do they get a pass? Unfortunately, no - otherwise this society is not free. Which is the case here.
Judge for yourself.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Quite a Lift

Going for the Sundance elevator permit with the Massachusetts Department Public Safety tomorrow. The One Source equipment company that sold and installed the unit took the time to tell me that the Village Construction people were the best that they had worked with in 15 years. Nice compliment and well deserved by the Rockett crew.
Without Mike Rockett, Sparky Spillane, Eric Rumpf, Lenny Cameron, Paul Lynch, Steve Livermore, Brian Bingham, Mark Lausier, and all of the guys that work for them, the Sundance Pre-School would have been so far under water that you couldn't teach scuba diving there.
BTW, the Mariners have just touched up Dice-K pretty well in the top of second inning. It doesn't seem like his fast ball has any movement.


I didn't check my horoscope today, but I should have because it probably would have given me a heads up that just about everything was going to piss me off. Nothing really bad happened, but I succeeded in getting annoyed and aggravated with everything.
First, my computer just wouldn't cooperate. I spent all kinds of time trying to send a pdf of a Nanepashemet Form W-9 request to DiMatteo. All the while I'm listening to these hypocrites on MSNBC try to crucify Imus just for blood. Obama in particular. See ya. You had a chance with me, but not now.
Then I went to a Hotel Staff meeting which conjured up all kind of reasons why I left the corporate life. Conflicting functional managers trying to run the show. Get the freak out of the way!!!
Then I get a certified letter from stupid MLS saying that my Realtor designation had expired. Wonder how much it cost to send that mail???
Then I hear that they have dropped the charges against the Duke Lacrosse players.... which was a good thing, but it reminded me how innocent kids were railroaded by the idiot, ego laced DA.
Then I get a call from a guy who wants to participate in Nanepashemet Telecom, but hasn't got the balls to quit his job and swim in the deep end with me and DiMatteo.
Finally.... after my last rating and raving cell phone call, Joanne showed me a glass with ice and an bottle of Oban and told me to chill. It was the sign that all is right with the world.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Milestone Reached

Mike Rockett asked me why I didn't Blog about receiving the occupancy permit for Sundance yesterday. The question actually took me back for a second, and I wondered myself why I hadn't proclaimed to the Peeps about this triumphant accomplishment.
Upon reflection, I guess I was afraid that it was too good to be true.... that something could arise to derail the progress. Plus, the project has a bit more tweaking on the financial side before I can start pounding the drums of victory.
But yesterday was pretty satisfying, and I'm extremely grateful for the work that Mike and his Village people performed. There are a ton of kudos to go around, and I'm going to have some type of function to formally thank all of the people who helped us get this far.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Freedom of Speech

We really don't have freedom of speech in this country. Although you may not be legally punished for the words you speak, you are socially and economically punished and judged by phonies who hold a solid perch on the moral high ground.
Black activists like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson are the worse offenders. They can call New York "Hymietown" and stand by while Black rappers call each other "Niggers" in the most egregious fashion. But if a white guy like Don Imus makes an offhanded remark in a humorous nature, he is roundly condemned.
Something said in humor is just that... you may not like the humor, it may be bad and in poor taste, but if it can be defined as humorous, the speaker gets a pass. Until, Sharpton passes judgement on the host of Black entertainers who freely use the "Nigger" phrase, he holds no credibility.
Can't we be free to make our own judgement of a person's use of speech?
Anybody who took Imus' characterization of the Rutger's women's basketball team as "Nappy Headed Hoes" seriously is the offender, and Imus holds no guilt for the acceptance of an off-handed remark as valid. What kind of idiot would buy into that phrase for a college women's basketball team as having any vestige of truth? That's the genesis of humor in such an outrageous statement.
I don't need Al Sharpton to tell me that Imus's remark holds no credibility. If Imus continues to say stupid things, I have the choice to refuse to listen to him. Sharpton has every right to disagree, and absolutely no right to have Imus silenced.
Imus made a bad joke. Sharpton insults all of us.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Turkey Effects

Joanne made a great turkey for Easter Dinner with Ryan, Courtney and Katelyn. Mike called from Washington DC. It was a nice Day.
Zach Johnson won the Masters and gave the credit to Jesus. Did Jesus help him, to the detriment of all of the other golf competitors? Probably not. But his faith helped him to perform to the best of his ability... which was good enough today to carry him to victory.
The turkey, combined with two Lagavulins, put me in a deep, trancelike sleep on the couch. I'll stay up and watch the Sopranos, then get ready to rock and roll this week at work.

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter.
Peabody and I went to that Boatbuilding talk at the library given by a 30 something kid out of Bethlehem, Conn. He seemed like a nice guy. I had envisioned him in a flannel shirt with a pony tail and facial hair, but the stereotype proved wrong and he was clean cut and well spoken. Somehow that disapointed me.
He started the talk by giving an autobiography which was a bit presumptuous, and ended up saying that he was drawn to boatbuilding because Jesus was a carpenter. Although his knowledge and work seemed good, he pretty much turned me off by that comment.
I don't see how someone can base his life on a perception of how someone else must have been. It seems artificial and contrived.
BTW, it is clear to me that Jesus was an Avatar - a more perfect embodiment of God in a human form. Mankind has had many appearances in my opinion. That doesn't lessen the importance of Jesus, so don't tool on me with Inquisition like zeal.

