Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

 So a class action suit has been filed against Gov. DeSantis because of his relocation of 48 migrants to Martha's Vineyard.  Apparently, he would have been in the clear if he had flown them in the dead of night  to undisclosed locations as per the Biden policy.

The island liberals promptly had them deported to a fenced military facility on the mainland,,,, so further crime was no inculcated.

Not for Nothing but... the MOAM's advice to the Martha's Vinetard advocates is to STFU!!!!

There is virtually no sincere political support for the plight of a rich liberal enclave beset with an onslaught of 48 migrants during the off season.  A lawsuit renders absolutely no damage to DeSantis and keeps this example of Liberal Hypocrisy front and center... when it should fade into yesterday's news.

It exposes  phoney virtual signaling and a lawsuit is truly the gift that keeps on giving.


Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Advice to Facebook and Twitter



Obama's Lost Opportunity

 Not for nothing but.....

The most famous residents of the posh island of Martha's Vineyard, Barack and Michelle Obama botched a golden opportunity  to capitalize on this MV migrant fiasco.

Nobody called to ask the MOAM how they should show their leadership during this "crisis" of 48 migrant Venezuelans landing on the pristine MV Main Street.  So the Obama's were dead silent....not a freaking word from the former leaders of the free world as the attention of the nation descended on their neighborhood.

If they had bothered to call the MOAM .... Here's what I would have advised them to do.....

Break out the tents and cots that they laid out for the birthday party during the COVID crisis.

Invite all 48 people over and express that they could stay as long as they wished.

Feed and clothe them and hit up the Lib manufacturers like Patagonia for the good stuff.

Invite the fawning Liberal press over and keep the cameras rollling.

Reach out to employers throughout the area to find jobs.

Contact all of the Far Left Schools like Harvard etc. to inquire about educational opportunities for any of these 48.

Keep this going for a couple of weeks..... how much can it cost?????   The PR return would be enormous not to mention the additional Nobel Prizes that they would have undoubtedly won.

But no.  They didn't do this, didn't call the MOAM, didn't  do anything..

The Obama's blew an opportunity that literally dropped in their laps.

Back to the Blog

 Back by popular demand is my use of this venerable Nanepashemet Blog.  Actually, it is not by popular demand.... it is the fact that my conservative MOAM wit and wisdom is now so often censored by Facebook and Twitter.  

Time to get back to my roots.  #Censorthis Weenies.

The MOAM has returned to the Blog

Sunday, May 03, 2020

Math Quiz

40,000 Americans die in automobile accidents every year.
650,000 Americans die from heart disease every year.
500,000 people in the United States die of Alzheimer’s disease every year.
600,000 people in the United States die of cancer every year.
250,000 Americans die of medical malpractice every year.
4,000 Americans drown in swimming pools every year.
62,000 people in the United States die of Influenza every year.

But we shut down the country due to 60,000 Covid 19 Flu deaths this year.
We took the Trump economy right off of the rails.
You do the math.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Pardon the Pandemic

Although we are supposed to shelter in place during this Kung Flu outbreak, there seems to be a constant parade of people moving past my West Shore Drive home in Marblehead.   Riding bikes, strolling with the kids, jogging, walking the dog..... way more than usual.  Which is fine by me.  I enjoy a little camaraderie with total strangers.   Plus this are lots of masks and social distancing.  Doesn't seem like anyone is breaking the rules.

