I don't like to work on the weekends... Business style work I mean. The weekends are for diversion, like fishing or building Tommy O's deck. But this weekend, I had to devote extensively to Nanepashemet Telecom. The orders are piling in, which normally happens in the 4th quarter of the corporate world and we have to rise to meet the challenge. Which we will... MOAM style of course.
I did sneak a couple of peeks at the Patriots game and also visited Ryan in his new apartment. And got in some good firearms talk with Brendt D'Orio since that seems to be the topic de jour. (that's French for topic of the day.)
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Red Squirrels and Dead Squirrels
Got a ton of response from you Peeps about which new piece I should purchase to add to my obsolete firearms collection that my Grandfather handed down to me.
When I think of how my Grandfather used to sleep with a loaded pistol under his pillow, and thought nothing of leaving me as a ten year old kid out on the side porch up in his Maine cabin with a .22 calibre rifle telling me to "shoot the phucking red squirrels" that he hated so much.... it's hard to believe that I turned out as such a well rounded, overall nice person.
Grampa backed me off of this squirrel duty after I put a round through his shed and splintered a rug on his wooden ladder.... plus I missed the phucking squirrel.
I know that this is starting to sound like a Tuna Lips vignette, but it really happened.
Anyway.... I had no idea there were so many Glock and Smith & Wesson afficionados out there. I was originally set on a Glock 19 or 23. Now I'm leaning heavily on the Smith & Wesson 38 or 380.
Thanks for all of your comments and suggestions, but I'm more confused than ever.
Maybe I'll just keep cleaning Gramps old collection.
When I think of how my Grandfather used to sleep with a loaded pistol under his pillow, and thought nothing of leaving me as a ten year old kid out on the side porch up in his Maine cabin with a .22 calibre rifle telling me to "shoot the phucking red squirrels" that he hated so much.... it's hard to believe that I turned out as such a well rounded, overall nice person.
Grampa backed me off of this squirrel duty after I put a round through his shed and splintered a rug on his wooden ladder.... plus I missed the phucking squirrel.
I know that this is starting to sound like a Tuna Lips vignette, but it really happened.
Anyway.... I had no idea there were so many Glock and Smith & Wesson afficionados out there. I was originally set on a Glock 19 or 23. Now I'm leaning heavily on the Smith & Wesson 38 or 380.
Thanks for all of your comments and suggestions, but I'm more confused than ever.
Maybe I'll just keep cleaning Gramps old collection.
Iacono Said 10:06 AM
If you're truly interested in plinking
squirrels, I'd suggest the Barrett .50 caliber. It's the only thing I use AND it
quite effectively gets rid of them. It also gets rid of any loose hanging
branches as well.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Permit Breakthroughs
Lately Peeps... Nanepashement Telecom has taken the science of Zoning permitting to new levels.
We have been pulling massive amounts of permits using a range of new and exciting techniques.
Naturally, I can't disclose these techniques in that they are trade secrets and company confidential, but rest assured that they are wicked effective... allowing us to pull multiple permits in one visit and completely manipulating the outcomes of zoning hearings.
We may have to seek the services a patent attorney soon.
We have been pulling massive amounts of permits using a range of new and exciting techniques.
Naturally, I can't disclose these techniques in that they are trade secrets and company confidential, but rest assured that they are wicked effective... allowing us to pull multiple permits in one visit and completely manipulating the outcomes of zoning hearings.
We may have to seek the services a patent attorney soon.
Glock v. S&W
The handguns and hunting rifles that my grandfather left for me are cool, but are starting to seem really old and dated. I take one or two of them to the firing range every couple of months, but they are really antiques and I thought that I might want to impress the guys at the gun club with a new composite Glock 23.
But a close friend of mine, and the guy at the Fireams store today talked me out of the Glock and pointed to good old Smith and Wesson as the direction that I should head in for the use intended.
Plus Smith and Wesson is manufactured in Springfield, MA, while Glock is an Austrian company. So I'll be zeroing in on an S&W model to update the family arsenal, and doing my part to help abate the United States trade imbalance.
But a close friend of mine, and the guy at the Fireams store today talked me out of the Glock and pointed to good old Smith and Wesson as the direction that I should head in for the use intended.
Plus Smith and Wesson is manufactured in Springfield, MA, while Glock is an Austrian company. So I'll be zeroing in on an S&W model to update the family arsenal, and doing my part to help abate the United States trade imbalance.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Racist Grandparents
I've been trying to get over my obsession with US Senate Candidate, Liz Warren, and her claim to be a whopping 1/32 Cherokee Indian... without much luck.
It's because she won't admit to the lie. Now she says that her parents eloped because her paternal grandparents objected to her father marrying someone who was part Cherokee and part Delaware.
What parts Liz???? The top geneologists in the country come up short and can't find a drop of your minority red blood corpuscles coursing on their 1/32nd path through your high income Harvard attorney frame.
And what about the racist stock that you come from??? Now that you have disclosed your grandparents as anti-Native American.
I have to admit, my hands are tired from scatching my head every time I see a Warren sign. Who could ever buy her Bullshit?
It's because she won't admit to the lie. Now she says that her parents eloped because her paternal grandparents objected to her father marrying someone who was part Cherokee and part Delaware.
What parts Liz???? The top geneologists in the country come up short and can't find a drop of your minority red blood corpuscles coursing on their 1/32nd path through your high income Harvard attorney frame.
And what about the racist stock that you come from??? Now that you have disclosed your grandparents as anti-Native American.
I have to admit, my hands are tired from scatching my head every time I see a Warren sign. Who could ever buy her Bullshit?
Lips said
Great point. To explain herself she takes a
big sh*t on her own. Kind of like Frank MCCourt making money off of telling how
his mum had to prostitute herself to get by. It happens, we get it, but don't
shame your own in public or speak of their failings in a casual manner to
advance your life. They gave you that life.