But for the life of me, I don't understand the leap of faith that says Jesus endured crucifixion for our sins. Can't see how that makes sense. How's that for blasphemy on Easter ?!
On the other hand, a number of New Testament passages convince me that he was in touch with the true reason for man's potential and time on Earth. And I believe in the resurrection. In my opinion, the Shroud of Turin is the real deal.
So if you want to act like Jesus, knock yourself out. Just remember that as much as he worked with wood, he also mightily pissed enough people off to get himself nailed. So pick your spots.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Lack of Motivation

I know that I said that today was going to be lousy weather, and that I would be working on taxes and the Sundance Web, but I got the web page up in a late night frenzy, and I really don't feel like doing the stinking taxes.
But the temp is in the 30's and it sucks because it's so nice and sunny and should be comfortable. It's not. By the way, I'm really screwing with the birds because my feeder has been empty for days.
So I have to rededicate to the tax drudgery.
Jim Peabody wants me to go to a boatbuilding presentation at the Abbot Public Library at 2:00 and we have to get to the Maddie Gill birthday bash at 4:00.
I'll put a tax push on until 1:00 and then go with Jim to see this rookie boatbuilding poser.

Web Revision

Sundance Web Site has been revamped. It's really an electronic flyer that directs prospective parents to call Joanne at the school. As I get older, I tend to appreciate straight forward, no frills information.

Last week, the Massachusetts Office for Children inspector told Joanne that Sundance is considered the premier pre-school on the North Shore. That took a lot of the sting out of the elevator boondoggle.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Hidden Camera

Digital cameras and the Web can do a job on your privacy.
Here, a regular meeting of the GD Sales Team is caught by an unscrupulous photographer.
Mean people suck.

Good Friday

Anytime you have a bad day, it could always have been worse.
That is what I would call a bad day ---->
So why do they call it Good Friday?

Holiday Weekend

A weekend of tax preparation and web revisions. Happy Easter.
I'm resolved to get the Sundance Corporate taxes, and my personal taxes done before dawn on Monday morning. In the lull periods, I'll tend to the Sundance web site which is hopelessly out of date and doesn't portray the new building.
It's supposed to be 40 degree temps, so it's not like I'll be missing anything great outdoors.
No ranting about the IRS or the Marblehead Building Department. After all, it's Good Friday.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Week 14 - Peep of the Week

OK Thrillseekers.
It's your favorite time of the week.
Why do you torture yourselves so? The chances of you being named a Peep of the Week are almost nonexistant. But still you pepper me with your pathetic emails....pining over the infintesimal possibility that you may be selected. I've told you time and again to get a life... but obviously to no avail.
So you win. Once again, I attend to the weekly Thursday evening obligation with the stoic vigor that is part of my Celtic composition. Thank God that I have been blessed with the mental endurance to slug it out week after week.
Enough BullShit?? I think so too.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week - Week 14 of 2007

Tyler Gill
Patrick Piscatelli
Valerie Drapeau
Keith Richards
Dice K
Tommy O' Shea

On to next Thursday for the rest of you hurting buckaroos.

Fires of Purgatory

How bad can it be when Joanne reminds me that it is Peep of the Week day?
Am I caught in a type of purgatory where I tumble from Thursdays to Thursdays in an endless, thankless duty to identify those hapless individuals who have met the annoying/inspiring Nanepashemet criteria?
What a nightmare!!! What a burden! What a responsibility!!!
Why Me????
Nonetheless, she is right. This evening, an unfortunate/lucky few will receive the ultimate disgrace/honor..... selection as a Nanepashemet POTW. My congradulations/condolences.
In the meantime, I'm heading to the Salem Waterfront Hotel for another day of state of the art professional services from Nanepashemet Project Management, Inc.
Purgatory can wait. See you tonight.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


What do you think I do??? Blog all day??? I'm got to make a living too.
Life is more than Blogs and Lagavulin... watching Rome, building the Tender, and bitching about the IRS and the Marblehead Building Department.
There is a lot of stuff that I don't tell you about... because it's none of your God Damn Business. If I were you, I'd just keep up the hope that you never get labeled a POTW.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Nerd Employment

Joanne got a Dell Inspiron 1501 Laptop for her birthday, which was a risky move on my part, but she seems to really like it.
I'm always amazed when I buy a new computer at the quantum leap that the technology seems to take since the last version. The Vista Windows operating system seems really neat, but the hooks are still there that cause enough confusion to give techie nerds job security.
Everybody needs to eat.

Monday, April 02, 2007


I'm thinking of going public. But we don't need no stinking VC's.

Inertia Conquered.

You won't believe it.
I actually worked on the Tender this weekend and made some progress! One of the rubrails had a final sanding, I sanded the inside of the transcom and another tenth of the interior. We have momentum!
This project will yet see completion this spring.
I also organized the garage so that it is possible to move around. Between Sundance, Ryan's new house, the basement renovation, and of course the Nanepashemet Boatbuilding extravaganza... I really have to be able to maneuver in the garage freely.
Nice meeting with Tyler Gill today, and the Sundance saga may soon come to an end. We will try for a permit Wed. That gets me time to hop a plane to Lourdes, France and pray for a miracle, because I'm beginning to think that that is what it will take..

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Older and Better

We're taking Joanne to brunch at Hawthorne by the Sea for her birthday. She's worried that she's getting too old. Tempus Fugit.
Age is weird. There is no denying that physically you feel more limited. But in short bursts, I'm much stronger in my fifties than I was in my thirties. That means that I have to take care of business with one or two punches.
Mentally and emotionally, there is no comparison. Age and experience wins hands down.