Since I tend to hang around outside my house a lot.... doing nothing in particular.... I usually confront anyone who passes with a friendly, meet and greet salutation.  It's better and more polite than just staring at them as they pass by.  That would be weird.   Lately though, it's been like everyday is a Nor'east Blizzard.... the way that total strangers are so talkative and friendly.  So maybe the Virus Crisis is like a big freaking snowstorm.... that makes people friendly.... even though they are wearing masks and make wide turns to get around you.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Big Brother in the Making

So the Facebook Police..... (aka little Libbie Asshats monitoring your posts under orders from Mark Zuckerberg) .... are now checking posts for accuracy about COVID 19. Apparently the thought patrol wants to make sure that you don't blame Kung Flu on the ChiComs, or criticize authoritarian measures to curb your rights. I have noticed a number of my posts being circled in red with a delay in posting. Raise your hand if it feels to you like Big Brother is amping up. #RANTOVER

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Check Out the Check

Libbie heads are exploding this morning because President Trump signed the Kung Flu checks.  Maybe they should protest by not cashing the checks.  But I can see their frustration.  People receiving checks have not filed their taxes electronically in the past.  Either that or they don't pay taxes at all.  So quite a few Dems will probably have to wait for their checks for a while.  Then they will have to stare at the Prez's signature while deciding whether to deposit the money.  Oh the Humanity!
Another reason to be thankful for being Republican.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Keep Your Distance

Not for nothing, but I'm down with this social distancing thing. I like people keeping six feet away. Can't smell their breath, can't get cooties from them, no need to shake hands.... all stuff that I used to endure in the old days before the Kung Flu. Close talkers.... my all time pet peeve.... is a thing of the past. And I don't even mind the mask..... you don't feel grubby if you didn't shave before going out anymore. And I will bet you dollars to donuts that most everytime I have contracted the common cold, it has been from some snotty nose store clerk who had just sneezed moments before fondling my credit card, or handing me my change in germy bills and coins. So the new norm.... social distancing... is a welcome development here. #RANTOVER

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Power and the States

So as much as the MOAM likes the Prez, sometimes he can get quite annoying.  Like at yesterday's press conference where he debated with some Lefty media types that he has the final power in directing the economy to open up..... Don, I believe that you may prevail in that Constitutional point, but that is not the issue.

Power  is not something that you say you have.... You either have it, or you don't.   If you believe that you have the power to tell Governors what to do in this Wuhan Flu issue, then use it.... or don't use it.  Talking about it means that you don't really believe that you have it.  And it gives the Libbies all sorts of crap to whine about.

We are very fortunate to have such a hard working and competent President.  In so many cases, your actions speak louder than your words... and as much as I appreciate your candor and openness, some words are better left unsaid.

And by the way, speaking about stupid statements.... did anyone notice Governor Cuomo say today that he needs the Federal Government because his state is Broke.... $10 Billion in the hole.   Which means that the other states have to bail out Cuomo.  Because the Federal Government is not some separate entity with a bottomless pocket.... it's simply an association of the fifty states.   So all of the other states have to pony up because Cuomo can't manage New York.   #RANTOVER

Monday, April 13, 2020

The Power of the Press

Last night on 60 Minutes, I watched as the President was bludgeoned by the Main Stream Media over his response to the COVID 19 crisis.  So this evening, the President replied with a scathing press conference where he demonstrated the false and unfair coverage of the Corona Virus actions taken by the administration.

As usual, Trump was repetitive and awkward as he defended his actions.   While some may conclude that his manner is obnoxious ..... he can afford this because he is right.   America has met this challenge with unprecedented efficiency, which many Americans will reaffirm when they get a thousand dollar direct deposit into their bank accounts next Wednesday.

We will never know how many lives have been saved due to Donald Trump..... all the while with a hostile press cheering for his failure and lying about his achievements.

I never thought  that I would see the Press as a agent of resistance and obstruction, but that is their obvious role in this national issue.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Viral Questions.

Is it me?

Or does it seem to you too that many Dems seem downright enthused that the US Death Rate has eclipsed Italy?

And doesn't it seem funny that the only people who claim that the Malaria Drug Hydroxychloroquine doesn't work on the Wuhan Flu are the Libs and their MSM outlets?

And that the Hospital Bed crisis never materialized, but this is not being publicized?

And the death toll projection from 2,000,000 people in the US will come in as a fraction of the current flu deaths?

And isn't it weird that more people are affected in the US than China.... and that NY is locked down but Beijing isn't?