Warren has loyalty to herself and the story she tells about herself, that is it.
Warren has loyalty to herself and the story she tells about herself, that is it.
Just heard her pathetic ad again this morning. She ends it by saying that Scott Brown is attacking her family. Quite a twist of logic. She accuses her grandparents of racism, but when Brown challenges her obvious lie, he is guilty of attacking her family. What the Hell do they teach those kids at Harvard anyway????
Just my Opinion - Polls.
ABC News and Bloomberg have polls out that show Romney falling behind President BO.
What a shocker! These polls seek to be the news rather than reflect the news.
Remember the Brown polls when he was running against our beloved AG, Martha Coakley? Seems the election results showed that the polls were wrong.... big time... as Brown pounded the smug heir to the Kennedy Senate seat.
That is what I suspect is going on here.
The only reason that Conservatives have prevailed against Democrats in two of the last three Presidential elections is that Americans are not stupid. They can't be herded into the pens that the Liberal polls seek to create.
Good Morning America is shamelessly reporting today how things are getting better in the Country and how Romney is dropping in the Polls. You can't make this shit up.... excuse me? ABC News makes it up all the time.
What a shocker! These polls seek to be the news rather than reflect the news.
Remember the Brown polls when he was running against our beloved AG, Martha Coakley? Seems the election results showed that the polls were wrong.... big time... as Brown pounded the smug heir to the Kennedy Senate seat.
That is what I suspect is going on here.
The only reason that Conservatives have prevailed against Democrats in two of the last three Presidential elections is that Americans are not stupid. They can't be herded into the pens that the Liberal polls seek to create.
Good Morning America is shamelessly reporting today how things are getting better in the Country and how Romney is dropping in the Polls. You can't make this shit up.... excuse me? ABC News makes it up all the time.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Warren Deserves Respect
Scott Brown Supporters today were shown in a disgusting video, taunting Senate Candidate Elizabeth Warren with tomohawk chops and war whoops.
What an insult to the Native American Indian Senate hopeful!
Oh... I forgot... Warren is not really a Cherokee. She just claimed to be when she applied for law professorships in Ivy League Schools, like Harvard.
And when she was tenured for her teaching position, she did the moral thing by unchecking the affirmative action box. And it didn't matter a bit that she didn't need to claim to be a minority anymore.... it was the right thing to do.
Shame on Senator Brown for not controlling his supporters with their shameful display of disgust for Professor Warren. He should clean his act up.
Warren deserves Respect. She's always been for the little guy... like securing a trust fund for employees that her client, the Travelers Ins. Co. was suing. But... if she was working for the Travelers, why was she helping their opponents???? Then she represented another big business, LTV Steel. But I thought she was supposed to be for the little guys.
This is so confusing. Can you say "Horrendous Liar"? Cause that's what it seems like, doesn't it?
Hopefully some of my "Progressive" Friends can explain it for me.
What an insult to the Native American Indian Senate hopeful!
Oh... I forgot... Warren is not really a Cherokee. She just claimed to be when she applied for law professorships in Ivy League Schools, like Harvard.
And when she was tenured for her teaching position, she did the moral thing by unchecking the affirmative action box. And it didn't matter a bit that she didn't need to claim to be a minority anymore.... it was the right thing to do.
Shame on Senator Brown for not controlling his supporters with their shameful display of disgust for Professor Warren. He should clean his act up.
Warren deserves Respect. She's always been for the little guy... like securing a trust fund for employees that her client, the Travelers Ins. Co. was suing. But... if she was working for the Travelers, why was she helping their opponents???? Then she represented another big business, LTV Steel. But I thought she was supposed to be for the little guys.
This is so confusing. Can you say "Horrendous Liar"? Cause that's what it seems like, doesn't it?
Hopefully some of my "Progressive" Friends can explain it for me.
But don't make fun of her Phoney Indian Heritage. That's just not right.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Narcissist in Chief

So what if Netanyahu has his finger on a nuclear trigger in the most volatile hotspot in the world. Shouldn't he cater to Baba Wawa first? And what if he were to delay an audience with the cheater but really funny Letterman? Could he risk getting a cheeky remark from the Liberal wisecracker?
Netanyahu should take his proper place in line. Just keep his finger in his pocket and shut the phuck up about that stupid Iranian annihilation threat. Geez... What a Freaking Nag!!!! Wants to take up BO's time for that shit when he has to prep for Late Night with Dave?????
Go see the Canadian Prime Minister or something and don't be such a whiney girlyman.
When you are the Chief Narcissist of the Free World, you have to pick your priorities carefully.
Beyonce v. Benjamin?
You make the choice.
Tuna Lips Said.....
Say what yiz want, but Billy Clinton woulda had his hand on that comely lass Lizabeth thigh, stead of sitting next to them two beasts. Little known fact, I have done the lighting and soundboard on a couple movies. This set up in the picture, a whole hodge podge of women and a black guy, New York City, it's a story line ripe with potential. on Narcissist in Chief
OK..if you can pick out the one person here who knows how to sit like a man, you will win a free copy of Lizzie Warren's best selling Native American Cookbook... "Pow Wow Chow".
(Hint.... look at Goldberg.)
Tuna Lips said....
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Painted Perfectly
Waiting for the Pats Game to start at 8:30 PM tonight against the Baltimore Ravens. I doubt if I'll last to the 4th Qtr due to the MOAM effort in painting ceilings at West Shore Drive today.
The ceiling came out great with minimal mess.... largely due to the Wagner
PaintMate Plus 9 in. Manual-Trigger Paint Roller that I purchased yesterday at Home Depot.
This little baby cost less than $25 bucks, worked like a charm and cut the time and effort in rolling out the ceiling in half after I finished cutting in the fixtures and the moulding with no mess whatsoever.