Saturday, March 31, 2007


That Petersen screwup really got me riled up. I think I'll have to pour a Lagavulin to calm down.

Lucky Sperm Club

Apparently, Rep. Doug Petersen from Marblehead told a group of Swampscott voters that Lynn needed good schools so that the Lynn kids could work for the "Captains of Industry" growing up in Swampscott. All these insults from a Marblehead guy.
Now he'd doing the usual retractions... saying Lynn kids are also Captains of Industry, etc., etc.
“There’s not a bone in my body that doesn’t think the world of Lynn public schools,” Rep. Doug Petersen (D-Marblehead) told the Herald. “There’s not a bone in my body that doesn’t think that Lynn kids won’t be captains of industry.”
Now he's a liar as well as an elitist. Hey Dip Shit... Just shut up!!!
As a Lynn guy who has lived in Marblehead for the last 22 years, I'm feeling that Petersen has struck some nerves, and entered a psychological place that he can never return from. He dropped his guard and let his class bigotry come to the surface.
Coming from Marblehead, he obviously doesn't have a clue what it feels like to live in Lynn and travel through Swampscott to Marblehead, with the subtle slights and unspoken innuendos that you sense. Call it class consciousness, elitism, or whatever.... Petersen embodied the type of response that Lynn people are all too familiar with.
Now he's getting all phoney about it.
In the words of Bush the Elder, Marblehead is a "kinder and gentler place". I love it here, and feel blessed to have been able to bring up my kids in this Town. But I'm a Lynn guy, a graduate of Lynn English High School, a product of a lower economic stratum, who was born from hard working parents. No shame in that. No need for a low life, lucky sperm club graduate to rub my nose in it.
Petersen can kiss my ass.

Choo Choo

The Train is leaving the station. There is so much on my plate, that even I could be intimidated. Good thing it isn't fishing season!!
Sundance informal move is in place. Joanne and Amy Mann want me to help them. But Ryan and Countney are using my truck to move stuff into their new house this morning.
Tyler Gill need details on our scheme to make Maddie a multi-million dollar, Paris Hilton type heiress.
Mike Rockett is planning a road trip to look at a deal in Maine for the end of next week. Gulp!
Tons of Nanepashemet Telecom prep work is sitting there.
My basement tile job has been started and is screaming for attention.
Taxes still not complete. About 8 hrs of Sundance corporate is required before that task gets a check.
The garage has so much shit in it and needs a major reorg.
I have to send the Nanepashemet Boatbuilding book proposal to a New York book agent who seems to have a bit of an attitude.
.... and the Herreshoff Columbia Yacht Tender still isn't finished!!!!
See what I mean? If I wasn't such a mountain of a man, endowed with an iron trap mind and steely determination, even I could be prone to falter. It will never happen.

Friday, March 30, 2007


Yesterday was a mixed result.
Elevator was delivered but installation is not complete...
Couldn't get the occupancy permit because Verizon missed the schedule and didn't install the fire alarm line.
Lunch in NH at a Mexican Restaurant was really painful.
On the other hand, my blood pressure is fine again, a new Madison Ave. book publisher has shown interest, and our latest Nanepashemet telecom venture shows real legs.

A day of ups and downs.
So the Peep of the Week Selection is a day late. What's the problem??? Deal with it.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week 13 for 2007
Vin Burnham
Sarah Crawford
Dr. Louis Casale
Tom McMahon
Mark Vona
Paul Lynch

Let's try to end the week on an up note. Change your attitude.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

POTW Day Again

Man... These Thursdays come at you fast, don't they?
By the end of the day, Sundance will have an elevator attached... I will have had my humiliating checkup with Dr. Casale.... DiMatteo and I will have met at lunch in NH with a smart currently unnamed party... and we will have a yea or nay decision from the Marblehead Building Department about the temporary occupancy permit.
All of this and more will happen before the solemn duty of Peep of the Week Selections is undertaken this evening.
A lesser man would buckle under the strain.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Bring It On.

More adventures at the Marblehead Building Department.
The ruse of observing state law and protecting the Town is getting old.
I will get our permit for Sundance Pre-School, no matter how much it ultimately costs, and we will eventually find out which interest has been served.
Good service by Sundance Pre-School over the years will generate the type of political support that will make all the present "public interest" actions petty by comparison. Every dog has his day.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hotel in Salem

I've been consulting lately for the Salem Waterfront Hotel, which is ironic, because the thing I hated most about my jobs at General Dynamics and Darwin was traveling and staying in hotels.
But the Salem Waterfront Hotel is a diamond in the rough. A great location, and beautifully appointed rooms. Mike Rockett has emerged as a brilliantly creative manager and I'm very impressed with his ideas for this great facility.
My consulting role has been to be a catalyst to make his ideas happen.
If I have a general Nanepashemet Peeps hoedown.... it will be at the Salem Waterfront Hotel.


I'm tired like it was Friday.... And it's only Tues.
I wonder what I'll feel like on Friday!!
Working at home is tough. There is no let up. No coffee breaks. You are always on. I am an asshole boss to myself.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Hope and Humiliation

We're making a big push to get a temporary certificate of occupancy for the Sundance Pre-School from the Marblehead Building Dept. The problem is that the elevator will not be approved by the Mass Dept of Public Safety by the end of the week. Everything else is completely done though.
It will be a crazy week, but will be a great birthday present for Joanne if we can pull it off.
Amazingly, no takers yet for my "Trailer Assembly Raising".
Peeps... I give and I give and I give.
I've never asked for anything from you.
Now my simple request is for you to help me put this freaking trailer together while swilling beer and eating burgers.
How can you ignore this plea??? I feel so humiliated.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Fall of Rome

Saw the series conclusion of the HBO feature presentation of "Rome".
Really well done. I think that because of its historical backdrop and the attention to detail of events that actually happened in antiquity, it is even more interesting. The acting in this series is excellent.
Usually when a series ends, it is a bit of a letdown. I'm not looking forward to the end of the Sopranos because of this tendency. But Rome ended beautifully. I will definitely buy this series on DVD when it comes out.

