Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Neat Streak

I've been on a neatness streak lately.
A place for everything, and everything in its place.
Those who have known me over time, know that this is never a permanent situation.   I've had sloppy streaks that have lasted for years.
When I was the Lynn Housing Authority Director, I would never leave unless every file was in place.  And when I had an office in Cambridge, the level of organization was at an all time high.
But at other times... not so much.
When I'm in a neat streak, nothing can be out of place.   Neurotically.   A completely clean desk and not a paper in sight.  Historically, when this happens, I have been at the top of my game.   And it's true that I'm feeling that way lately, too.
We'll see how long this lasts.

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