Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Strange Coincidence

It happened again. Two entirely diverse projects, that we have been chasing for well over a year, coming together on the same day! Very weird and seemingly beyond coincidence. A couple of other jobs are also on the brink of coming in. This will be a busy summer.
This has happened before to me before, so I shouldn't be so amazed, but it's still so freaking weird!
Plus when got home from my field work today Grandson Will was over for a visit which was a fun end for a strange day.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Weekend Revelation

It was a nice weekend. Both Will's toy chest and the Tender are ready for spray varnish and these projects look set to be completed on schedule by next weekend. Then I can set my sights on building a corner cabinet for the TV that Joanne has been asking about, and resuming work on the Dory.
Somebody driving by this weekend saw the Dory frames and asked me how many boats I am going to build. My glib response was that it depended upon how long I lived. But that is pretty much the truth. If I could cut the nut by building boats, I definitely would. But until then, Nanepashemet Telecom will have to carry the burden of paying for everything.

Hot Dog Rolls

Just had two natural casing hotdogs with JJ Nissen Frankfurter rolls, mustard, and relish for lunch. The rolls are wicked important as Joanne found out when she bought the wrong ones yesterday.
After 30 odd years, she still has trouble getting it right. But she's trying... and I'm very forgiving.

Will Sleep Over

It's a Will extavaganza this morning with his Nana Joanne and his Auntie Kate.
Even Jack Dog and Roenick are psyched.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Karmic Toy Chest

Those of you who view me as a narcissistic, self-absorbed, ego-maniac are not too far off the mark.
But you can't say that I'm not honest.
Now, back to talking about me...
I just finished the first sealer coat of epoxy on the exterior of Will's Toy Chest. I'm reasonably satisfied with the craftsmanship, but the design is what I am totally pleased with.
Three of the oak sides were part of the kitchen that I built 18 years ago when we first moved to Beverly Ave, and the inside bottom is cedar that I salvaged from my mother's hope chest. Too bad you can't smell it because it is still aromatic after over sixty years.
There is a lot of good karma in this chest, and so to be more still when Grandson Will starts using it.

Lamp Post Envy

Matt and Allison Peabody bought a nice granite lamp post for their Dad, Jim Bob Peabody. Tommy O and I helped Jim and Matt to raise it and it really looks great in front of their house.
Now, guess what?
Joanne wants a new lamp post.
I should have seen it coming.... but I have to admit, it is a good idea. She picked out this Azek PVC model which I like too. I may decide to buy the stock and build it, using the extra stock to build a cuppola from the Azek as well.
I'll build another cupola for Jim-Bob so that he doesn't think that we're trying to steal his thunder.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


To laugh often and much;

To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;

To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;

To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.

This is to have succeeded.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Memorial Day Weekend

I'm a litttle ashamed and embarrassed at myself.
All I could think of looking forward to this weekend is three days off.
But the ability to enjoy those three days in peace and freedom, without having a German, Japanese or Russian telling me exactly what I could do with them is the true focus for this weekend.
What a different, and dark world it would be today without the extraordinary actions and sacrifices made by the past generations of Americans in the Armed Services. The fact that I am writing this Blog in English and not German, and can say whatever I want without governmental repression.... this alone is testament to their services to us and America.
I think of my father, who was blown off a ship in World War II, and spent a year in the Veteran's Hospital, my grandfather who was gassed in a trench in World War I, and my father -in-law, who was wounded by a Chinese artillery shell and held as a prisoner of war in Korea.
It was the actions and sacrifices of these and millions of other men and women, who have given me the audacity to expect three carefree days of peace and relaxation this Memorial Holiday weekend.
Have a great, fun, peaceful weekend.... but take the time to remember exactly why you are able to do so.... and give some thoughts and prayers to those who sacrificed for you.

Tuna Lips said...

and don,t for a minute think that Hassan the camel trader would like nuttin' better than to have your lilly white tookus muling around his figs and carpets whilst he watches good ole made in the USA porn. Cant have one without the other.

Help a vet, and pray for thems that fell so we might have our days in the sun.

Friday, May 23, 2008


I made a major change in Will's Toychest design today. The base that seemed so right in my head made the chest look too bulky and tall when I actually built it. So I eliminated it and simplified the design. It looks much better, and now I'm progressing to final sanding.
The discarded chest base was used to create a display shelf for the antique bottles that we excavated ten years ago from the original Sundance Pre-School site, which was an apothecary, then a clam shack before becoming the florist shop that we demolished to build the school.
It would be possible to get all of the toychest sanding done tomorrow, apply a sealer coat of clear epoxy and be ready for spray varnish when the Tender is ready next week or so. But I have to carve Will's initials on the inside lid and that will take some time.
I don't want to cut any corners on this project, and have taken every step I know to strive for perfection. This one is turning out well, but they'll be other chances to build chests for grandkids yet to be born.

Three Day Weekend

I'm only a few conference calls and some accounting work away from a long three day weekend. The weather report is aces. Looks like summer temps are kicking in.
The WhaleEye hasn't been launched so that we'll be giving quite a few fish a stay of execution until a future weekend. Then all bets are off, because fish will die this season.
I'm just going to lay low and stay around the hood. Both Mike and Kate talked about dropping by, and we have Little Will on Sunday and Monday. Looks like there is a great chance to get all of the sanding done on the Tender and Will's Toychest so that I can begin the spray varnishing next week.
BTW, yesterday, I completed my second running workout on the tread mill with NO KNEE PAIN!
If I can get some quality workouts in over the weekend, then maybe I can salvage the attempt at the Marine Marathon this October.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Week 20 - POTW

A huge day for Nanepashemet Telecom.... picked up a nice contract from one customer and a long awaited purchase order from another. The big one is right around the corner. I can sense it.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 20th week of 2008
  • Jon Lester
  • Rich Berliner
  • Will Murray
  • Kelley Clark
  • Bianca de la Gaza
  • Ray Allen

Can't wait to check my email tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Return to Normalcy

So Kristi Yamaguchi emerged victorious in Dancing With The Stars. I called that one episodes ago. I'm glad it's over though. Time to resume my manly role as a manly man, untainted by attention to a ballroom dancing diversion.