You load up the storage tube directly from the paint can with no drips, then roll away with no trips to the paint tray.
I had taken a piece of unused moulding from the kitchen cabinet repairto Home Depot, and their computer color scanning system nailed the ceiling paint cover to exactly match the cabinets. And the quality and coverage of the paint was excellent.
Painting has always been my least favorite renovation activity... primarily because of the mess involved. But the success of this day may change things.

PaintMate Plus 9 in. Manual-Trigger Paint Roller that I purchased yesterday at Home Depot.
This little baby cost less than $25 bucks, worked like a charm and cut the time and effort in rolling out the ceiling in half after I finished cutting in the fixtures and the moulding with no mess whatsoever.
You load up the storage tube directly from the paint can with no drips, then roll away with no trips to the paint tray.
I had taken a piece of unused moulding from the kitchen cabinet repairto Home Depot, and their computer color scanning system nailed the ceiling paint cover to exactly match the cabinets. And the quality and coverage of the paint was excellent.
Painting has always been my least favorite renovation activity... primarily because of the mess involved. But the success of this day may change things.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Precautions Perpetrating from Project Perfection
Tommy O's Deck is just about finished with a couple of punch list items remaining. It is a piece of art by all accounts. It was my origninal intention to just create a home improvement for a close friend and former POTY. I did not consciously initiate an attempt to build a project that would attract such media and industry attention.
Sure the deck is well built and the design proportioned nicely. I just didn't anticipate that it would be an example of Fung Shue perfection. Too much hoopla over a wooden platform if you ask me. All of the people trespassing on Tommy's property to catch a glimpse of the latest pristine Nanepashemet Deck has become a real nuisance.
Plus it's time to start painting the interior of West Shore Drive. That property is an unpolished gem and is destined to be a historic shrine as the center of project management excellence professed by Nanepashemet Telecom.
By late November, hundreds of you Peeps will be making the pilgrimage to the annual Night Before Thanksgiving Day Bash and your expectations for an ostentatious, yet tasteful and subdued setting cannot be denied.
So tomorrow, the living room ceiling at West Shore gets a coat of paint. I would hope that it is a one day job, but you can't rush perfection.
Sure the deck is well built and the design proportioned nicely. I just didn't anticipate that it would be an example of Fung Shue perfection. Too much hoopla over a wooden platform if you ask me. All of the people trespassing on Tommy's property to catch a glimpse of the latest pristine Nanepashemet Deck has become a real nuisance.
Plus it's time to start painting the interior of West Shore Drive. That property is an unpolished gem and is destined to be a historic shrine as the center of project management excellence professed by Nanepashemet Telecom.
By late November, hundreds of you Peeps will be making the pilgrimage to the annual Night Before Thanksgiving Day Bash and your expectations for an ostentatious, yet tasteful and subdued setting cannot be denied.
So tomorrow, the living room ceiling at West Shore gets a coat of paint. I would hope that it is a one day job, but you can't rush perfection.
Nanepashemet Opinion Poll
All the poll results are so confusing. Scott up by 5%, 75% of voters don't care if Warren eats succotash and venison in a teepee, Obama leads Romney by 8%... the day after Romney was up by 2%.
Pretty unreliable.
So I've decided to commission my own poll, the Nanepashemet Opinion Poll, in order to get to the truth about what people are thinking.
The results have been astounding.... suitable for coverage from such unbiased institutions as ABC News and the Boston Globe.
85% of the scientific sample polled by Nanepashemet thought that Elizabeth Warren did not look like an Indian.
67% felt that Obama had big ears.
72% reasoned that it was racist to think that Obama had big ears.
92% believed the Mitt Romney was a stiff.
55% felt that Michelle Obama would kick the shit out of anyone who said her husband had big ears.
There you go.... the first of many Nanepashemet opinion polls..... absolutely as reliable as any of the other poser polls out there.
George, leave me a voicemail if you need me to interview on your Good Morning America journalistic gem.
Pretty unreliable.
So I've decided to commission my own poll, the Nanepashemet Opinion Poll, in order to get to the truth about what people are thinking.
The results have been astounding.... suitable for coverage from such unbiased institutions as ABC News and the Boston Globe.
85% of the scientific sample polled by Nanepashemet thought that Elizabeth Warren did not look like an Indian.
67% felt that Obama had big ears.
72% reasoned that it was racist to think that Obama had big ears.
92% believed the Mitt Romney was a stiff.
55% felt that Michelle Obama would kick the shit out of anyone who said her husband had big ears.
There you go.... the first of many Nanepashemet opinion polls..... absolutely as reliable as any of the other poser polls out there.
George, leave me a voicemail if you need me to interview on your Good Morning America journalistic gem.
Friday, September 21, 2012
POTW Week 38
Mitt Romney disclosed his taxes today. Seems he has averaged 20% over the last twenty years, and the total is in the multi-millions. And this doesn't include the 10% tithe that he makes to his church.
Now I want to see what Obama has paid... not just the percentage.... but the total amount. Who has contributed the most????
And I want to see Obama's college transcripts. What were his grades? What did he study? What financial aid did he receive? The big rumor is that he registered as an Indonesian foreign aid student named Barry Soetoro. Obama must disclose and quell this falsehood. Right?
We have a right to know.... don't we??????
And in the meantime... where are Liz Warrens employment records? How come she won't disclose? What is she hiding? A little ill begotten Affirmative Action perc maybe?
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 38th Week of 2012
Elizabeth Warren
Barry Soetoro
Wendy Heller
Cindy Bencal
Liz Kelleher
Maria Rowen
The game is over now that Romney has disclosed and called their bluff. Now we want to see from the critical Dems.
Gotta Love Politics.
It is scientific proof that we never grow up.