Lots of weird questions out there.   This has been fun, but it's time it stopped.  We have been played.

Hydroxychloroquine, a drug Trump touts, now being tested in humans to treat coronavirus

Mask Advisory.... or Requirement

The cost of freedom is tolerating what some idiots do with their freedom. We shouldn't give ours up because of the cost.

Find the Cost of Freedom

So a curfew has been enacted in the City of Lynn... to go along with mask requirements in Salem, and Social Distance Monitors in Marblehead. It's just a little inconvenience to counter the threat of this Flu Outbreak... Right??? Wrong! History has shown us that when we allow others to restrict our basic rights, and let others make common sense decisions for us..... we head down a dangerous slippery slope that our forebears gave their lives to avoid for us. In a not so distant past, small measures of social control have escalated to Fascist oppression on this exact path. Ben saw it... and our grandparents saw it... We must not be cavalier to a dangerous precedent. Just Look how fast the "Advisories" have escalated to "Required Restrictions".
"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." `~ Benjamin Franklin. #RANTOVER

Monday, June 03, 2019

Tick Tock

I'm a Conservative.

I know that is provocative to some.... because I live in Massachusetts.   My vote as a Conservative Republican is perfunctory and irrelevant... because the only Republicans who get elected in Massachusetts are not Conservatives.   They are Republicans in Name Only (RINO) and do not embrace anything remotely resembling Conservatism. 

But I vote anyway.  And I speak up anyway.   Because I truly believe that a Conservative viewpoint is an important anchor against the winds of raving Moonbat Liberal, self absorbed , narcissistic lunacy.

Now if I said that last statement in an open forum like Facebook, I would be pasted with a number of monikers informing me of my low level of intelligence and other attributes that are guttural and nasty. Plus the Facebook police would have a clear shot at labeling my statement as Hate Speech.... because they alone are the arbiters of  proper thinking ie.  thinking in lockstep with their Liberal Narratives.

But these self righteous moral high grounders, ie the true haters, are in for quite a sea change.  Because they can't count too well.  People like me are seething, and growing.

I'm a Conservative.  And the clock is ticking.
Image result for clock

I'm Back

So Peeps who used to follow this Blog.....  I am sorry that I let it lapse.   Facebook took over my attention and need to express my thoughts, inspirations, and frustrations.

Then last night, I apparently violated their Community Standards regarding Hate Speech.  I think it was because I referred to transvestites as "Trannies" in two different posts.   Is Trannie a bad word?

If so, then Facebook has violated my Community Standards.   So Back to Blogging.  Don't need totalitarian Libbies telling me what to say.  Course, Google here on Blogger might be just as bad.  But I've never had the same experience here.

So.... I'm Back, and glad to be.

Image result for hate has no home here

Monday, March 11, 2019

Farewell Jeffrey Scott Middleton

Thinking of my friend Jeff Middleton tonight. Met him at Eastern Jr. High School. He was always a leader in school. Very Popular, friendly and congenial. He had honest emotions and shared them with his friends.

We were roommates at UMASS Amherst. Amazing amount of memories that keep seeping out. He left to do community work in Springfield, then started his career at the GE in Lynn.

He was a groomsman in my wedding and I was one in his to his great wife, Kathy. Godfather to my first born, Ryan. Jeff had a grounded love of life with a great sense of humor and a serious reflective side. You could disagree with him and still very much respect his outlook and I knew he felt the same about others.

Like many friendships, we drifted our own ways and saw each other sparingly. Last saw him at Phil Freeman's Funeral and it was sad that such an occurrence had to happen to see him again.

About two weeks ago, Jeff was on my mind all morning as I was working on a construction job. Very weird.... in fact it creeped me out. So I called him during a break and left a VM telling him to call me as soon as he could. I was worried and not sure why. Jeff got back to me the next day and gave me shit for leaving such a voicemail. We had a great conversation for about 45 minutes.... covered a lot of ground and dug up a lot of great memories. It was like old times again.