Tuna Lips said...

You call a jap winning anything on Americanish tv normalcy? What next, you gonna open up a 'gay care center' so all the chilluns can get learnt up on not being normal?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cause for Concern

There are a couple of points of concern that I have to bring to your attention today.
First... I did not throw a No-Hitter yesterday for the Red Sox against the Kansas City Royals. It was Jon Lester, not John Nestor. The fact is that I've never even pitched for the Red Sox. So stop all of the congratulatory emails and voicemails. You know how annoyed this makes me.
And Second.... I've just recently found out that Dale Johnson, aka "Buck", was noted as the best marksman in his Army battalion. Buck with a rifle. That is definitely cause for concern.

Coming Together

Day Two of a diverse and busy week at Nanepashemet Telecom. Several completely different projects are coming together at the same time - pretty weird.
Of course it all won't pan out as I imagine it. If it did, I'd be looking for loft space with a loading dock near a water put in for my ultimate Nanepashemet Boatbuilding business pretty soon.
That will happen sooner or later... but sooner is definitely preferable.
BTW, Will's Tool Chest is already finished... mentally in my head. I'm happy with the design. Now all I have to do is complete it with some solid craftsmanship. Since I'm not working with a printed plan, the mental part is the hard part.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Between the Celtics going to the Eastern Conference Finals, and the Finals of Dancing with the Stars, I'm afraid that I might go on overload this week. Too much excitement and pressure!

Sunday, May 18, 2008


The lid for Will's Toy Chest came out very well and the design of mahogany and oak accents was successful. I borrowed this design element from the breasthook of the Herreshoff Tender and the hardwood seat that I had to re-fabricate after Jim Peabody inadvertently karate chopped the original cedar one.
The mahogany has some stress cracks, but these will be sealed by the absorption of the first coat of epoxy.
I also sanded out the dovetails but was less than 100% satisfied because the fit was not as precise as I would have liked for a project of this importance. The gaps were filled with a glue and sanding dust putty that will cause the flaws to disappear, but I know that they are there and a juried woodworker will see them.
The vast majority of you Peeps won't have a clue, so I guess I shouldn't get pissed off with myself about it.
The project will be completed well before Will's birthday in mid-June, but I'm rushing it because I want to spray it with multiple coats of marine varnish while the Tender interior is also being varnished, and I'd like to launch the Tender as soon as possible.
Both projects will be completed with the varnishing at the same time.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Clean Up Your Act

My Mother use to say that "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." Not sure where she got that from.
But if cleanliness is next to Godliness, then my garage must be right next to Hell.
That is one filthy place.
I glued and clamped the dovetails on Will's Toy Chest today, but the bulk of the day was spent trying to clean and get order in the garage. It looks pretty good to me now, but to the untrained eye, it still must resemble a chaotic pigsty.
The day ended right though when Tommy and Linda O'Shea came over with some natural casing hot dogs that we grilled with chicken wings and kielbasa... chased down with some Dark and Stormies.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

POTW Week 20

We finally broke down and had our cat Roenick groomed. He was really gross with clumps of fur that contained who knows what. So he spent the afternoon at the Kitty Spa. You can tell that he feels pretty hot right now.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 20th Week of 2008
  • Sarah Crawford
  • Ted Bruschi
  • Steve Spillane
  • Stacey Butler
  • Charles Sheen
  • Nick Herz
I could use a decent grooming myself one of these days.

Tuna Lips said...

Comes to groomin', whatsoever you does, dont lets em shave your man parts. Why once, I was passing time with some some seemingly decent gents, and we took to tales of grooming and what passed for fashion at the time. This after several white wine spritzers. Next thing I knowed I was garbed in latex and gettin' my nuts shaved by a tattooed feller with a pierced foreskin named Reggie. Castro district has got nuttin'; to do with Fidel. Jeepers.

Cancellation and Obsession

Both of my morning meetings were cancelled today, and I was already out past route 128 when I got the first cancellation. So I used the time to go to Rockler Woodworking in Danvers and picked up the safety closers and piano hinge for Will's Toy chest. I also got a great deal on some Freud router bits, that I really didn't need.
It's true that I am dangerous in a tool store or on Amazon at night. I have no idea why I have bought some of the tools that I have. I suppose that irrational tool buying is a better vice than most obsessions but it's still bad.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Asian Catastrophes

What's with the massive loss of life from earthquakes and hurricanes in Asia? 100,000 dead from a typhoon in Burma... 20,000 dead from an earthquake in China.
Doomsday prophets might give this as evidence that we come closer to the "End of Days".
I think that's hogwash.
As the earth has become a global village via the Internet and other communication media, obscure provinces in China become next door neighbors. In 1916, a meteorite hit Siberia with the force of 1000 nuclear explosions. Nobody knew about it for 10 years. That could never happen today.
At any rate, thousands of people dying in natural catastrophes seems to be more of a 3rd world phenomenon. Katrina in New Orleans left 1800 dead.... a relatively low number compared to the carnage in Asia.
The only thing I can think of for the exponential Asian loss of life is a difference in building codes between the two cultures.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Project Progress

In between some great Nanepashemet Telecom calls today, I sanded the panels to Will's chest and cut the dovetail tails on the front and back panels. Tomorrow I will rout the pins and assemble the carcass.
I showed the panels to Joanne with the combination of oak and mahogany. She was impressed. That's good because she normally has no trouble telling me if something that I've done sucks.
I also received the Epiphanes Varnish from Jamestown Distributors. That gives me no excuse in finishing the Tender refit.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Project Status