Now I want to see what Obama has paid... not just the percentage.... but the total amount. Who has contributed the most????
And I want to see Obama's college transcripts. What were his grades? What did he study? What financial aid did he receive? The big rumor is that he registered as an Indonesian foreign aid student named Barry Soetoro. Obama must disclose and quell this falsehood. Right?
We have a right to know.... don't we??????
And in the meantime... where are Liz Warrens employment records? How come she won't disclose? What is she hiding? A little ill begotten Affirmative Action perc maybe?
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 38th Week of 2012
Elizabeth Warren
Barry Soetoro
Wendy Heller
Cindy Bencal
Liz Kelleher
Maria Rowen
The game is over now that Romney has disclosed and called their bluff. Now we want to see from the critical Dems.
Gotta Love Politics.
It is scientific proof that we never grow up.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Planning the Year
Not for Nothing, but... I was just discussing with Joanne that if I lost 1 lb
per week every week for the next year, I would lose over 50 lbs. It seemed like
a good sign when she didn't roll her eyes and actually listened.
But, when you look at it that way, it doesn't seem unattainable at all. I mean, calculate the calories that you can eat every day in order to lose 1 lb per week. In my case, that is 2,237 calories.
Keep track of the calories with some food program on your computer or IPOD that you eat every day, burn 600+/- calories on the Cybex or the treadmill, and after one year.....you will be the rough, tough, hard to bluff, mountain of a man that is your true destiny.
It almost seems too easy. Even now, I'm holding out on that second glass of Scotch.
I can hardly wait until next year, when I give my daughter Katelyn away.
But, when you look at it that way, it doesn't seem unattainable at all. I mean, calculate the calories that you can eat every day in order to lose 1 lb per week. In my case, that is 2,237 calories.
Keep track of the calories with some food program on your computer or IPOD that you eat every day, burn 600+/- calories on the Cybex or the treadmill, and after one year.....you will be the rough, tough, hard to bluff, mountain of a man that is your true destiny.
It almost seems too easy. Even now, I'm holding out on that second glass of Scotch.
I can hardly wait until next year, when I give my daughter Katelyn away.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Sex Changes and Brain Transplants
A lot of controversy is swirling up here in New England lately about the convicted murderer who was granted sex change at taxpayer expense by the Federal Judge in Boston.
I basically have no problem with this.... as long as the Judge gets a brain transplant at the same time. We could then examine his brain to see what makes a Moron like that tick.
BTW, the Judge also allowed the murderer/he/she to have his/her legal bills paid by you and me.
Peeps... you couldn't make this shit up. Nobody would believe you.
I basically have no problem with this.... as long as the Judge gets a brain transplant at the same time. We could then examine his brain to see what makes a Moron like that tick.
BTW, the Judge also allowed the murderer/he/she to have his/her legal bills paid by you and me.
Peeps... you couldn't make this shit up. Nobody would believe you.
No Knock on New Haven
After a quick appointment this morning with my collection attorney, Wendy Heller, I may be taking the F-150 down to New Haven County.
Lots of stuff brewing down there, We are filing to install some unobtrusive and rather attractive cell antennas on a former beer brewery building and will be negotiating to install a slightly thickened flagpole stuffed with carrier antennas on another historic locus.
Also have to start from scratch at a college site down there.
Being a Mountain of a Man means that you have to go where the work is.... even if it takes a little dose of 5 Hour Energy for the late drive home.
Lots of stuff brewing down there, We are filing to install some unobtrusive and rather attractive cell antennas on a former beer brewery building and will be negotiating to install a slightly thickened flagpole stuffed with carrier antennas on another historic locus.
Also have to start from scratch at a college site down there.
Being a Mountain of a Man means that you have to go where the work is.... even if it takes a little dose of 5 Hour Energy for the late drive home.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Responsible or Entitled?
Politricks is just what it is.... the effort to herd people like sheep into a non-thinking mode and into the same pen.
Romney said in May Republican Rally that 47% of the people in the US do not take responsibility for their lives and seek entitlement from the government.
Now the Dems want to make hay of that statement, but I highly doubt that either party will deny it.
Romney is simply saying to his supporters that he cannot hope to reach the 47% of Americans that want to be taken care of and seek entitlements.
Obama misses the point in his ad that merely highlighting this fact will not bring the other 53% into seeking the federal entitlements that he and the "progressives" espouse.
The difference in the approaches is psychological rather than political. If you are self assured and secure in your abilities to provide for yourself and your family, you will vote one way. If you feel that you are at the mercy of others, and are insecure in your capabilities, you will seek the comfort of the government and vote the other way.
In either case, you're not a bad person.... it's just your psychological makeup.
Romney said in May Republican Rally that 47% of the people in the US do not take responsibility for their lives and seek entitlement from the government.
Now the Dems want to make hay of that statement, but I highly doubt that either party will deny it.
Romney is simply saying to his supporters that he cannot hope to reach the 47% of Americans that want to be taken care of and seek entitlements.
Obama misses the point in his ad that merely highlighting this fact will not bring the other 53% into seeking the federal entitlements that he and the "progressives" espouse.
The difference in the approaches is psychological rather than political. If you are self assured and secure in your abilities to provide for yourself and your family, you will vote one way. If you feel that you are at the mercy of others, and are insecure in your capabilities, you will seek the comfort of the government and vote the other way.
In either case, you're not a bad person.... it's just your psychological makeup.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
POTW Week 37
This week, I tended to my annual golf obligation as Nanepashemet sponsored a hole at the New England Wireless Association Golf Tournament held at the Red Tail Country Club in Ayer, MA.
Red Tail abuts Fort Devens, and it was weird to drive by the FreshAyer locus again after all of the trips in previous years.... a feeling of "Did that really happen?"
At least my golf game was consistent... on the bad side of sucky.