I hung up satisfied that he was OK. But I guess he was not. Jeff dropped dead this morning in his kitchen of heart failure. His wife, Kathy witnessed the horror. My sincere condolences to Kathy, his daughters, Kryssi and Mari.... and his mother, brother and sister.

There is a sad void in the world of Jeff's family and friends tonight. Rest in Peace Jeff. You will be missed.

Sunday, September 09, 2018

Electric Smokers

Was considering buying a smoker and did a little research. Hope this helps.

Saturday, September 08, 2018

Mechanic in a Bottle

This stuff is literally unbelievable. Before you bring your lawnmower for repair, pour a bottle of this in the gas tank. Cranks right up.


Why would anybody use a wood lathe?

Seems like a lot of money to make spindles and wooden bowls.
Yet I really want this.

The Powermatic Choice

Who has a spare $3,000 to buy a bandsaw? If I did, I would give this one a close look.

A Beauty

Friday, September 07, 2018

Juice Fast

This is the juicer that I bought. Expensive, but robust and will make your juice fast routine a permanent fixture of a healthy lifestyle.

Dream Shop

Best Bandsaw

Thursday, May 03, 2018

Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Morning Ideas

Book Idea - a year of mornings at Grace Oliver.

VAR - complete tool kit in crafted box.

Panel Ripping kit - Kreg Straight edge and ripping jigs, Makita Circular saw, Ripping Blade
Dado Routing Kit - Porter Cable, Dado Gig, Clamps, Bits
Pocket Hole Kit - Milwaukee Driver, Kreg Jig, Bits, Clamps

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Vision and Deep Pockets

Starting to get some "Noise" at the 70 Nanepashemet house.  Vision and Deep Pockets are a wonderful combination.

Rain is putting a damper on the Deck Project.  I had hoped to get the primer and a coat of finish paint on the exterior posts, but now will have to back off.  Time to get the attic utility hatch done.... and I can always put another coat of polyurethane on the stair case.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Day Two of the SAVERS Program.

My body is sore from yesterday's break out run.  Last year I couldn't jog across the the street....yesterday I went two miles.

I'm 65 years old.... don't feel like packing it in.  I am going to live and act like the whole world continues to be a new opportunity

This morning, I will finalize the Florida transfer, then head over to complete the EasyRail holes at 70 Nanepashemet.  When the holes are done, will get to the Post Office,  call Catacutta for the Fireplace stone and head back to set up the deck posts for primer spraying.  Then back to the office until 5:00 when I leave for Andover for a deck estimate.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Two Miles

When I was eighteen years old at UMASS Amherst, I ran a two mile race in 9:44.  Today at age 65, my time was 25:43.

I thank God that I was able to do that.... and hope to improve over the coming year.

Today, Deck sanding and wire railing installation at 70 Nanepashemet Street.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Saved by SAVERS?

Was reading the self help book "Miracle Morning" on my Kindle this morning.  The author, Hal Elrod, advocates getting up in the morning at 6AM or earlier and practicing SAVERS.

S - Silence - Meditation or Purposeful Silence for 5 Minutes.
A - Affirmations or Positive Self Talk for 5 Minutes.
V - Visualization or imagining how you would like your life to evolve for 5 Minutes.
E - Exercise for 20 Minutes.
R - Reading Self Help books for 20 Minutes
S - Scribing or Blogging for 5 Minutes.

This is doable and makes sense.... a lot more sense that Ranting on Facebook about Liberals and the Main Stream Media..... which has been a pastime of mine for the past year.  I've made some like minded friends doing this, but no discernible life improvement.

And that is what I am looking for.... Life Improvement.  Time to pay off  debt, make some bank, and enjoy time with friends and family.

Monday, January 01, 2018

2018 Resolutions

I've let this Blog go for a whole month without a post.

That is inexcusable and hasn't happened for the last ten years or so.

I didn't die or anything..... guess I just got a little too careless.