I'd appreciate it if you'd slack off a little on all of the annoying emails asking me how the projects are coming. I'm happy to keep you informed, but the constant inquiries are starting to get on my nerves. Yesterday, I even snapped at Katelyn!
Yes, Will Nestor's Toychest is coming along fine. All of the side panels have been have been cut, biscuit joined and glued. The next step is to rough sand the panels, then cut the dovetails. The rough assembly of the carcase should be done by the weekend. Then I have to figure out what the lid and base assembly will look like. I've got a month to get this project done... so no problem.
The Herreshoff Columbia Yacht Tender seasonal fit out is also progressing nicely. Yesterday, I epoxied all of the seat seams and touched up any areas where the epoxy failed. I also epoxied some reinforcing fiberglass to some stress points in the bottom of the hull. Three quarts of Epiphanes Clear Gloss Marine Varnish is on order from Jamestown Distributors, and I will spray this on the interior when I have scraped and sanded the epoxy touchups. Then I'll turn over the hull, attach the brass bar to the keel, and spray a few coats of varnish on the outside hull. Can't see the launch happening before June, but it has to look good so I can impress all of my new friends at the Boston Yacht Club.
The Chamberlain Marblehead Gunning Dory is another story. I keep promising to join the frames to the bottom, and I have them all laid out, but I haven't progressed due to the urgency of the top two projects. When I get some receivables from Nanepashemet Telecom, I'll buy that 8 HP Honda 4 Stroke Outboard from Ryan Marine, and the project will gather some steam, because the engine will require some design modications in the Dory plan. I want the motor to tilt up into the hull and will need to check the mounting and make provisions for the gas tank. I realistically can't see any movement on this until mid-June, after Will's chest is complete.
So now you should be happy enough. You're completely updated on the status of the projects, so ease up on the emails.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Dr. Jim

Jim Bob Peabody came by yesterday and told me that my knee problem is probably a torn ligament. He must be right. After all, he is a trained respiratory therapist.
I was really hoping that it would work itself out. In fact, it starts to feel fine when I regularly bike on the Cybex. But running brings that pain back.
Surgery can't be an option if I'm to make it to the Marine Corps Marathon this October. I've got to figure this out.

Piscabo said...

Don't look at it as a problem. It can and is empowering if you let it. For instance, that pint of Cherry Garcia and that Kettle of Mac n' Cheese, those go unattended if you are out there training. The boat? Same thing. While your knee injury may shut one door, it opens so many others. Seize this opportunity. You can do it.

Mother's Day Wish

Happy Mother's Day to all of my Peeps who are mother's. I know that a whole bunch of you are pregnant as well. All of Ryan's friends seem to be entering parenthood as well as a number of Katelyn's.
I suppose you want me to say something profound here concerning the "Circle of Life" or something like that.
That's just too much pressure.
This is a Blog.... it's not inspirational philosophy on demand!!!
Granted, I know that every once in a while, I make a point to ponder. But this isn't one of those times. Plus I'm watching an episode of "Yankee Workshop", and it's hard to have deep thoughts while watching Norm Abram sand a piece of teak wood.
So a wish of "Happy Mother's Day" will have to suffice for now. Joanne is in a great mood. All of her kids are home, and we'll have a clambake at the end of the day. Ryan has the Lobsters, and I have to come up with some Clams. For Joanne, every day is a Happy Mother's Day when her kids are around... and grandkids are the frosting on the cake.
BTW, if you regularly come to the Nanepashemet Blog for your helping of inspirational guidance, then you must be mentally starving by now.

Tuna Lips said...

I echo those sayings, and give a mega dittos to the praise for mommas around the globe. Though she is singin' with the angels, my mammy is near to me in my time of need, and utters her loving words which were really only meant to learn me things. I recall them frosty nights, her setting down after a long day of driving the plow, and then dance lessons with the local preacher, and after she served us little ones a fricasee o' possum and crow, her sittin' by the firelight, mud smear on her chin, hair all mussed up, blushin' as pappy serendaded her with "I'll Pass You my Moonshine if You Shows Me Yer Jugs". Many rivers have been crossed since those halcionic days, but this remains true: momma kept our feets shod and our tummies full, our neighbors at bay and the coppers on her side the law. Blessins to you momma. Little TL is now growed big, with white in his hair and unnatural emulsion from my unmentionables. But I will abide, for I knows you loves me and will make it all okay.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Bonus Saturday

Today looks like a bonus. It was supposed to rain, but instead, it will be cloudy and forty degrees.
I'll take it.
My plan is to glue up some panels for Will's toychest, then powerwash the Tender, then get a workout in on the Cybex..... all before noon. Then I'll see how the rest of the day plays out. Maybe I'll epoxy the frames on the Dory bottom.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Odd Ducks

So you're a fairly healthy Mallard Duck, and can take your pick of the great places to swim in the beautiful Town of Marblehead, MA.
Not sure why you'd decide to hang out in O' Shea's pool.

Call It Quits

Looks like Barach Obama has won the slugging match with Hillary Clinton. Time to get the Clinton's back to Chappaqua. Lord knows they're not welcome in Little Rock.
Now we can stop worrying about the Clinton's soiling the White House, and can turn our attention to McCain v. Obama. Not a pretty sight either. But somehow, this choice seems less toxic.
It would be nice to see Bill and Hillary crawl under a rock and confront their golden years in self-adulating, ego-driven hell. I doubt that we have seen the last of them though.... no rock is big enough.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Cherry Garcia Fix

I don't know if I ever told you this, but Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia is the best pint of ice cream that has ever been invented.
I just finished mine and will be counting the hours until I crack open the next one.