Nice Visit

Maddie Gill came by for a visit and brought her parents Tyler and Liz. What a cutie!!!
Liz and Maddie are also very cute.

Call for Peep Help

Remember the boat trailer that Joanne bought me for Christmas???
It's still unassembled in boxes, taking up space in my garage.
I'm thinking of staging a "Trailer Assembly Raising" modeled after an old fashioned, Amish Country Barn Raising.
I'll buy the beer, grill some burgers, and maybe even break out the Lagavulin for any Peep who wants to participate.
We'll set it up for Saturday, April 7 starting at 11:00 AM ... weather permitting. We'll be done by 3:00PM, because we have to go to Maddie Gill's Birthday Bash at 4:00PM. This will be a good warm up.
Email me at if you're interested. There is absolutely no shame or humiliation if you choose to decline. I promise I won't hold it against you.... NOT!!!!
Pay no attention to the fine print.
This is an equal opportunity Trailer Assembly Raising. Minorities, Handicapped, Women, Dorks, Sicilians, IRS Agents, White Men, and Democrats are encouraged to participate. Nanepashemet Project Management, Inc. takes no responsibility or liability for the potential dangers in this event.

Going Stapleless

This is the stapleless strip planking method that I am going to use on the Matinicus Peabod.
Of course, the Herreshoff Columbia Tender still has about 40 hours of impossible to find time left for completion.

Ramp Up

For the hundreds of you who emailed me asking "What does the new Sundance ramp look like?".... here it is.
Now get a life.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Getting There

We're on the homestretch with Operation Moonshadow.
Rockett and Rumpf have done a great job, which was complicated by the addition of very expensive handicapped accommodations.
I'm very proud of the way it turned out, and how all of the team members responded to the challenges.
As usual, the end product put out by Village is outstanding.

On a Roll

Not sure what happened today, but I ripped out the basement carpet, made three dump runs, put a first coat of yellow paint on the Sundance Sign, worked out hard for 40 minutes on the Cybex, and outlined a business deal to one of my partners.
I haven't felt this accomplished since the last time a Peep gave me a bottle of Lagavulin.
Plus... consumed zero carbs and I lost two more pounds in my weight loss mission.
This can't last...

Friday, March 23, 2007


So the rumor is that Bechtel is going to buy GD Wireless. That explains a lot.
Large corporations hold too much sway on the lives of individuals. It is not a good place to be. Impersonal business decisions ruin people, and are so irrational. Too Bad.
It so easily could have been GD buying Bechtel wireless.... but for the masters of corporate speak and cover your ass. See you in Hell.


While we're on the topic of Crawfords, Will and Chris are training for the Boston Marathon. They decided to train in December and have logged an 18 mile run since then. Since they are good athletes, I'm sure that they will be fine, but I don't recommend crash training for the marathon.
Ryan did well last year with limited training, but he is a physical anomaly.

Summer Prospects

We just heard the great news that Will and Lauren Crawford are expecting their first child in Sept.
Excellent addition to the Circle of Life.
Between Ryan and Courtney, and Will and Lauren, it will be an eventful summer.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Clarification - POTW Rules

Joanne reminds me that once again, I need to reiterate the POTW Rules. Repetition is the path to mastery, so this little exercise is not really that irritating, although you would think that all of Western Civilization would have internalized the rules by now.
To become a Nanepashemet Peep of the Week, one has to .....

1. Be alive. (Dead people, no matter how cool, are not eligible.)

2. Be human. (Although I love animals, especially cats and birds, animals and other non-human forms of life are not eligible.)

3. Be either annoying, or inspirational, or both. (And never ask me which applies!!!)

4. Automatic selection criteria is if you have given me a bottle of Lagavulin 16 year Single Malt Scotch during the previous week. (I'm amazed how many bottles I have received because of this rule.... but it is never enough.)

It's easy enough to remember, but since I have unlimited patience with stupid questions, I absolutely have no problem repeating these rules from time to time.

Remember, there are no stupid questions... Only stupid people who ask questions.

10 lbs or Bust

Because of the Vt. business trip, I had to postpone my appointment with Dr. Casale for a full checkup. He's been my doctor since I was eighteen, when I needed a Doctor's letter to run in the Boston Marathon.
Since then, he's seen me through a couple of issues, but now I weigh about 90 lbs. more that when I first started to go to him. He always acts disgusted, and it is really painful. My appointment has been postponed until next Thurs., and I am going to skip all the carbs and work out daily until I have to deal with him.
My goal is to lose 10 lbs. before my appointment. Shouldn't be hard. Workout every day for a week.... avoid the carbs.... no hanging with the Rocketts or my kids.