Last year, I lost thirty pounds.... just by shifting my work effort from a desk to a construction site.   Didn't plan it and didn't change my diet ........ go figure.    That was a bonus.


I 'm back with a vengeance because of all of you pathetic Peeps whining about what the MOAM 2018 New Year's Resolutions are going to be.

Naturally, last year, I failed miserably at all of my Resolutions.... except for the accidental weight loss.  But Shit Happens!   Then More Shit Happens...... and then the resolutions go to.... shit.

This year will be no different.  But that doesn't stop a Mountain of a Man like myself from pandering to the notion that maybe I can pull them off.   It could happen.

So I've spent the last ten minutes or so, carefully crafting some guidelines that I am resolved to act on in 2018.  These are them in no particular order.

1.  Eat more Macaroni and Cheese.   With plenty of butter.   Never deny your need for a heaping plate of steaming comfort with salt and pepper.

2.  Stop worrying about stuff.  The worse that can happen is that you die.... some of my best friends have died..... so if they can do it, I can too.

3.  RANT more often.... on Facebook and elsewhere.  Everytime I think I will curb this, someone thanks me for saying whatever shit I spewed at the moment.  So it is a talent that I will continue to exercise.

4.  Ride my Bike, lift weights and  row my boat more often.  Not just for exercise, but because you can always lay still when you are dead.   Might as well take advantage of the current opportunity to move.

5.  Pay more attention to my wife Joanne when she talks about the kids in her Salem School.   That stuff is more important than any of the crap that I deal with in my job.

6.  Do a bar crawl every Friday afternoon after work.   Getting the weekend started with a little buzz gives you way more perspective about things.

7.  Drink good Scotch.  That should be self explanatory.

8.  Try to live in the moment.  Which is contrary to making Resolutions right?  Stop judging what is right or is wrong.  In the end, God makes the rules, not me.... and his plan takes a long of twists and turns it seems. 

9.  Accept what fate puts in front of you and take action.   Trust intuition.... there is more at force here than science has yet discovered.

10.  Be nice to people.  Even the phucked up ones.

That's all for 2018.  Happy New Year.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving RANT

Our family's  time honored holiday tradition is to go around the dinner table prior to starting the turkey feast and individually express what we are thankful for.   It generally has been a loving and respectful exercise and we try not to piss people off with our sentiments and proclamations of thanks.  But this year, I would be remiss, untruthful and disingenuous if I did not share what I am sincerely most grateful and thankful for.....  No, I won't be Trumpeting stuff like, "I'm thankful that We are Making AMERICA great again".  And I won't be wearing my "Proud to be a Deplorable" tee shirt or anything like that.    Trump will not be rubbed in anybody's face.   However, my overwhelming sentiment of thanks this year is that our country dodged a bullet and the EVIL HILLARY is NOT OUR PRESIDENT.  And that is what I will be bringing to the table.  We'll see how the rest of the meal goes.   Happy Thanksgiving.   RANT OVER

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Search for a SAFE SPACE

The Liberal rants I see lately seem silly and contrived.

All of the cries of Racism.

All of the cries of Global Warming and Climate Catastrophe.

Contrived claims of Russian Interference in our electoral system.

The Gender Identity Movement.

I'm in my mid sixties.  Grew up as the Civil rights movement was taking shape, but still saw the vestiges of Jim Crow and segregation.  Crouched in my elementary school corridors during nuclear bomb drills during the Cuban Missile Crisis.  Saw fish and wildlife all be disappear in the Boston Harbor and New England Forests.  Experienced the horror in a family when their Homosexual son died of AIDS.

Friends.... these were REAL, PHUCKING PROBLEMS!

As I meandered though the last six decades, a lot of good stuff started to materialize.

I saw Black people given a boost in our educational system.... saw the first Black Governor of Massachusetts and the first Black President of the United States.

I saw the United States stare down the Russian menace in the Cold War, with the dissolution of Communism and the USSR.