POTW Week 19

Sometimes the stars seem to line up in your favor. This is definitely one of those times.
Unfortunately for you, my policy is never to give the specifics of business situations in this Blog, even though it would be infinitely more interesting. But suffice it to say, that a number of independent business opportunities are eerily coming together at the same time.... which could make this a great year.... pour moi.
This isn't the first time that this has happened to me. Good things seem to come in bunches. Which reminds me that it is Thursday, and time to to select the Peeps of the Week.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for Week 19 of 2008
  • Jan Ford
  • Joanne Nestor
  • Jerry York
  • Denise Kearns
  • Roger Clemens
  • Maddie Gill
BTW, these "bunches of good things" never play out as expected, and I'm due to become an insecure bag of nerves again any time now.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Herreshoff Tender Maintenance

I took out the floor boards in the Tender today and cleaned out the dirt and leaves that settled under. What a mess!
Tomorrow morning, I hope to power wash the interior in the morning then sand and reinforce the epoxy in the afternoon. That should get me in a position to spray a coat of marine varnish on Friday if the weather holds up.
With a little luck, the Tender will be ready for the season by the weekend.
I'm going to get some heavy duty rowing in this year... as much as possible.

Going Green

Jim Peabody has been helping Tommy O' Shea getting his front lawn in shape. It's looking good.
I've never really taken good care of my lawn. Basically went through the motions over the years. It always looks good enough from across the street, and if you have the need to inspect it up close, then you're a whack job and I don't care what you think anyway.
But now Jim Bob and Tommy Tank Top have thrown down some smack. There's no way that I can stand pat and watch their lawns turn a luxuriant green, while mine stays sketchy with large brown spots.
So we'll be cultivating, fertilizing, seeding and watering until my lawn dominates these horticultural wannabees.


Sometimes you wake up and dread the coming day. Other times, you can't wait to get out of bed and embrace it. Today it's the latter for me.
Sprint should be coming up with big investment news, which should be good for Nanepashemet Telecom. Our other customers are preparing orders and getting ready to move. Other massive stuff is happening. It could be a crazy, busy summer.
But it won't be all business.... I'm not going to leave the fish alone this season. There are Striped Bass and Football Tuna swimming out there right now that have no idea that they will end up on my grill in the coming months.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Annual Confession

Once again, I come to my annual confession that I am a fan of "Dancing With the Stars".
Not sure why I feel so guilty about this... so ashamed.... so very vulnerable.
Does enjoying a Tango, Cha Cha Cha, or Samba make me less than a Man????
Do I compromise my masculinity by savoring the Waltz, Quickstep or Paso Doble???
Those of you who know me best, know that I am a MAN, a Man's Man, a Manly Man... the type of man that women immediately undress with their eyes... a real man who doesn't drink martinis or light beer... not a limp wrist in either arm.
So what if a little Ballroom attacks this premise. I can live with it.

Tuna Lips said...

Well bully fer you, showing your inner child to those of us who hide our eyes and cower. Look on the bright side, with that Obammy feller lined up to run this here country, the Marine Marathon will soon have a new category. Like the over 40 category, a gay category ta boot, and youse and yer fairy dance buddies can compete against one another for 'fastest queer' and 'snappiest running trunks'.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Dory Progress

Lined up the dory frames on the bottom yesterday. The impasse is broken! Progress has begun.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Don't Quit

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

- Author unknown

Tuna Lips said...

Life is queer? Speak fer yerself, there, Liberace.

Tuna Lips, Out!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Gathering Momentum

It's supposed to rain on Sunday, but I have to get moving on the garage projects. Will's Toy Chest, the Herreshoff Tender Re-fit and the Marblehead Gunning Dory aren't getting done by themselves, and I can't wait for the weather to be perfect.
Tomorrow morning, I'll glue up a panel for the Chest, epoxy the middle frames to the Dory bottom, and drill holes in the keel brass for the Tender - all before noon. That should establish some momentum.

Derby Winner

So Big Brown won the 134th running of the Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs
We'll never hear the end of this from "you know who".


The perfect antidote to having to watch the Lifetime Channel is a kettle of macaroni and cheese. I've decided that life is worth living again after only my first plateful.

Kill Me Now Please

It's another cold and rainy Saturday.
That means that Joanne has fired up a heaping serving of the "Lifetime Channel".... you know, television for women.
Gag me with a freaking spoon.
I won't make it to 3:00 PM. This is my last day on Earth.

Friday, May 02, 2008

POTW Week 18

Here are the POTW selections this week... late as usual.
I'm feeling kind of bad for my cat Roenick. It really seems like he is mourning the loss of his domineering sister Isabelle. He just mopes around the house and issues these depressing moans from time to time.
I miss Izzy too, but you don't see me in a deep funk. Snap out of it Roenick!

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 18th week of 2008.
  • Andrew Peabody
  • Barry Lutchen
  • Nick Herz
  • the entire Customer Care Department of Nordic Track
  • Manny Ramirez
  • Jill Phillips
I wonder if Roenick is just now realizing that Izzy passed? He never seemed to be overly intelligent.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Loathsome and Demonic

How's this for trash talk from my loathsome, demonic, archrival Joe Collins?

Collins Said....

Good news... While the rest of us are running the Marine Corp Marathon, maybe you can run the Marine 10K that day ! A little concerned about the litany of ... "may achin knee, my broken treadmill, customer support, my weight, my moods" Am I running with Lutch?!!?

Workouts since last report:

4/14 14.2 bike

4/15 4 mile walk Dallas

4/16 12 miles bike Dallas

4/17 12.3 bike Dallas

4/19 3.4 treadmill run

4/21 2 miles (outdoors)

4/22 2 mi

4/24-27 4 rounds golf

4/29 11.3 bike

4/30 2 mile run Weight down to 205... building strenghth, character and determination ! !

Registration is now open:

Register Now .

I will beat him, irregardless of the sacrifice and pain that it takes.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Treadmill Stop and Go.

Like I suspected, Nordic Track was way off base. They were telling me to buy a new microcontroller and control console that would have set me back over $600 bucks.

