Monday, November 05, 2012

Polls and Polarization

The Polls have the Presidential Election locked in a dead heat.  But I have to believe they are basically flawed.  I'm an Independent and nobody has called me, and I wonder if there are a lot more like me.   Independents are the majority political designation here in primarily Democratic Massachusetts.
The polls were seriously off when Senator Scott Brown defeated Attorney General Martha Coakley last time and it seems like polling institutions like the Boston Globe skewers their questioning to meet the result that they desire rather than the actual political situation.
Who would vote for someone just because the polls puts that candidate in the lead?    I doubt that the general electorate is that stupid.  If so, skewering the polls is a self defeating proposition, because  if your candidate leads by so much, why bother going to vote?
If the election is really in a dead heat, then close to 50% of you will be unhappy with the result.  That's why Obama can't bask in the glory of socializing healthcare with his Obamacare Law.  Even though he rammed it through with the votes, the country is too polarized to accept its implementation.
In a polarized situation, the victor will not be sucessful unless he can bring the country together... not jam an agenda down on the other 50%.   Obama has said voting is the best revenge.   That mentality insures his ultimate downfall, whether he wins the election or not.

Keep in mind that 17 of the last 19 Presdential elections can be determined by the Washington Redskins game the Sunday prior to the election.
If the Skins win, the Incumbent triumphs. If the skins lose the contender will get in.
Final Score - Panthers 21 - Redskins 13.
Go Mitt Go..

1 comment:

TommyO said...

Keep in mind that 17 of the last 19 Presdential elections can be determined by the Washington Redskins game the Sunday prior to the election.
If the Skins win, the Incumbent triumphs. If the skins lose the contender will get in.
Final Score - Panthers 21 - Redskins 13.
Go Mitt Go..