I saw Striped Bass return to Boston Harbor, Whales on Stellwagen Bank, Deer in South Boston and Turkeys in my backyard and all through New England.  Hawks stalk the skies and Coyotes prowl the ground.

I saw Openly Gay people emerge to positions of prominence in Business and Politics.

I saw REAL, TANGIBLE CHANGE and improvements in our society of my sixty odd year run.

Should we be satisfied?  Hell no.  There are always improvements to be made.

My theory about the discord among liberals today has to do with the angst and ennui that accompanies basic existence.   We all die.   In the end, this life never works out like we think it should.  So this deep ingrained insecurity needs an outlet in some.  If it is not a real problem, then one must be instituted.   So we scream "Racist" where the actual doesn't come close to the stuff that us old guys witnessed.  Improvements to the Environment are overshadowed by cries of doom and global destruction. Russian threats are created behind elections that we don't like.  And it is not enough to accept gays into society, we must embrace wholescale gender change.

It seems silly and not a little depressing that the vast improvements over the past sixty years are discarded and ignored in this contrived search for safe spaces.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Matt Damon

Senator #METOO

So our esteemed Senator Elizabeth Warren has added herself to the #metoo list of women who have endured sexual assault.  As implausible as her claim to be an American Indian is, it really waters down this effort for her to jump on this band wagon.

She is the United States Senator from Massachusetts.  That is also hard to believe.

I understand the catharsis that encapsulates the #metoo cry against sexual assault.  This must be eradicated from our culture of  "casting couches" and unwanted advances.  But phonies like Warren hitching up to this sentiment is just a bit much.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

NPR and Agony

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So I've been working on the finish carpentry at the Nanepashemet House the last few weeks and have fallen into the nasty habit of listening to National Public Radio.

The last time I stooped to tuning into NPR was when I was doing cell site permit work in New Haven, and need some stimulus to keep me sharp during the 3 1/2 hour commutes.   The obnoxious Libbie elites on NPR kept me aggravated enough to eliminate drowsiness during the long driving stretches.

Between trips to the chop saw and wielding the finish nailer,  NPR has been filing the void on the current construction job with pretentious, condescending Liberal dialog.

Lots of Russia talk, Trump bashing, and climate change laments fill most of the radio commentator. comments.   These people detest Donald Trump so badly.... it starts to get funny after a while.   The NPR Libbies are really in agony.

And naturally, the current hurricane weather pattern is clearly caused by climate change.... which is the term that they use for global warming.  Course, since the global warming data just isn't panning out, they changed the name.

But I finally heard them claim what I had anticipated for the last few days...... that the Mexican earthquake was caused by..... CLIMATE CHANGE.  Who knew?

And the underlying sentiment about climate change is that if you don't buy into the glacial melting, polar bear dying, oceans rising propaganda, then you are a DENIER.... which somehow makes you the cause of this ticking time bomb called Earth.  And since most Deniers are Conservatives, then now you have someone to blame for Hurricanes and Earthquakes.   Republicans and Trump.

It's funny.   You would think that listening to NPR all day would make some of my Conservative viewpoints edge a little bit more to the Liberal side.  But by the time I power down the radio after eight to ten hours, I am so relieved that this country had the foresight to elect Donald Trump, and that these Moonbats continue to seethe in agony.

Thursday, September 07, 2017

Understand yourself....  You can do so much more.

Bobby Brown

.  Robert  Brown  Obituary

Bobby Brown passed away a few hours ago.

I'm too numb to grieve.  Too shocked.

He was one of my most loyal friends.

56 years old.  I met him 20 years ago at NextWave Telecom.  A young guy in his thirties.  Smart.  A hard worker.  Great sense of humor.  Easy to be around.  Always had my back.

We joined GTE together and headed out to California to build the CellNet network.   Bobby headed up the LA office and I was the program manager in San Francisco.  Together with Bob Wojcik in San Diego and Mike Wilbanks in San Francisco, we showed how wireless networks can be built.