When the Tech came over to the house and checked the treadmill, the only thing wrong was a loose connection to the motor. Glad I didn't follow the expert customer care offered by Nordic Track.
The treadmill works like new, but my knee sure as hell doesn't. It's giving me a ton of pain.... the kind that would incapacitate a lesser man.
It's back to the Cybex bike for a week or so until the knee kicks into gear.

Tuna Lips said...

One can get to figgerin' that from the neglectin' you have done to this here blogosphere, sumfin' ain't sittin' well with you, Sure Shot. Irregarding the dark passages your thinkin is a wanderin', like the tunnel to pappy's hooch still near the landfill in Peppermill Hollow, knows you wills come out to a land of milk and humpin', of birds and bees and cigarette trees, where the whiskey dunt run dry. And this self-carved d-bag who calls hisself Pisc, or Piscabo, or some other name depending on the day, he can find another split personality in some neighboring blogpsphere, irritatin boil on my arse. Get offa my cloud you surly cur.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Love that Dirty Water

Mike comes back home from Washington DC on Wed. It's hard to believe that he's been gone for over a year, but he will be working in the Boston market and will be around Marblehead again.
My extreme bias is that Boston is the best place in the universe to live.
I was so fortunate during my ten years at General Dynamics to travel throughout the United States. California was great.... SF, LA and San Diego had great assets. I also loved Seattle with it's seacoast and mountains intertwined. Spent a lot of time in Dallas, Denver, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Houston, Miami, Washington, Nashville, Chicago, and New York.
Been to Spokane, Portland (Ore. and Maine), Montreal, Honolulu, Toronto, Phoenix, Albuquerque, Vancouver, and San Juan. New Orleans, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Memphis, Lake Tahoe, Reno, Las Vegas, and Kansas City were also stops. Roanoke, San Antonio, Ft. Lauderdale, Charlotte, Sacramento, Orlando and Boca Raton made the list.
I almost forgot Colorado Springs and Little Rock (where they really hate the Clinton's).
My least favorite place was probably Buffalo. But the customer there was one of my best and really loved the area. Can't forget Albany and Syracuse.
So I really feel like I've seen a lot of the United States.
But wherever I went, I was always glad to get back to Boston. It has my kind of trees, my kind of dirt, the Ocean, the White Mountains, the Cape, and the people talk like me. People aren't phoney or nicey-nice in Boston, but they are not rude like in New York. There is a feeling of "what you see is what you get." It has a genuineness in the change of seasons, and a sense of tradition and history in it's cities and towns. Plus, there is the Red Sox and the Patriots.
I'm glad that Mike is coming home to Boston.
And, BTW, I don't care if I ever set foot in an airplane ever again.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Taste of Summer

It's still only April. But because we had a run of 70 degree days this week, you really want it to be summer. Today the weather is overcast, glum and in the forties.
Yesterday, I took advantage of the warm temps by getting into the garage and building a case to house the components of our TV downstairs. It's all done except for the back panel and the sanding, and was a good tune up for some of the techniques that I'll use on Grandson Will's Toy Chest.
Tommy McMahon and Reaf dropped by with a piece of pier foam that I recommended that he buy to fulfill his dream of making a floating Beirut game table. We cut it to size on the band saw and pieced together a 30" by 60" panel to serve as flotation. It should provide many hours of inebriated pleasure for Tom and his friends this summer.
I felt so good that I decided to get two miles in on the track before dinner. Unfortunately, there is no denying that the pain in my left knee is the real deal and can't be ignored. I'm going to try to run through it today and continue to hope for the best.
The evening was capped by dinner with the O'Shea's at the Peabody's where Jim grilled a turkey breast on his charcoal cooker. I think that we were pretending that it was a summer night, and we tried to hang out on his deck and watch the Sox, but it cooled down quickly.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

POTW - Week 17

Now it's coming out that a bunch of the Red Sox have been afflicted by the flu. I'm not sure that I have recovered from this insidious strain. I haven't felt right for over a week and a half. Not that I'm complaining. That would be downright un-Nanepashemet of me.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 17th week of 2008
  • Paul Giamatti
  • Eric Johnson
  • Meaghan Bruett
  • Bob Towne
  • David Letterman
  • Linda O'Shea
I hope that my poor training is indicative of this persistent virus and nothing more.

Final Episode of John Adams

Wojcik was right again. The final Adams episode was a decided tearjerker.
The loss of his daughter and wife was tough to take, but the ascent of his son, John Quincy, to the Presidency and his extended correspondence with Jefferson culminating in their mutual deaths on the 50th anniversary of their signing of the Declaration of Independence, is the type of reality that defies a fictional account.
John Adams had a remarkable life, and Americans have benefited because of it ever since.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bleak Outlook

So I got out to run today, and really feel terrible. Knee hurt and and my back felt like it was ready to go out. Plus I found out that Bob Towne, my buff college roommate just ran a 100KM race. That 60+ Miles! That's a photo of Bob during one of the exciting parts of the race.
I could hardly drag my ass around for two. Right now, I can't imagine covering the Marine Corps course six months from now. But I'm going to resign my fate to a higher power and stay the course.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Adams Conclusion

I haven't seen the last episode of John Adams yet, but Bob Wojcik said that it brought him to tears. I would think that it would have to have been pretty twisted. Now I'm really looking forward to seeing it.

