Sunday, April 22, 2018

Saved by SAVERS?

Was reading the self help book "Miracle Morning" on my Kindle this morning.  The author, Hal Elrod, advocates getting up in the morning at 6AM or earlier and practicing SAVERS.

S - Silence - Meditation or Purposeful Silence for 5 Minutes.
A - Affirmations or Positive Self Talk for 5 Minutes.
V - Visualization or imagining how you would like your life to evolve for 5 Minutes.
E - Exercise for 20 Minutes.
R - Reading Self Help books for 20 Minutes
S - Scribing or Blogging for 5 Minutes.

This is doable and makes sense.... a lot more sense that Ranting on Facebook about Liberals and the Main Stream Media..... which has been a pastime of mine for the past year.  I've made some like minded friends doing this, but no discernible life improvement.

And that is what I am looking for.... Life Improvement.  Time to pay off  debt, make some bank, and enjoy time with friends and family.

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