Bobby Brown tried to take the sting out by telling me that he had a bottle of the King for me in his car, but I had to leave the post tournament cook out early for a zoning hearing up on the North Shore and never even connected with the Lagavulin. Gave Bobby the "Automatic" selection anyway, because I'll catch up with that bottle soon enough.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 37th Week of 2012
Scott Brown
Frank Iacono
Brendt D' Orio
Bobby Brown (Automatic Lagavulin Rule)
Sharon Horne
Jeff Previte
This morning, I'm bringing Grandson Will out for a row in Marblehead Harbor on the Herreshoff Columbia Tender.... which will be far more enjoyable that hitting a dimpled spheroid badly and ackwardly for 18 miserable holes.
Red Tail abuts Fort Devens, and it was weird to drive by the FreshAyer locus again after all of the trips in previous years.... a feeling of "Did that really happen?"
At least my golf game was consistent... on the bad side of sucky.
Bobby Brown tried to take the sting out by telling me that he had a bottle of the King for me in his car, but I had to leave the post tournament cook out early for a zoning hearing up on the North Shore and never even connected with the Lagavulin. Gave Bobby the "Automatic" selection anyway, because I'll catch up with that bottle soon enough.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 37th Week of 2012
Scott Brown
Frank Iacono
Brendt D' Orio
Bobby Brown (Automatic Lagavulin Rule)
Sharon Horne
Jeff Previte
This morning, I'm bringing Grandson Will out for a row in Marblehead Harbor on the Herreshoff Columbia Tender.... which will be far more enjoyable that hitting a dimpled spheroid badly and ackwardly for 18 miserable holes.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Computer Time Warp
Yesterday, around 4:00PM, I came to the conclusion that the multitude of spread sheets that I have been using to track work for our largest customer were not going to cut it anymore.
Too many cells to cover, too much cutting and pasting, and overall, a chore to quickly tie into the specific information that we seem to need on a moment's notice.
Lucky for me that I'm a Mountain of a Man who happens to come equipped with an abundance of database programming ability dating back to the old dBase II days.
So I dusted off my copy of Microsoft Access 2007, cranked it into the CD drive and within an hour, I was deeply into the programming mode. So deeply in fact, that when I came up for air and checked the clock, it was 12:05AM.
I am not shitting you... I had one of those time warps as I wrestled to get all of my project records organized slickly in an my Access database. Not elegant by any means, but the time warp paid off.
Too many cells to cover, too much cutting and pasting, and overall, a chore to quickly tie into the specific information that we seem to need on a moment's notice.
Lucky for me that I'm a Mountain of a Man who happens to come equipped with an abundance of database programming ability dating back to the old dBase II days.
So I dusted off my copy of Microsoft Access 2007, cranked it into the CD drive and within an hour, I was deeply into the programming mode. So deeply in fact, that when I came up for air and checked the clock, it was 12:05AM.
I am not shitting you... I had one of those time warps as I wrestled to get all of my project records organized slickly in an my Access database. Not elegant by any means, but the time warp paid off.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Bearing Down on the Present
I've been experimenting lately about the here and now... about how if you really want your future to improve, you should focus doggedly on the present... not regret what might have happened in the past... or worry about what might happen in the future.
So far this week, it has worked pretty well. New customer possibilities have been pouring in, and bills are getting paid.
Now that I'm entering the latter part of my middle aged Mountain of a Man life, I have a huge advantage over you younger peeps..... experience. I no longer have to project how things should work out... most all of the shit that I encounter now, I've seen before. And I know how these things end up.
For years I worried about what might happen, and how to prevent it from happening. And even though some really bad shit actually happened. we didn't fall into the great abyss. Things happened to abate the worse, and we worked through the rest.
Somebody told me years ago that things are never as bad as they seem, nor are they as good as they seem. That's pretty much how things have worked out. Excessive worrying never solved anything.
Yesterday, Ryan told me that he handled his ordeal with a lot of false positives. So be it. It got us through, and now that's in the rear view mirror.
And what is ahead is the present.
That's where I hope to be for here on in.
I've been experimenting lately about the here and now... about how if you really want your future to improve, you should focus doggedly on the present... not regret what might have happened in the past... or worry about what might happen in the future.
So far this week, it has worked pretty well. New customer possibilities have been pouring in, and bills are getting paid.
Now that I'm entering the latter part of my middle aged Mountain of a Man life, I have a huge advantage over you younger peeps..... experience. I no longer have to project how things should work out... most all of the shit that I encounter now, I've seen before. And I know how these things end up.
For years I worried about what might happen, and how to prevent it from happening. And even though some really bad shit actually happened. we didn't fall into the great abyss. Things happened to abate the worse, and we worked through the rest.
Somebody told me years ago that things are never as bad as they seem, nor are they as good as they seem. That's pretty much how things have worked out. Excessive worrying never solved anything.
Yesterday, Ryan told me that he handled his ordeal with a lot of false positives. So be it. It got us through, and now that's in the rear view mirror.
And what is ahead is the present.
That's where I hope to be for here on in.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
A New Watercooler
I remember when I used to work in a big corporate setting.... how I would get bored sitting in my office and head out into the corridor for a bit of respite with whoever was at the water cooler at the time.
That little ten minute sojourn would take the edge off of the tedium and then it would be back to emails and spreadsheets again.
Working in a home office has it's benefits, but the trip for a glass of water offers no substantial relief from the tedium. But now, I have a better alternative.
Facebook has become the new watercooler for cyper types like myself who can work from home but miss the interraction with employees. Between Facebook and Skype, you always have a chance to goof off and take a break from time to time.
That little ten minute sojourn would take the edge off of the tedium and then it would be back to emails and spreadsheets again.
Working in a home office has it's benefits, but the trip for a glass of water offers no substantial relief from the tedium. But now, I have a better alternative.