Archrival Visit

Archrival Joe Collins and the lovely Michelle visited us in the mountains yesterday.
I told Joe that I had finally been able to get a training run in, and he countered by showing me his Oakley Club Champion plaque.
Nice Plaque.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Running Start

It's almost exactly six months to the Marine Corps Marathon, and I finally took my first steps on the road, 2 weeks behind schedule because of the broken treadmill, then the virus attack.
I nursed myself through two miles at a snail's pace to see how the knee felt. It felt tenuous at best. The good news is that I am right on plan with weight loss, having lost about ten lbs. last week.
The first day back running is never representative of how your body will respond. We'll see how I feel at the end of this week.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saco Water Level

So I was up in North Conway today, and decided to check out the water level at the Saco River and see if any trout were around.
The water was higher and rushed faster that any non flooding time that I can remember. The large, rushing volume was cloudy with sand and leaf debris. I learned a long time ago to refrain from trout fishing if you couldn't see them.
I went to some of the area galleries and was again impressed by some of the furniture on sale. I'm convinced that I could do that stuff if I didn't have to work for a living. I was inspired to get going on Will's toy chest and did a work breakdown structure that indicated that I have 40 hours in work in store before the chest will be ready. Since Will's birthday is in June, I'm already cutting it close.
Tomorrow, Archrival Joe Collins and his main squeeze, the lovely Michelle are coming up to visit us.
Don't worry.... I'm hip to his psychological tactics. He can't get into my head. NO WAY!

Running a Test

This virus that hit me last Sunday is still screwing with me. I've lost a week of training, but I also lost well over 5 lbs. So maybe there is a bright spot.
I can't wait for the treadmill to be repaired, so I'll be running on grass a couple of miles to test my knee this weekend.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Week 16 POTW

So the Pope's response to the victims of sexual abuse is to pray.
Hopefully that works for everytime you have to take action.
Take out the garbage??? Pray.
File your taxes???? Pray
Shopping for groceries??? Pray.
Get the picture? If you have a problem, just sit on your ass and pray. If your garbage overflows, the IRS chases you or you start to get really hungry.... then maybe prayer alone isn't the answer.

Your priests are molesting kids and ruining their lives??? Time to lay down a few prayers.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for Week 16 of 2008

Sarah Piscatelli
Stan Brown
Mike Nestor
Nathaniel Clarke
David Ortiz

Nobody asked me, but getting rid of celebacy would be a good start. Bring some normalcy into the priesthood and cut down on the freaks.

Piscatelli said...

The conclusion, equating the Pope's situation to one where he has to "take action", is wrong. In fact unmeasred action in such a circumstance, where your credibility is in doubt, is ill advised. Slow, deliberate repeated action is adviseable in a situtation where the harm is great an immeasurable, and the "wound" if you will, is more susceptible to further injury than to healing. This applied to the sentient world.

At a higher level of abstration, this betrayal will take generations to be stilled, long after you and I have gone to earth.

I feel Benedict's plea for prayer is an acknowledgement of his humanity, that this is a problem which he can not fix himself, nor can anyone on earth, through courts or crusades, fix. Only something larger than humanity, and the timid sense of justice and brotherhood we occassionally display, can right this terrible wrong, to hear our prayer for justice, to know what is just. Not to decide, but to know.

And so we pray for that. Humiliating, but humble.

Now go take the garbage out.

Well said Piscatelli.... I'll pray for you. There are some empirical things that the Pope can do to stop perverts from preying on innocents. He could also stop using the Vatican as sanctuary for criminals. Why don't you bring that up at your next Altarboy convention????

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wack Job

So Hillary Clinton admitted in her debate with Obama, that her comment about landing in Bosnia under sniper fire was untrue.
Untrue???? It was much more than that! It was one whopper of a humongous lie. If anybody told me that, and I found out that it was a fabrication, I wouldn't trust that person to open a bag of potato chips, must less be elected leader of the free world.
That person would be written off as a wack job - plain and simple.
If Clinton embellishes like this, she really must be unstable.

Picking on the Pope

Pope Benedict expressed sorrow that the priests diddled with little American kids.
I bet he is sorry.
Maybe if he sent the criminal, Cardinal Bernard Law, back to Boston to stand trial for his negligence in allowing perverts with collars to prey on innocent children, the Pope would have some credibility.
Sure he's sorry - because they got caught. Because the children victimized by the authority figure that they should trust the most - their parish priest - grew up and found a voice.
It's one thing to be sorry, another to do something about it. The arrogance of the Catholic Church is probably more incompetence than anything. I'm not talking about reparations to the victims, although this is only ethical to do. I'm talking about publicly announcing the steps that the Church has taken to keep the non-celebrate, hypocritical monsters at bay.
Don't take it personal Pope, but your empire is an anachronism, and resembles nothing that can possibly be thought of as Christlike.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Izzy's Passing

Isabelle our cat died today. She was over 100 in cat years and very sick.
It's true that she was a bitch to Roenick and always kept him in his place. But he didn't seem to mind, and gave her first dibs even though he could obviously overpower her.
She had a couple of litters and seemed to be a good mother.
Like many cats, she was affectionate or standoffish on her own terms. We once found her in a neighborhood over a mile away from our house. One of our friends recognized her and called Joanne to pick her up.
The one time that I took her and Roenick in my truck to North Conway, she got into the truck , stepped on the automatic window roll down button, and before I was ten yards down the road, she jumped out onto the street. I had to lock down the window controls when I finally got her back into the truck. She sat on my lap for about an hour during the trip, then with no warning or provocation whatsoever, reached back with her front paw and smacked me in the face.
Good times and fun memories.
She was a good cat. We loved her and will miss her.

Texas Cult

BTW - Those prairie dog cult wives in Texas seem really screwed up. I don't know if it was right to take their kids, but they have to do something about their freaking hairdos.
And while we're on the subject, what is the problem with polygamy anyway? Why is it illegal?
Don't get me wrong.... I'd never do it. I have a bitch of a time trying to satisfy one wife as it is. But if some crazy bastard wants to take on multiple women, like those prairie dogs, then that's his business.... warped as it is. Who is the government to say that they can't.

