Saturday, June 21, 2008

Now What???

If our primary purpose is to perpetuate the species, then I think my time is up.
Joanne and I have raised three great kids... they make good choices and we have one incredible grandchild to undoubtably be followed by numerous others.
A nice friend of mine just sent me pictures of her best friend's four beautiful girls, who have entered the workforce, are getting married, and are contributing to society. While I'm really happy and impressed by these beautiful people, it definitely causes a bit of insecurity.
We've done our job. My generation has passed the torch. Now what the heck are we supposed to do???? My fervent hope is that some of the grandkids will want to learn how to build cedar strip boats.
That will give me a good enough purpose I guess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


What's up with your marathon quest? Are you still in? I've bought my plane ticket and once I finish with my trivial little 100 miler in 6 days, I'll start running like a Marine.

R. Towne