Facebook has become the new watercooler for cyper types like myself who can work from home but miss the interraction with employees. Between Facebook and Skype, you always have a chance to goof off and take a break from time to time.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Cool Morning Reflection
First cool morning in September - portending change in the seasons.
Change denotes renewal, hope and improvement.
Most people fear change. We are born with a primal insecurity because no matter what we do, we will ultimately experience a final demise as we depart this life. All of our strivings, hopes and aspirations eventually must incorporate this mortality.
The only logic is to seize the present. Live fully today, moment by moment. The past is over... and has laid the foundation for your present...for better or worse. The future is unfathomable, and your focus in controlling the outcome is a foolish endeavor that is beyond your ultimate capacity.
But you can bask in the convergence of the past with the future... the present. It is the only place that offers the joy and happiness that we strive for in this life. The religious masters tell us that joy is the natural order of the universe..... Happy little atoms and planets humming and rotating joyfully along.
All we need to do is to focus on the cacophony of the present moment to squeeze our share of joy out of this life.
Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
So let change envelope you as you experience the constancy of the present.
Don't Worry, Be Happy.
Change denotes renewal, hope and improvement.
Most people fear change. We are born with a primal insecurity because no matter what we do, we will ultimately experience a final demise as we depart this life. All of our strivings, hopes and aspirations eventually must incorporate this mortality.
The only logic is to seize the present. Live fully today, moment by moment. The past is over... and has laid the foundation for your present...for better or worse. The future is unfathomable, and your focus in controlling the outcome is a foolish endeavor that is beyond your ultimate capacity.
But you can bask in the convergence of the past with the future... the present. It is the only place that offers the joy and happiness that we strive for in this life. The religious masters tell us that joy is the natural order of the universe..... Happy little atoms and planets humming and rotating joyfully along.
All we need to do is to focus on the cacophony of the present moment to squeeze our share of joy out of this life.
Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
So let change envelope you as you experience the constancy of the present.
Don't Worry, Be Happy.
Saturday, September 08, 2012
POTW Week 36
Heading to Essex for some Fried Clams this evening with Tommy O and Linda O' Shea. Someday soon, science will proclaim that platters of fried clams, fries and onion rings are essential to maintaining a healthly life for overweight white guys like me.
Until then, we will lead the way in consuming copious amounts of these tasty bi-valve mollusks that taste so good when breaded, deep fried, and served with a little salt and pepper, ketchup and tartar sauce.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 36th Week of 2012
Denise Kearns
Deval Patrick
Liz Kelleher
Peter Lojko
Christos Laganos
Jim Lundgren
Tommy is going to pick up Joanne and I after he finishes his pedicure... but that's another story altogether.
Until then, we will lead the way in consuming copious amounts of these tasty bi-valve mollusks that taste so good when breaded, deep fried, and served with a little salt and pepper, ketchup and tartar sauce.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 36th Week of 2012
Denise Kearns
Deval Patrick
Liz Kelleher
Peter Lojko
Christos Laganos
Jim Lundgren
Tommy is going to pick up Joanne and I after he finishes his pedicure... but that's another story altogether.
Friday, September 07, 2012
Three Jamesons
Peeps... I'm feeling a little mellow tonight.
Went down to the BYC and had two Jamesons, plus one more together with dinner with my favorite wife, Joanne. Joanne is the mother of my three kids and is really handy to have around.... among other things. She is my life partner, and when I die, my life insurance policy will go to her. But enough of the romantic stuff.
Tomorrow, it will be a big push in the morning to get the railings up on Tommy O's classic Nanepashemet Deck, then we will probably take a harbor cruise out on the WhaleEye. The end of the boating season will be here before we know it, and the WhaleEye has hardly gotten a workout in, so we'll have to get some time in there.
Sometime before the weekend is over, we have to attend to some tax details at Nanepashemet Telecom, and also hope to share a beer with some of the kids if they drop by.
In the meantime, I powerwashed the pram and will be stripping off the nasty Wireless Tower Weatherproof that I used as gunwale bumpers..... A big mistake as the weatherproofing material never cured and remained sticky and messy.
My new theory is to use the PVC bending tool that we bought for the Hartford job, and bend some PVC to use as Pram bumpers. At least the PVC won't rub off on the neighboring boats causing a lot of pissed off complaints to the Harbormaster.
Probably won't get to all of this shit this weekend... but at least we are past the three Jameson milestone

Tomorrow, it will be a big push in the morning to get the railings up on Tommy O's classic Nanepashemet Deck, then we will probably take a harbor cruise out on the WhaleEye. The end of the boating season will be here before we know it, and the WhaleEye has hardly gotten a workout in, so we'll have to get some time in there.
Sometime before the weekend is over, we have to attend to some tax details at Nanepashemet Telecom, and also hope to share a beer with some of the kids if they drop by.
In the meantime, I powerwashed the pram and will be stripping off the nasty Wireless Tower Weatherproof that I used as gunwale bumpers..... A big mistake as the weatherproofing material never cured and remained sticky and messy.
My new theory is to use the PVC bending tool that we bought for the Hartford job, and bend some PVC to use as Pram bumpers. At least the PVC won't rub off on the neighboring boats causing a lot of pissed off complaints to the Harbormaster.
Probably won't get to all of this shit this weekend... but at least we are past the three Jameson milestone
Presidential Boast
Lots of rhetoric at the Democratic National Convention about President Obama taking down Osama Bin Ladin.
Mr. President.... to paraphrase your admonition to the nation's business owners.... "You didn't kill Osama... somebody else did."
I'll give you credit for not phucking it up though.
Mr. President.... to paraphrase your admonition to the nation's business owners.... "You didn't kill Osama... somebody else did."
I'll give you credit for not phucking it up though.