Evil and Sinister

Recently, a number of you have asked me, "J. Why do you get so riled up about Joe Collins? He seems like a nice fellow."
Well he's not. And he's trapping you in his evil plan.
Would a nice fellow send me his superior workout plans and boast about filing his taxes when he knows that I have been fighting a potentially life threatening virus, and probably filed an extension on my taxes.????? Plus he knows that my treadmill is broken and that Nordic Track is dicking around with me about the cause and repair.
Don't get tangled in his sinister web.

Archrival Joe Collins wrote.....

date workout

4/4 16 mi (bike)
4/8 10 mi (bike)

4/12 2.3 miles treadmill run

4/13 3.5 miles treadmill ! ! plus the usual, stretching, weights, situps etc ! It was a little busy in work this week, so I didn't do as many workouts as I hoped - but taxes are done and filed !

BTW - taxes due on Tues not Wed !


Nice fellow indeed! It will be so satisfying to leave this cocky bastard in my Marine Corps Marathon dust this October.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tender Maintenance

When I took the tarp off of the Tender, it didn't come close to resembling this photo that was taken last June before the launch.
One season of use and one winter really put some wear on - especially in the interior.
Estimated work to get it back in shape....
Vacuum and clean - 1 hr.
Powerwash - 1 hr.
Sand Interior - 3 hrs.
Sand Exterior - 1 hr.
Tape and epoxy seats - 2 hrs.
Misc. Epoxy repairs - 1 hr.
Spray Varnish 1st coat - 2 hrs.
Spray Varnish 2nd coat - 1 hr.
Reattach Naval Brass to Keel - 1 hr.
Misc. - 1 hr.
That's 14 hours. Makes me start to wish I made this thing in fiberglass.
Doesn't matter because it's one of the best looking craft in Marblehead Harbor.


I'm tired of the Democratic Presidential race.
Don't care if the Pope is coming here.
Americans in Iraq for way too long doesn't rile me.
Big Papi in a slump is no big deal.
And I'm not even concerned about who wins "Dancing With the Stars".
That's how apathetic I am. It's freaking sad.

Bouncing Back

Despite my weakened, flu-ridden condition, I managed to get up and into action today... made it to the bank and the post office and sat in on a conference call.
I know what you're thinking. "A lesser man would surely have wiltered."
I appreciate the sentiment, but I didn't become a mountain of a man overnight. There was a time when I would have pussied under just like the rest of you. This strength comes from years of self discipline, singleness of purpose, and the utter lack of acknowledgement of pain.
I have to stop now. My fingers are getting tired from typing.

Tuna Lips said...

Now, I take yer point there, Big Train. Bully on yeh.

Fer your considerin': The way ole TL rolls, I'd never have spake a word of feelin' under the weather in the first place.

I am a cyclone, comin' to a trailer park near you.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Under the Weather

I haven't been sick for well over 10 years, but yesterday, something hit me like a freight train.
First chills and fever, then a pounding headache and backache that lasted all night.
Naturally, I put up with the distress with the strength and stoicism that has always characterized my behavior in the face of pain.
I hope to sleep tonight then back into the maelstrom, but I still feel rather crappy.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Full Agenda

Yesterday, Kevin Rockett finished tiling my basement, and we put it back together again so that it can function. This is the third major renovation to the basement, and hopefully the last. Between kids and cats, it tended to deteriorate quickly.
Ryan and Courtney just finished renovating their basement. Let's see how long it takes before grandson Will makes his mark.
I still have a great deal of finish carpentry and painting to do downstairs, but at least it can now be used, primarily for my home office and the treadmill. Can't wait for the part to come in for that machine so I can test if my left knee can stand the running strain.
Also pulled out the Tender and removed the winter tarp. A dirty mess on the inside that has to be powerwashed, sanded and revarnished.
There's no shortage of things to do, not to mention getting the taxes done by Wed.
BTW, contrary to popular belief, Dale Johnson is not Tuna Lips, and his son Jeremy is not retaining me as a wedding planner.

Yahweh Piscatelli said...

The first trial balloons of an escuse appear on the horizon, and just as I go out and get fitted for a new pair of running shoes. Are there anymore real cowboys left? Jeez.

Mo swang and missed a 2-2 screwball that backed into the hole in his swing.

The other one was not so lucky.

First herring have been spotted down the cape. Schoolies not far behind.

Nestor, I am laying down a gauntlet of my own. Run the 4th of July race in Hingham, a 5 miler. Good tune up for your 26.2 mile event.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Striped Bass Weathervane

Is this the best looking freaking weathervane that you ever saw???
I think so too.
Cape Cod Weathervane Company sells these Striped Bass copper vanes, and one is definitely going to end up on the top of my garage one of these days.
I'm putting this on the wish list with the 8hp Honda Four Stroke.

Friday, April 11, 2008

POTW - Week 15

OK, just shut up.
I warned you that the selections might not be on time didn't I???
So you never screw up ???? Ever???
My point exactly, so get off my case.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for Week 15 of 2008
  • Dale Johnson
  • Kevin Rockett
  • Dave Bruett
  • Brendt D'Orio
  • Lindsey Kepnes
  • Emily Engardia
I'm tired, so leave me alone

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Tomorrow I have to get the POTW stuff done early, because I'm going on the New England Wireless Association Boston Harbor Cruise in the evening when I'd normally be tending to this tedious task.
So if you have any of your pathetic recommendations or nominations, you'll have to submit them soon.
Because there's a lot of heavy drinking that goes on in these functions... open bar and all. And you don't want me making the selections if I'm under the influence.
Actually, I don't plan to really party. This is the opportunity to pick brains, and lie about how good your business is with your competitors. A combination of deception and bullshit, mixed in with a dose of intimidation.
I can't wait.

