Tuesday, January 22, 2013


A special thanks goes out to the sweet baby Jesus that the inaugural is over.
If any more of those ABC Liberally-Biased talking heads gush any more..... I think that I may have to hit the Emergency room for some Obamacare after a serious Gush and Fawn Overdose.
Her Bangs.... "Stunning!!!"    Her Red Dress...."Spectacular"!!!!!!
As Diane Sawyer said this morning... and I quote..."Fawn, Fawn, Gushy Gush Gush, Fawn".  To which George Democratontopofus responded, "Yes Diane, but I also thought that Gush, big fat Liberally Biased Gushy Gush, Fawn, Gush Gush."
This is telejournalism at its hard hitting finest, Peeps.
I always thought that I was as tough as the next guy... but the next Gush I hear could very well be the tipping point.
At least the Prez pounded out a come together, feel good speech that made you proud to be an American.   Something for everyone... as long as you were a card carrying Liberal and don't mind Bankrupting the country for future generations to deal with... but we have to change the climate.... for the children.
Too late.... Heading for the closest sink to Hurl.

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