Monday, October 15, 2007


Sunday, I could hardly walk with the calf pain shooting up to the area behind my knee. I'm pretty sure that nobody in the family noticed, because I always take pain like a man. No complaining.... no whimpering. Naturally, I laid off the workout.
Today I had to go to Worcester with Mike Rockett. We met with the State rep, Bob Spilane, and the City Manager, Mike O'Brien - two very sharp guys who were great ambassadors for investing in Worcester. The only trouble I had was trying to keep up with them on a quick walking tour around some downtown buildings.
If I can't walk a block around Worcester, how the hell am I going to run 26 miles from Hopkinton to Boston????
It's starting to seem like I'll need a visit to Lourdes to get this bum leg in shape, so I can work out again. Tomorrow, we'll see if the Cybex loosens up things a bit.
Meanwhile the Dory work lies fallow, and the basement tile project mocks me everytime I go down there. The only thing that is moving forward is Nanepashemet Telecom. For that , I'm very grateful

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Got a little hitch in yer gitalong, Boomhower? If I could only recollect, my pappy made a wonderful elixir that would cure whatever ailed ye, from rickets to wrotten crotch. I recall some chicken blood, hair of a cat in heat, bark from the south facing side of a beach tree, and a healthy bit of potato brew. Worked everytime, made you ferget about what ails ye. That pappy, shoot, he was a man for all reasoning, Richard Burton did a sharp job of pertraying his complexities in the film adaptation.