Think, then Speak

Lately I have borne witness to some business situations where otherwise intelligent people say some really stupid stuff.
As in.... not a thought of the implications, the context, or the audience before something highly inappropriate is blurted out.
The key phrase here is "not a thought".
Is it so hard to freaking think of what you are saying before the you blurt out the first freaking thing that comes into your FREAKING MIND??????
Ok.... I'll calm myself down. I do have self control that is almost superhuman. Especially dealing with people in delicate business situations that call for discipline and forethought.
So why don't you try some discipline and forethought.... YOU FREAKING STUPID, MORONIC, FREAKING IDIOT!!!!!
Use some braincells and think before you let your lips flay with your stupid, one dimensional, uncalled for ramblings.
Next time, try thinking before you open your big mouth. Freaking Moron.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Dory Resurgence

Pulled out the Dory Plans
Time to get serious.
I've got the base and the frames done. This weekend, I'll attach the middle frames to the base, then turn it over on the base mould and adjust the bottom camber.
After that, it will be game on.... add the stems, and start planking. We'll have pictures.
Mark Ryan of Ryan Marine is going to charge me a little under $2k for the 8hp Honda Four Stroke. That's a fair price, and I'll buy it if I can only collect a little more receivables from Nanepashemet Telecom. I'd like to have it on hand during the construction process so that I can customize the motor well around it.

Head Game

Talk about kicking someone when they're down!
I drop my guard, and innocently point out to you that my treadmill problem is altering my training routine, and I get this taunting email from my Archrival, Joe Collins, inviting me to work out with him at the Oakley Country Club, and watch the Sox on opening day.
I hope he doesn't think I was born yesterday.
There's no way I'd let him screw with my head at his hotsy totsy country club. I'm not in country club workout shape yet.. and he knows it. Plus he knows that the Boston Yacht Club doesn't have a gym, and he's trying to rub it in.
I'm wicked on to him.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Critical Delay

This was supposed to be the day that I began training on the Nordic Track Treadmill.
But no. The incline engine and console worked, but the tread didn't move. A call to their customer care center put me through a diagnostic over the phone, and they say that I needed a new controller processor circuit board.
It will be six to ten business days before the part is delivered.
Don't they understand that I'm on a very strict schedule???? That this delay could inexorably alter the delicate pattern that has been established to bring me to peak performance on October 26, 2008 at the Marine Corps Marathon????
I'm still going to refrain from running on the pavement before I get some low inpact treadmill training in. So I hope the freaking part comes in on time.
Meanwhile, the CYBEX reclining bike will have to do.
Maybe this diversion is ordained from GOD. Maybe the Almighty has decided to intercede in this training effort for the betterment of my glory in October.
I doubt it... but maybe.

Piscabo said...

Sounds like you need to think over your training approach. I do my best thinking over a bowl of mac and cheese. Also, a pint of Smithwick's and a chicken pot pie with a real crust can be solution inspiring. Finally, tucking into a meatball (not hamburger) and green pepper thin crust pizza with a sixer of Coors light and a remote to welcome the boys of summer back to Fenway, well, it doesn't get much more American than that. You are a patriot. I am getting misty, forgive me.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Family Resemblance

John Quincy Adams looks more like his mother, Abigail, than his father, John.

Piscabo said...

How awkward was it to watch John Sr. get his swerve on with Abigail in last week's installment. Jeepers.

Jeez Piscatelli.... Well what did you want????
Full frontal nudity and gasps of ecstasy?
I thought that John Adams did all of us ugly guys rather proud.

Toy Chest Progress

Even with only a little good weather this weekend, I made great progress in the garage, and cut everything for the carcass of the toy chest that I'm building for Will's first birthday.
I was able to recycle some cedar from my parents hope chest that I had been saving for some time. It still had a pungent aroma when sawed, and will be the floor of the chest. The walls will be a combination of oak and mahogany in a pattern that worked well on the seats of the Tender. These hardwoods contrast very well together.
The base will be a dovetailed oak carcass with mahogany moulding accents.
I want to use a laminated strip pattern for the top that will incorporate a fair curve and give a nautical effect. It's looking great in my mind... curious to see how it will manifest in wood.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Spring is Sprung

A warm day, sunshine, clear sky.
I made my spring pilgrimage into the garage and organized a little bit. Cut up some scrap wood and made a trip to the dump.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Victorious Week

You remember how I was telling to to celebrate your victories? Well, this week was one big freaking victory.
Nanepashemet Telecom made great strides with existing and prospective customers, and other stuff that I've been working on for a long time now took a giant leap forward.
I know all about waiting for the check to clear... but you have to have these forward strides to even get the check. If it all comes to fruition, that would be great, but even if some of it drops out, it's still damn good.
If I lost about 24 lbs last week, it would have been perfect.

Tuna Lips said...

Puts me to mind of them old time songs you'd here them coloreds singin' whislt they went to cleanin' the pile of dung usin's had 'em livin' in, down by the Wooly Swamp.

Victeree is mines,
Victeree is mines,
Victeree t'day is mines!
I told Satan, get thee behind
Victeree today is mines!

POTW Photo

Normally, I'd never publish a picture of a Peep of the Week.
The embarrassment/jubiliation is just too intense.
But this photo of Ethan Rathbone is obviously the exception.
All of his fingers look fine and there are no noticeable head bruises from his ordeal with the toy box cover.
He actually looks pretty happy.

Ho Hum

Joe Collins (my archrival) delivers his boastful marathon training program stats....

date workout situps

3/28 14.6 M bike 80

3/29 13.3 " 80

3/30 18 holes ; )

3/31 2.3 run (treadmill) 100

4/2 elliptical 30 min 700 cal 100

4/3 2.3 run treadmill 100

Weight stablized around 205 or so - but fat disappearing... 6 pack abs' starting to take shape !

How's Mike's training coming?

Nice 17mile 50 min workout ! I want to know if there's a resistance setting on that Cybex! If there is, I certainly hope you have it on a higher setting than "wussy"
Semper Fi - Archie

Does this make your blood boil????

Mine too!

This dude is going down.