Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Obama's Lost Opportunity

 Not for nothing but.....

The most famous residents of the posh island of Martha's Vineyard, Barack and Michelle Obama botched a golden opportunity  to capitalize on this MV migrant fiasco.

Nobody called to ask the MOAM how they should show their leadership during this "crisis" of 48 migrant Venezuelans landing on the pristine MV Main Street.  So the Obama's were dead silent....not a freaking word from the former leaders of the free world as the attention of the nation descended on their neighborhood.

If they had bothered to call the MOAM .... Here's what I would have advised them to do.....

Break out the tents and cots that they laid out for the birthday party during the COVID crisis.

Invite all 48 people over and express that they could stay as long as they wished.

Feed and clothe them and hit up the Lib manufacturers like Patagonia for the good stuff.

Invite the fawning Liberal press over and keep the cameras rollling.

Reach out to employers throughout the area to find jobs.

Contact all of the Far Left Schools like Harvard etc. to inquire about educational opportunities for any of these 48.

Keep this going for a couple of weeks..... how much can it cost?????   The PR return would be enormous not to mention the additional Nobel Prizes that they would have undoubtedly won.

But no.  They didn't do this, didn't call the MOAM, didn't  do anything..

The Obama's blew an opportunity that literally dropped in their laps.

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