Spent many great times in the Bay Area with Bobby.  Lou's Blues....  Napa Valley.... San Ramon.  New Orleans, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Los Angeles, St. Louis, Miami.  To many fond memories to process correctly.

To say he will be missed is not enough of a sentiment.  He leaves a huge void.
God Bless You Bobby.   Thank you for your friendship.

Robert D. "Bobby" Brown

July 12, 1961 - September 5, 2017

BROWN, Robert D. "Bobby" of Falmouth, passed away on September 5, 2017. He was 56 years old.

Beloved son of the late Charles S. Brown, Sr. and Mary Ann (Sullivan) Brown; loving brother of Michael Brown and his wife Nancy of Foxboro, Dr. Beth Latimer and her late husband Dr. Stephen of Potomac, MD, Charles S. Brown, Jr. and his wife Jean of Falmouth and Barbara Foley and her husband Brian of Foxboro; devoted uncle of Maggie and Teddy Brown, Caitlin Sweet and her husband Brandon, Jack and Charlie Latimer, Danny, Tim and Jack Foley, Sophia Brown and the late Bobby Latimer; cherished great-uncle of Juliette and Sullivan Sweet and JR Latimer.

Funeral services will be held on Saturday, September 9th at 9:00am from the Gillooly Funeral Home, 126 Walpole Street (Rte. 1A), Norwood, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10:00am in St. Timothy's Church, 650 Nichols Street, Norwood. Interment private. Visiting hours will be held on Friday from 4:00-8:00pm in the funeral home.

Gifts may be made to Xaverian Brothers High School Scholarship Fund in Bobby's memory. XBHS, 800 Clapboardtree Street, Westwood, MA 02090.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Reject Hate

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Lots of Liberal Heads have been exploding lately because President Trump won't condemn only the ultra right for Hate Protests.    It is not enough that he condemns all Hate groups.  He must specifically call out White Supremacists per the talking heads of the Democrat Propaganda MSM Outlets like ABC and NBC  . Apparently the Left believes that HATE is ok if it is embodied by groups like ANTIFA.

Trump is calling for the country to come together.  Again... this is anathema to the Liberal Left.

The underlying problem is that President Obama divided the country, and the Heartland of America responded by electing President Trump over a severely flawed Hillary Clinton candidate. The shocked, intolerant left cannot accept that they have been legitimately rejected for a politically incorrect President who won't pander to them.

The Left who preaches to reject Hate, practices it daily against our President Donald Trump

Saturday, July 15, 2017


Another Blog post lapse.

I've spent a lot of time on Facebook lately, ranting about the Liberally Biased Main Stream Media.

Every morning, out of habit, I watch the beginning of ABC Good Morning America with George Stephanopoulos as the Anchor.  His blatant one sided and gotcha commentary on behalf of the Left is annoying and outrageous, and his sycophantic henchmen like Jonathan Karl and Matthew Dowd have zero semblance to objective journalism.

The highlight of my experience with their phoney journalism was during election night when Martha Raddatz cried with the victory of Donald Trump and the rest of the group was left groping in disbelief that their year of vilifying the candidacy of Trump came up way short.

Yet I watch them nonetheless.... just so I can disagree with them.

The Left thinks that the people are sheep... that they will believe any bullshit that is offered to them.

The Big Lie....  "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."....
is a technique that is being used by the Main Stream Media to attempt to derail the will of the people who elected President Trump.

But it is becoming increasingly apparent that the technique is not working.  The MSM says that Trump is not welcome in Europe, yet Poles chant his name and the French invite him to celebrate Bastille Day.  The MSM says that he cannot win the election and should drop out, yet he sweeps the Electoral College in dramatic fashion.   Examples abound.

The people are not sheep..... and the MSM Big Lies are not working with them.

Monday, July 03, 2017

New Life for the Tender

Image may contain: people sitting, outdoor, water and nature
It was the start of a new era for the Herreshoff Columbia Tender that I built about ten years ago.  Stripped with cedar and finished in epoxy and marine varnish, it was the subject of many compliments as I would row into Marblehead Harbor from Riverhead Beach.   