Week 12 - Peeps of the Week

Tons of prospects for Peep of the Week today with the St. Patrick's Day holiday and my Sugarbush sojourn.
I actually had to narrow the selection down. The first two were the easiest though.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for Week 12 of 2007
Mike Rockett
Rick Rockett
Walter Homan
Pauline McBurney
The pompous lady at the bar of Chez Henri in Warren,Vt.
Mike Nestor
That's it.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Impromptu Downhill Skiing

Those thousands of Peeps who hit this Blog every day know that I rarely miss a daily entry. Yesterday was the exception.
Mike and Rick Rockett asked me to look at a business opportunity in Vermont for them that turned into an overnight St. Patrick's Day encore. The only difference from the amount of drinking that I did since the St. Pat's holiday blowout is that I didn't have to get up and ski after St. Patrick's Day.
I'm not a good downhill skiier, and I suck even more with a nauseous stomach and no food. But the conditions were the best that I've ever experienced.... beautifully groomed snow trails, no ice, 25 degrees, no wind, crystal clear blue skies.
What a waste!! After my five runs to the Rockett Boys 10, it was time to admit what an out of shape fat bastard I am.
If you had told me Mon. that I would be skiing at Sugarbush with a hangover on Wed. morning, I would have politely dismissed you as out of touch with reality. But that's why I missed the entry yesterday.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Jump Start

Thought it was going to be a quiet day today. But every time something happens that is GD stupid, things seem to stir up. To see that business unit disintegrate is so disquieting. It didn't have to happen.
It's always hard to get going after an active weekend. My trick is to clean up the office and file stuff away. The things that you touch gets you in a business frame of mind again. It didn't take long.
Then the calls started to come in.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Toasted the day with some of the finest Peeps at Flynnies then Sweeneys. St. Patrick's Day is such a great day of happiness and good will. I don't hit the Pubs with any frequency anymore, but they are definitely a lot of fun to be in around March 17.
Walter Homan and I did our Karaoke rendition, which we manage to do every ten years or so. He's the only guy that I've ever sung with. It was really bad, and I'm not quite sure why I did it. Usually I can hold my alcohol.
Joanne made our traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner which is great once or twice a year. I never was a huge fan of cabbage and turnip, but it tastes fine during these occasions. A happy combination of family and friends made Mike's visit back home a lot of fun - a good weekend

Friday, March 16, 2007


The family is trying to gather for St. Patrick's Day on Sunday - one of those holidays when we like to have a sit down dinner of corned beef and cabbage together.
Mike made it home from Virginia, but Kate is down in DC for business and this snowstorm prediction promises to screw up air travel. Ryan and Courtney are local I hope.
I'm optimistic that we will pull it off dispite this last attempt by winter to make an appearance during this snowless year in Boston.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

POTW Selections - Week 11 of 2007

What a shocker!!
At the very last minute, in our Darwin quitting party, Tammy Pham and Brooke Lutrelle gave Tom DiMatteo and I each a bottle of Lagavulin. Then they reminded me of the automatic Peep of the Week rule.... Receipt of the gift of Lagavulin is an automatic selection for the thoughtful, giving. aspiring peeps.
What a brilliant maneuver!
Plus, I was touched by the Darwin Quitting Party.
So the selections were all either automatic Lagavulin rule, or inspirational, or both! Even Frank did something inspirational and didn't annoy me.

I was shocked to find the selection process so forthright this week.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for 2007 - Week 11

Brooke Lutrelle (automatic Lagavulin Rule)
Tammy Pham (automatic Lagavulin Rule)
Frank Robinson
Jeff Reed
Rose Nyguen
Jay Ohanian

If only it was always this easy...

Looking Good

A Big Day.
Not just because it is Thursday, POTW Day, when lives are inexhorably changed.
Mike is coming home tonight from DC. for St. Patrick's Day ... his first trip home since signing on with BearingPoint.
I'm having dinner at Legal with my Darwin friends, who want to give DiMatteo and me a proper departure from that high end IT staffing company.
Plus, I just bought a Moto Q from Sprint, which should boost my productivity even higher. I didn't think that could be possible.
Not to mention working today doing the stuff I love to do, with people I love to work with at Sundance, Nanepashemet and Rockett.
How's your day look?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

White Flag

I had to surrender.
Filed extensions for both Sundance and Nanepashemet with the IRS.
The corporate filing deadline is March 15, and I wanted to make it, but only an all-nighter would have pulled it off, and I'm saving those efforts for a special occasion. I do intend to stay on this task until the returns are filed, and my country knows exactly how much money we made last year.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Think that killing people to destroy the evidence will save you?
You forgot about the Law of Karma.
Don't be a Pussy and scream on the way down. Take it like a man.

Criminal Behavior

Some Crimes are not against the law.
Leaving millions on the table, and ruining careers based upon business incompetence and chronic, myopic, CYA is a crime that should be against the law.
And I'd love to be the Prison Guard.


Nature played a cruel trick on us today... 60 degrees, like it's going to be like this from now on. It won't happen. Less than a week ago, I was freezing my ass off going to the Boston Govt. Center garage in single digit temperatures with a driving wind.
Today, the Sundance project hit the home stretch. Mike Rockett provided the catalyst, and Eyk Van Otterloo covered the unknowns. Sparky and Eric Rumpf filled in some other gaps. Sundance will be fine.
Nanepashemet Project Management also had a banner day. Huge potentials from two diverse clients. Waiting on one more, and it will be an unprecedented outlook. Peeps, I will tell you if it starts to suck, but it doesn't suck... the view from here and now is awesome.
Even finishing the Tender seems possible.

Monday, March 12, 2007

North End

Dinner with DiMatteo and a player to be named later at Trattoria di Monica on Prince Street in Boston's North End.
DiMatteo is the zen master of North End Italian restaurants. Never a bad meal.
Always start at Cafe della Sport on Hanover Street.... always end at Joe's American Grille on Atlantic Street.

