Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sham of Journalism

If you want to see what biased journalism is, tune into the Republican National Convention on MSNBC.
I actually studied journalism in college and wrote some articles for the Daily Collegian out at UMASS, Amherst.   Professor Arthur Musgrave was a Libertarian who basically taught that the truth would eventually win out with a free exchange of ideas by sincere and objective reporting.
At the time, with the Vietnam War raging and the  Civil Rights Movement thrusting forward, it seemed that the only rational viewpoint was the liberal stance provided by the Democratic Party.
Yet, from Professor Musgrave's influence , I never did vote in a Democratic Primary and maintained an unenrolled  "Independent" status to this day.  In those times, I was firmly aligned with the liberal viewpoint, but if these MSNBC "Journalists" are liberals, then I don't want anything to do with that stance.
These people are neurotically obsessed in opposition to the Convention  Speeches that they are supposedly "covering".
In the convention hall, the Republicans have set up a Debt Clock, showing the current growth in the National Debt.  The MSNBC Crew attacked that with a smirk and some kind of chart that sought to prove that the Republicans were responsible for our debt.   
The Freaking Debt is just that... the Debt.   Why would anyone attack a clock that measured it?
Then the "Journalists" turned their rancor on the misinterpretation of Obama's "If you have a business, you didn't build that.  Somebody else did." quote saying that it had been taken out of context.   I listened to that quote over and over and posted it in this Blog. 

Sorry, but these talking spinheads can't convince me that Obama didn't leak his misunderstanding of free enterprize.  There was no misinterpretation on my part, and they can spin all they want.
If you click back and forth between C-Span and MSNBC, you would think there was no convention in place as MSNBC shows no speakers, only talking heads and now Hurricane Issac Coverage, while C-Span is actually showing the speakers.  Senator Kelly Ayotte of NH is speaking now while MSNBC is taking the place of the Weather Channel.... literally.
Professor Musgrave was at the end of his career when I sat in his class in 1972, and I hope he is still with us.   And I wish I could hear his take on this sham of journalism that we are witnessing tonight.

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