 It would have been nice to maintain the natural finish, but my experience is that the sun must eat marine varnish for breakfast, lunch and dinner.... it had so deteriorated.   Keeping up with it was almost impossible.   

So when I received a Stramski Pier ring and had to bottom paint it anyway, I decided to paint the topside and interior in high gloss marine white paint

It doesn't dazzle like the bright finish did, but the natural lines of the boat are nice enough to give some design appeal, and the boat receives new life as it is tethered to a ring on the pier in Salem Harbor.

Hope it helps me catch some early morning stripers.

Sunday, July 02, 2017

A Message

"Understand yourself....  You can do so much more."

As I was typing a Facebook post today, sitting in my backyard, these words mysteriously appeared in the middle of my typing.

Saturday, July 01, 2017

Saturday, June 10, 2017

American Indians and Self Loathing Liberals

I just saw a Facebook post ranting about Native American genocide.   It is indeed a tragedy, but let's look at it with a little perspective, and put a little restraint on the Political Correctness.

I admire native American Culture and named my business after a Local Native American Sachem.

 But  if the Indians had their way, they would have annihilated the Europeans.

When Europeans originally came to North America they were successfully rebuffed in Virginia and Maine. It was the European microbes that carried the day as disease decimated native populations. Then it was superior European technology (ie metals and gunpowder).   Native Americans committed their share of atrocities and would have rebuffed the Europeans if technology, microbiology and fortune had been to their advantage.

It wasn't.

I am a white man of European descent. I admire Native American Culture..... but I don't feel guilty in the least bit.  Of course, I feel sorry that atrocities occurred.... but I objectively see no one race occupying the moral high ground.   Each would have prevailed given the opportunity and fortune.

This argument caused a lot of hysteria on Facebook.   One person was insulted that I called "Native Americans" as "Indians".   Sorry.... but that has been the terminology for a shitload of years and the PC police can KMA.  Others just called me names and insulted me.   One said she was offended that I named my business after a Native American because of my views. Typical Fascist behavior.  Suppress any truth that doesn't fit your preconceived narrative.

It is possible to admire another culture, observe the facts of history for what they are, and not hate your own race and background.   It must suck to be a self loathing Liberal.

Pizza Dough

Thursday, June 08, 2017

Comey Hysteria

Libbies are in high hysteria mode this morning about the testimony of Former FBI Director James Comey.

People like Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts are saying that Comey's contemporaneous notes regarding his meeting the the President are the equivalent of Nixon's Watergate Tapes.  

I don't think so.    Wishful thinking by Snowflake leaders.

Does anyone believe that President Trump telling Comey that he needs loyalty and hoped that the Flynn investigation should be dropped is unlawful in any way? The FBI Director serves at the pleasure of the President. Yet no "Demands" were made to Comey as evidenced by Comey's own written notes. Time to get back to the OBAMAGATE issue, but the MSM focus continues on the RUSSIAN INFLUENCE HOAX. 

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton remains at large despite her illegal server, destruction of subpoenaed emails and State Department Pimping. 

Monday, June 05, 2017

Optimal Outlook

The actor, Anthony Hopkins, once said....."Accept Everything, Expect Nothing.... things are so much easier that way."

It is a zen-like outlook that his hard to attain.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Hat's Off for Melania

Image result for martha raddatz headscarf

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Image may contain: 1 person, meme and text

I'm so sick of Liberals who refuse to acknowledge the disgusting way that women are treated in Islamic countries.     It is a philosophy that says that women take a secondary position to men, and it has no place in ethical standards of contemporary global life.

Martha Radatz, Michelle Obama and (of course) H. Clinton dismiss the efforts of women's equality with their disgusting headscarf pandering and acceptance of the secondary position of women in Islamic life.

Thank you Donald and Melania Trump for forging a new standard of equality.