More Internal Revenue Services

So now the IRS sent me a bill saying that I owe $132 from my 2004 taxes. No explanation or anything. I'm paying them immediately, but I don't think they'll appreciate it. Just one adventure after another.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Suck Brothers

Joanne and I took a nice walk along Devereaux Beach in the 40 degree sunny weather. We saw some sea birds in the water that looked a lot like loons and we also saw Danny Marcus.
Danny was one of the original "Suck Brothers" of Marblehead Youth Hockey. A great guy.
He and Ralph Sevinor used to talk about who sucked on the ice, which could get on your nerves. Then we started to call them the "Suck Brothers", and everytime they said someone sucked, we would all crack up.
Funny how you can change your perspective from something that is irritating to something that is laughable.
BTW, Gill, you must be spelling the address wrong. Hundreds of other peeps got it right.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Saturday Night

Watching Borat on DVD with Joanne and Kathy Peabody. It is so funny, that it hurts.
I've also rekindled my interest in Whiskey Sours. So far, I've told you about the Dark and Stormies, and Seagrams and Cider, and I don't think that another favorite cocktail will confuse anyone.
So here is my famous recipe for Whiskey Sours.
Fill a mid sized glass half way with ice, cover the ice with Jack Daniels, add some concentrated lemon juice, put in half a packet of Splenda, fill to the brim with Ginger Ale (I prefer diet for health reasons). Adding fruit is optional. Stir briskly. Drink. Repeat.

Dump Run

Have to make a drive this morning to move clutter from the house and get it to the dump. I'll concentrate on bagging junk until 1:30 PM, then make a dump run.
After that, it's all taxes and accounting for this fun weekend.
Do we know how to party or what!!!!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Weekend Update

What's up for the weekend?
I really wanted to go x-c skiing up in No. Conway, but the more mature choice is to tackle the corporate taxes for Sundance Pre-School and Nanepashemet Project Management.
The corporate taxes are due March 15.
If you're expecting me to rant about taxes in America, then I'm sorry. I just can't go there every time. But then again, the oppressive tax system is stealing a weekend of my life.


It seems like an extraordinary amount of change is in the air, like the universe is switching channels. Some of those closest to me are undergoing various important transitions.
Change is always tough, because uncertainty of the outcome causes anxiety. Generally, we fear change.
But change is the opportunity for new experience, and growth. And that's what we came on Earth to do.... to experience things.
So embrace change. Don't be so judgemental.
Trust that God knows more than you do. And make the best of it.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Stock Tip

Now that Mike Nestor and Nathaniel Clarke are working together down in DC, it's only a matter of time before the BearingPoint stock spikes up.
I'm no Jim Cramer, but I know an investment opportunity when I see one.

Week 10 - 2007 Peeps of the Week

Sorry I'm late. The New England Wireless Association Meeting at the Bell in Hand Bar on Union St. in downtown Boston turned into an open bar four Guiness affair. Then a crawl through single digit temperature and cutting wind to Donovan's in the Faneuil Marketplace for a couple of single malts that tasted like Oban. Plus I had to listen to the DiMatteo boys wax about their tastes in music.

When I got home to Marblehead, I hardly had only ennough time to fry up two Bubba Burgers, and get to bed. So I'm getting the POTW selections out late. Get over it. I have a good excuse.

Announcing the Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week

Eddie Nabors (the guy who won Mega Millions)
Lou Tarmey
Jean Shepard (of the Grand Ole Opry)
Chris Crawford
Keith DiMatteo
Jeff Previte

I'll be back on track next week

Hold Your Horses

It's Thursday morning. You won't know the Peeps of the Week until sometime tonight. So back off!! What do you think.... that all I do is ponder about the POTW selections??? I have my own work to do. Why don't you consider doing your's and leave me alone.
It's not going to be you anyway.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Mental Exercise.

Try this exercise.
When you get up in the morning, visualize what your day will be like. What appointments do you have? What things are you working on? What issues are you trying to solve?
Now visualize that everything that happens in the day is a good thing and in favor of you. Imagine that it is the end of the day, and everything that happened was great.
I swear to all that is holy, that this freaking exercise works. Take it seriously. It freaking works.
You will have a great day. What does it hurt to try?

Real Progress

Tender remains unfinished. But Sundance is really on a roll. The Rockett crews are in high gear and the place looks great. If I was a toddler, I'd love to go there.
Even the freaking elevator is in construction.

Lottery Malfunction

We lost.
What a shocker!
Must be a mistake.
Didn't hit on one number.
Back to making millions the old fashioned way.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

When I Win the Lottery

I've been thinking about what I'm going to do when I win the Lottery.
To say that your life will not change is ludicrous. All of your relationships will be altered by people being envious, disengenuous, spiteful or otherwise. Virtually no one will think of you in the same way.
Your true friends will be diluted by pseudo wellwishers and phoney hangers on.
So far, not a pretty picture.
But I've already been through extreme ups and downs. And I know who my friends are. So I'm prepared for the reactions. That will not deter me.
I will pay down my mortgages first, and own my real estate outright. Then I will establish liquid investments that will pay for the taxes, insurance and maintenance of my house, condo, and the Sundance Pre-school. I will then invest enough for minimum annual income. Maybe kicking off $200k per year. That will stabilize my current situation for eternity.
I will also give all of my kids and extended family $1m each.
After capitalizing my businesses and current partners, I will open up a boatbuilding shop that manufactures cedar strip wooden boats. I will create a market for sailing dories and traditional Herreshoff styled boats throughout the Eastern Seaboard. I'll initiate fishing and sailing clubs as well as boatbuilding classes. And I'll write about it all.
What will you do?