Thursday, September 06, 2012
Pram Rescue
Today, I finally got around to getting the my Pram which the Marblehead HarborMaster had towed to a mooring at Riverhead Beach. Seems that the wireless connector weatherproofing that I used as gunwale bumpers was rubbing off on neighoring prams on the Village Wharf rings, but that's a whole other story that I'll maybe tell you later.
I put the Tender down the ramp from the trailer, then roped it off with a square knot on the ramp pier piling. Then I pulled the F-150 up the ramp and parked the trailer. When I got out of the truck and headed down the ramp, the Tender was rapidly drifting into the Harbor.
Wrong Knot.
I figured that the water to the Tender would only be waist deep and was surprized when I was quickly up to my neck holding my iPhone high in my left hand. Then swimiming hard to reach the Tender and tow it back to the Ramp in my best Lifesaving sidestroke.
I figured that this was the only phucked up episode that I was to encounter on this little chore.
Wrong, Kemosabe.
I got back to the shore and this nice elderly couple asked if I wanted them to watch my Tender while I went for some dry clothes. I declined the kind offer and set out get into the Tender and row out the the Pram which was about 50 yards out on the mooring.
When I got to the Pram, it was filled with a green slimy, rainwater residue which was a result of the thunderstorm downpours that we experienced over the last few days. Amazing how heavy a pram full of water is.
To make a long and increasingly boring story short, I finally got the Pram into the back of the F-150 with the help of a by-stander from Castine, Maine who had a lot of cool stuff to tell me about wooden boats.... especially the designs that John Gardner had published.
I guess this story doesn't have much of a punch line. But that's your problem. What do you want me to do???? Make up some fantastic freaking ending?????
Publish your own Blog if you think this shit is easy.
I put the Tender down the ramp from the trailer, then roped it off with a square knot on the ramp pier piling. Then I pulled the F-150 up the ramp and parked the trailer. When I got out of the truck and headed down the ramp, the Tender was rapidly drifting into the Harbor.
Wrong Knot.
I figured that the water to the Tender would only be waist deep and was surprized when I was quickly up to my neck holding my iPhone high in my left hand. Then swimiming hard to reach the Tender and tow it back to the Ramp in my best Lifesaving sidestroke.
I figured that this was the only phucked up episode that I was to encounter on this little chore.
Wrong, Kemosabe.
I got back to the shore and this nice elderly couple asked if I wanted them to watch my Tender while I went for some dry clothes. I declined the kind offer and set out get into the Tender and row out the the Pram which was about 50 yards out on the mooring.
When I got to the Pram, it was filled with a green slimy, rainwater residue which was a result of the thunderstorm downpours that we experienced over the last few days. Amazing how heavy a pram full of water is.
To make a long and increasingly boring story short, I finally got the Pram into the back of the F-150 with the help of a by-stander from Castine, Maine who had a lot of cool stuff to tell me about wooden boats.... especially the designs that John Gardner had published.
I guess this story doesn't have much of a punch line. But that's your problem. What do you want me to do???? Make up some fantastic freaking ending?????
Publish your own Blog if you think this shit is easy.
Embarassed in Boston
How the Hell does this guy continue to get elected as Mayor of Boston? He must be the balls at constituent services because otherwise, he is such an embarrassment with his lockstep liberal outcries and mumbling messages.
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Close to the Border
Great Stuff, but the debate is how do we continue to pay for this?
That's what the Dems seem to ignore.
Money doesn't grow on trees and it doesn't come from the Government.
It comes from the taxes that we bear. And we are getting closer to the Border of this.
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
No Spew, No Hurl
The MSNBC Talking Heads, especially Rachel Madow, seem to have taken their blood pressure medicine and a low dose of Valium tonight as the Democratic National Convention debuts tonight.
In a much calmer demeanor from how we saw them last week covering the Republicans, these objective journalists are now telling us like it is... or specifically.... how they want us to believe. They are completely happy and thoroughly transformed as they bask in Leftest rhetoric of the Democrats.
But don't take my word for it... you have to see this disengenuous act as it is and form your own opinion. Tune in to these Whackjobs. It only hurts for a while and is worth it to see for yourself.
I would suggest that you go to C-Span first, then change the channel to MSNBC. That way, when you feel the vomit start to surge, you can hit the "Last" button, which will automatically switch to C-Span and you will actually see what is happening at the Convention. The urge to spew will subside.
Course you'll still be watching these "Progressives" but at least you won't hurl all over the couch.
Peeps... I hate to admit it, but it takes all kinds to make the world turn. As much as I want government to get the hell out of the way so that I can take care of myself and my family, there are those who have no freaking idea of how to do it for themselves, and need a helping hand from us in the form of the Government.
You just have to guard against the extremists on both sides. And these MSNBC ideologues are a great example of the type you have to guard against.
In a much calmer demeanor from how we saw them last week covering the Republicans, these objective journalists are now telling us like it is... or specifically.... how they want us to believe. They are completely happy and thoroughly transformed as they bask in Leftest rhetoric of the Democrats.
But don't take my word for it... you have to see this disengenuous act as it is and form your own opinion. Tune in to these Whackjobs. It only hurts for a while and is worth it to see for yourself.
I would suggest that you go to C-Span first, then change the channel to MSNBC. That way, when you feel the vomit start to surge, you can hit the "Last" button, which will automatically switch to C-Span and you will actually see what is happening at the Convention. The urge to spew will subside.
Course you'll still be watching these "Progressives" but at least you won't hurl all over the couch.
Peeps... I hate to admit it, but it takes all kinds to make the world turn. As much as I want government to get the hell out of the way so that I can take care of myself and my family, there are those who have no freaking idea of how to do it for themselves, and need a helping hand from us in the form of the Government.
