Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Irritating v. Despicable

The other day I was complaining to someone about how the Democrats seem to talk down and pander to people.
But Vice President Joe Biden  hit a new low when he told a mixed race audience in Virginia yesterday  that Mitt Romney’s tax policy would put “y’all back in chains,”.
Joe, we know that you are not the sharpest knife in the draw, and we can't blame someone for being a little stupid.... but we CAN blame someone for being an Asshole.
So let's analize this statement a little bit.
How does cutting taxes equate to people being enslaved?   "Y'ALL" understand this? 
Then you are a lot smarter than me because I don't see the logic at all.
What I see happening here is a Democrat seeking to talk down to an ethic audience, because Joe isn't from the South and "Y'ALL" isn't close to being in his vocabulary, so that was a pandering, talking down remark.  This is irritating.

But the "back in Chains" part?  That goes deep into Joe's Liberal outlook, because he still looks out there and says something to cut deep into the psyche of a Black American... to scare them into seeking a false refuge with the Liberal policy of creating a dependency on government programs run by Liberals.
This part isn't irritating.  It is pathological and despicable.
So if you are looking for a slavery metaphor, Joe... consider this... Republican tax policy has nothing to do with slavery.... but Abraham Lincoln was a Republican... and he freed the slaves.  So maybe "Y'ALL" can weave this into your line of political bullshit.
Pandering Asshole.

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