Charge Numbers

So... You're sitting at General Dynamics, bored out of your mind. Believe me, I know the feeling. But that doesn't mean you can take that valuable time to bang the Nanepashemet blog for over 7 hours and easily 50 hits.
Do you have a charge number for this?
Searches for Lou, Mike, GD. Seriously, I'm a stockholder and a pensioner. Get back to work and Get a Life.

Mega Millions

A $355M Jackpot - Lump Sum $147M - After Taxes - $70M.
So we're really aiming for a $70M payday. That's good enough. But then if you gave $1M to each of your family, they would have to pay gift tax on that.... probably about $500K. I've already paid the taxes on that money!!!!
Do you see why I get riled up over the tax system??! We get crumbs, relatively, compared to the money that we actually earn or win.
So what would you do with the $70M?
For starters, I would buy a bottle of Lagavulin.... at the distillery in Scotland.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Laid Back

Lots of mental activity, but hardly anything physical. Lack of balance doesn't seem healthy. I will press to rectify the imbalance this week. There is no redeeming value in a couch potato.


We had dinner at Dale and Gail Johnson's house last night. Grilled Lamb, Salad with avocado and papaya, Dark and Stormies, Brussel sprouts, Sweet Potatoes. They also supplied fun and thoughtful conversation.
I highly recommend having dinner there.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Basement Remodel

Ripping out the cabinets and the carpet. As usual, the projects are getting out of sequence. I really wanted to get the Tender done first.

Enough Already

Have you noticed that in the last five posts, three had quotations from the Bible? WTF is going on?

Religious Sayings

The problem with a lot of religious sayings is that you tend to read them, then not see the practical relevance because on the verbiage or context in which they are written. Let's face it.... biblical quotes are written in a version of English common over 400 years ago. It's hard to feel the relevance behind the prose. But if you peal it down, it can hit you hard with the practicality.
Like the story of Jesus turning the other cheek.

"You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil. But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also; and if any one would sue you and take your coat, let him have your cloak as well; and if any one forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles." - Matthew 5:38
It is really practical advise on the only true way to disarm your adversaries and gain the upper hand.

Doesn't Hurt to Try

"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." - Matthew 21:22

"And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." - Luke 11:9

"If two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. " - Matthew 18:19

Imagine that the Bible is real, and you can have anything you want, simply by asking sincerely and prayerfully, and that by believing that you have already received your wish, it comes true.!!! That's what these authors are saying.
Why don't you try it? No one has to know, there is no embarrassment. It's a silent exercise between you and your Almighty.
Just make your request to God and instill your belief and feeling that you already have what you wished for.
Let me know how you make out.

Friday, March 02, 2007


Both DiMatteo and I gave our resignations today. A most surprising turn of events. Destiny beckons.

Never Say Never

Christ said that if a man would have faith, he can move mountains. I used to think this was bullshit, now I know that it is rock solid. Nothing is insurmountable. Every problem can be solved by the exercise of truly trying to resolve it. And the results can be miraculous.
Mountains can be moved.... Instantly.... If you have the will and resolve.
If you want something, truly want it, you can attain it.
Be careful what you ask for, and have the courage to seek what you truly want.... not what you think that you deserve, or should have.

"I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."
- J. Christ
So... What are you waiting for?


I'm getting ready to watch "The Departed", a Martin Scorsese film based upon Whitey Bulger in South Boston.
I hope they don't glorify him.
People who think that the Sopranos or the Corleones are something to emulate have a screw loose.
Ultimately, those mobsters all get ruined. People who think they are cool, always forget the ending of the stories.


Don Imus of MSNBC's Imus in the Morning gets it. Plus he has an attitude. I fully expect him to promote my book soon.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Nice Evening

Salem Waterfront Hotel
Damn... if you overlook the myopic stupidity of those who insist on losing millions to save thousands... it's still all good.
I don't understand it. But I've seen it before. They declare victory.... and lose a fortune. To call them losers doesn't seem to do it justice. They are colossal, stupendous, humongous losers.
That's a better description.
Putting them in the rear view mirror.... receding fast.
Enough of that.

Peeps of the Week

Regardless of my vacation day, I have no choice but to get the POTW selections out for Week 9 of 2007. It's been a real interesting week... with a lot of annoying stuff, but also a a lot of inspiring stuff. Nobody gave me a bottle of Lagavulin like last week, so there will be no automatic selections. Maybe next week.

Announcing ...
The Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for Week 9 of 2007.

Al Perkins
Sparky Spillane
Dave Bruett
Steve Garten
Ed Hudson
Natalie Jacobson

Winners/Losers All.
Ok, settle down, It's not all about you!!!
Let them have their glory/disgrace.


Trying to take a vacation day this Thurs. and Fri. If you check your email and your voicemail while you are on vacation.... then you are not on vacation. The vacation part has to do with your mind, not where your body is located. I don't have any admiration for workaholics.
Despite this lofty position, I always answer my cell phone. And the good stuff keeps on coming in!!!! Man, I wish I had this streak on the BlackJack tables at Vegas.
It will be good when I come back from vacation.

How True

"There is nothing worse than aggressive stupidity."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

You go, Johann Wolfgang!!!