You just have to guard against the extremists on both sides. And these MSNBC ideologues are a great example of the type you have to guard against.
Debate Without Hate
One of the great things about this great country is that we are able to express our opinions and back our candidates without the fear of physical reprisals.
There has never been a forced exchange of power based upon election results here. We debate fiercely, sometimes in bad taste, and sometimes in an irritating fashion. But despite the vigor and rancor, Americans are tolerant of each other, and supportive of the will of the majority.
I may not understand the logic of your support for a particular candidate... I may even get annoyed and vocal about your exclaimations and rhetoric... but I ultimately support your right to make a choice.
Even if you want a fake Indian to be your Senator.
So this season, we will again see the amazing American system of tolerance of others, freedom of speech, and debate without hate.
If Obama gets re-elected, we may not understand it, we may not like it, but we will tacitly support it.
There has never been a forced exchange of power based upon election results here. We debate fiercely, sometimes in bad taste, and sometimes in an irritating fashion. But despite the vigor and rancor, Americans are tolerant of each other, and supportive of the will of the majority.
I may not understand the logic of your support for a particular candidate... I may even get annoyed and vocal about your exclaimations and rhetoric... but I ultimately support your right to make a choice.
Even if you want a fake Indian to be your Senator.
So this season, we will again see the amazing American system of tolerance of others, freedom of speech, and debate without hate.
If Obama gets re-elected, we may not understand it, we may not like it, but we will tacitly support it.
Monday, September 03, 2012
Harvey Rowe, Lisa Panakio Rowe, and Superpeep Maria Rowen came by for dinner tonight on the deck. Maria brought some incredible crab stuffed mushrooms, and we did our best with the lemon pepper chicken breasts on the grill with some garden salads.
I had one or three Dark and Stormies and listened to Harvey's incredible story of his friend, Kim Garbarino's swim across the English Channel this month. Harvey worked the boat politics while Craig Lewin did the in the water coaching as Kim Garabino braved fifty seven degree water to swim the 22 mi. channel in over 13 hours.
Harvey's rendition of the effort was spellbinding as Kim completed the feat after wishing to quit after the initial six hours. It was absolutely a mind over matter accomplishment.
It was a great trip to London for Harvey and his team and I'm really happy for their success.
I had one or three Dark and Stormies and listened to Harvey's incredible story of his friend, Kim Garbarino's swim across the English Channel this month. Harvey worked the boat politics while Craig Lewin did the in the water coaching as Kim Garabino braved fifty seven degree water to swim the 22 mi. channel in over 13 hours.
Harvey's rendition of the effort was spellbinding as Kim completed the feat after wishing to quit after the initial six hours. It was absolutely a mind over matter accomplishment.
It was a great trip to London for Harvey and his team and I'm really happy for their success.
Fitting It In
It's Labor Day.... traditional end of Summer. Always a bittersweet holiday, as you look at the summer that slipped away and all of the stuff that you wanted to do... then life's obligations get in the way, and the summer is over.
Once again this summer, the fish and lobsters around Salem Sound received a major stay of execution, as my activities drew me away from a vigorous pursuit.
But if the truth be known, we soon will be entering into my favorite season of this great New England region... Autumn. It's warm enough to do a ton of stuff outside, and cool enough to be comfortable doing it. The only problem is that business usually gets crazy as we enter the last quarter of the year, as my corporate customers contemplate the boxes that must be checked for bonuses to be awarded.
Someday, after I make a business score, I will retire. Then fish will die, boats will be built, books will be written, banjos will be played, and grandkids will get spoiled.
Until then, I just have to fit this stuff in.
Once again this summer, the fish and lobsters around Salem Sound received a major stay of execution, as my activities drew me away from a vigorous pursuit.
But if the truth be known, we soon will be entering into my favorite season of this great New England region... Autumn. It's warm enough to do a ton of stuff outside, and cool enough to be comfortable doing it. The only problem is that business usually gets crazy as we enter the last quarter of the year, as my corporate customers contemplate the boxes that must be checked for bonuses to be awarded.
Someday, after I make a business score, I will retire. Then fish will die, boats will be built, books will be written, banjos will be played, and grandkids will get spoiled.
Until then, I just have to fit this stuff in.
Sunday, September 02, 2012
POTW Week 35
For the third time this summer, you Peeps have come through with the ultimate gesture of class and sophistication.... we have an automatic Peep of the Week selection.
This week it was Tommy O who presented me with a bottle of the King of Scotch... 16 year old Lagavulin Single Malt Scotch Whiskey.
I really appreciate the gesture since I had just polished off the bottle that Brady Boyle had judiciously submitted at the occasion of asking to marry my daughter. And the bottle that Nathaniel Clarke brought over when he introduced us to Katarina Simundic hardly lasted that evening....
So Tommy kept me from the ackward circumstance of not having the King in the liquor cabinet inventory.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 35th Week of 2012.
Tommy O' Shea (Automatic Lagavulin Rule)
Will Nestor
Kyle Raiche
Liz Kelleher
Wayne Webster
Ann Romney
Can you imagine the shame of having to buy a bottle of the King for myself?
This week it was Tommy O who presented me with a bottle of the King of Scotch... 16 year old Lagavulin Single Malt Scotch Whiskey.
I really appreciate the gesture since I had just polished off the bottle that Brady Boyle had judiciously submitted at the occasion of asking to marry my daughter. And the bottle that Nathaniel Clarke brought over when he introduced us to Katarina Simundic hardly lasted that evening....
So Tommy kept me from the ackward circumstance of not having the King in the liquor cabinet inventory.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 35th Week of 2012.
Tommy O' Shea (Automatic Lagavulin Rule)
Will Nestor
Kyle Raiche
Liz Kelleher
Wayne Webster
Ann Romney
Can you imagine the shame of having to buy a bottle of the King for myself?
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