That's how many tuna we caught after getting up at 3:15AM and banging through 3 ft seas at 15kts to get to the Northwest corner of Stellwagen Bank by 6:00 AM.
And it wasn't a glorious sunrise either, with overcast skies and a cool breeze with 60 degree temps.
The ride out was an uncomfortable, wave crashing affair, but when we got to the corner, we saw whales immediately, and thought that the tuna would be close behind..... but they didn't respond to our elaborate squid sets.
After 3 1/2 hours crisscrossing the corner, we stopped and jigged, hooking three sand sharks and one striped bass. If we were inshore, the bass would have been a keeper, but we obeyed the federal regs that prohibit taking bass on the Stellwagen National Sanctuary.
Tyler Gill's father, Greg, hooked the fish and was happy with his catch, but it wasn't a tuna.
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