Morning Outlook

Do you believe that you create your own reality? If that is the case, then this is going to be a great day... not to mention year. I'm expecting some awesome results from the reality I'm about to create.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

GD Anniversary

Today is the anniversary of my severance from GD. As part of the terms of my relatively lucrative severance agreement, I was not supposed to say anything bad about General Dynamics, or recruit their staff, or work for some of their competitors for one year.
As if a multi-billion dollar defense contractor had anything to fear from me. But now the year is up.
I wouldn't worry if I were them. They owe me a pension and I want them to be around when I retire.

Forward Progress

Do you ever have days when everything clicks? From 8:30 this morning to 5:30 tonight, it was all good... a very powerful day.
You have to take the time to appreciate a good day like this. Reflect on why things went so well. I'm thinking that when you eliminate the negative environment, and start to think the positive thoughts, you get flooded with the good stuff.
I won't be putting up any sand bags to stop this flood.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Thanks to Eric

Eric Rumpf from the Rumpf Design Group dropped by tonight with the plans for the Sundance elevator.
Eric is one of the all time good guys..... a real professional with tons of talent, who is not full of himself. He has a great sense of humor and is fun to be around. If he is working for you, then good things are going to happen. I really respect him.


To the paranoid losers out there. You know who you are.
You'll get treated the same way that you treat others..... No better, no worse. So it's up to you if you want to get your ass kicked. I'm from Lynn....
Plus I'm Irish....
It's been said that the Irish hate to fight... until they get into a fight. Then they love it. I learned a lot at the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Division 10, when I was a young man. My patience is getting short.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Roman Addiction

All week you look forward to Sunday night to see the next episode of Rome on HBO. Then they show repeats!!!
Damn... it's still great.

Personal Improvement

I have to confess that when people tell lies, and try to manipulate me, I tend to overreact.
That's just the way I am. It's kind of my pet peeve. Really sets me off. Gets my Irish up.
I'll try to be the bigger man, and not be so damn vindictive. Common sense says that vengeance gets you nowhere.
It's not easy.

Triple P

I'm pretty sure that I'll look back at this day as being one of the great ones. ....
Pivotal to a Positive Position.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Joanne is making me watch Brokeback Mountain with her. And I am definitely grossed out. She says that I have a double standard because watching Lesbians doesn't bother me.
She's right.

At Rest

I found out today that the graphic that I like so much... of the peaceful Maine Matinicus Double Ender lobster boat... is the work of Christine Knight Coombs from South China, Maine, and entitled "At Rest".
If you found solace from that work, I highly recommend that you visit her web site.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Opening Doors

Interesting opportunities are cropping up. Getting the calls. It's weird how one door opens when another closes, but nonetheless this theorum is valid. I wonder how long it will take before science validates the law of attraction.
We have already proven that the universe is composed of various combinations of atoms - all of which have different degrees of attraction to each other. We are truly one with each other and with the universe. How our thoughts and actions affect the interaction of these atoms has not been defined scientifically, but certainly philosophers and religious leaders have filled the void with perceptions of this truth.
My own experience tells me that the coincidences of life events are too bizarre to be left to random chance. Something guides the synchronicity of circumstances that affect us daily. Calling it God suits me. You can call it anything you like, but something is pulling the strings.
Time for a scotch.

Sure Cure for Stress

Feeling stressed out?
I highly recommend a large, pepperoni, garlic and extra cheese pizza from Vesuvius Cafe in Marblehead. Sure cures the hell out of me.
Course there are some side effects. Like feeling like a fat shit the next day.


Even though Thursday has so much significance as the Nanepashemet Peep of the Week day, I have to admit that Saturday is my favorite day.
Sunday is good, but you always have that nagging..."What the hell do I have to do at work tomorrow?" ... feeling. I don't know about you, but that "tick, tick, tick" stopwatch sequence on the Sixty Minutes program on Sunday night always is a downer for me. It means that the fun weekend is over.
But Saturday is perfect. You have your Friday night blowout behind you, and a leisurely Sunday morning in front of you... and nothing but Saturday in between. Even when I work on Saturday, it's always an informal, get something done and out of the way day.
There's always a chance that Joanne and I will get to see some of the kids on Saturday.
Saturday is the best bet to catch some work on the Tender.
I usually fish in the summer on Saturday.
Saturday night is the best night to have dinner and hang with your friends.
It's Saturday. Rock on.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

PEEPS - week 8 - 2007

Today was particularly stressful. While I don't believe in Black and White, today the shades of grey were excessively dark.

Truth is relative, but you cross the line when you get to half truths. My problem is that I am just too nice of a guy..... then people get caught off guard when they see what a crazy prick I can be. I should be more of a prick all of the time to lessen the shock.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week

Tom DiMatteo (automatic Lagavulin rule)
Jennifer the Atlanta Delta passenger
Rose Nyguen
Eric Johnson
the Puerto Rican Porsche Driver
Bill Hillegas

Screw it. I can't shake the Mr. Sunshine image overnight.


Between San Juan and Atlanta, we had some very revealing meetings with the carriers for Darwin. The projects we are pursuing take a good deal of incubation before they hatch, but Eric Johnson and Jay Ohanian are definitely up for the task. Not everybody has the intestinal fortitude, patience and insight to make money in this industry and market.
Today is POTW day. Those unfortunate/lucky individuals will have their glory/disgrace by 8:00PM this evening. Have a nice day.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Panera Bread

In Atlanta with Jay Ohanian at a Panera Bread accessing the net for free. This chain could be my office away from home. Good food, healthy selections, free internet... a good find.