Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Getting to the Good Stuff

As much as I really like working, I could do without it.
If economic necessity wasn't in the mix, I'd be pretty busy boatbuilding, blogging, writing, fishing, touring, and maybe even working out.  But working to make a living, really puts a crimp in my lifestyle.  To the point where I hardly ever get the chance to do the other stuff.
I suppose that if I never had to hustle to make ends meet, then I wouldn't cherish the stuff that I really want to do.  Maybe it wouldn't be important.  So work might just be the glue that sets priorities straight.
Does this make sense?
So I'll continue to work and hope to make a score so that I can quit someday, and get to the good stuff.

PIsc said...
Get after Tierney and stop daydreaming. 102 days. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Detour from Arkansas

Hat's off to Tuna Lips for setting me straight on the big Clinton shun.   Do you ever wonder why the Clinton clan went straight to New York after Washington DC and never seem to show up in Arkansas?
I once had the occasion to have lunch in Little Rock and got a pretty good dose of the distain that the locals there have for the Clinton's.   There was a burger on the menu at the pub that was touted as the "Best Burger West of the Mississippi".  The undercaption read..."And unlike Clinton, we ain't lying."
When I asked my local guests, who were project managers at Alltel that we were doing a network upgrade for, what that might signify.....they went on a tirade about Clinton that had me a bit taken back.   I had expected a bit of local loyalty.... especially towards an outsider like me from New England.
I'll bet that the contingent from Arkansas will be pretty small at the upcoming nuptials.

Monday, July 19, 2010

No Invitation

So far, Joanne and I have not been invited to Chelsea Clinton's wedding.
Naturally, we are shocked, perplexed, and not a little hurt.
Why Chelsea?  Why are we being left out and shunned????
Is it because of all of the bad things that we've said about your Dad and Mom?   Is it because you've invited the Obamas and are afraid we might do something embarassing?  Is it because Nanepashemet and Oprah in the same reception room might steal all of the attention?????

I can't believe this.  Can't believe that you would would be so shallow.

Tuna Lips said...
Hek, its festival seatin' at most of these back country nupshals, I always finds me a bridesmaid who is preggers and get my funky chicken goin', in case we can reach agreement, i gots no worries, she being all ruint and such. And alway keep a clean nose fer casin' the joint, it gets nutty enough thems fergets the jugs o' shine and balless chickens (the frenchies call 'em cape ons) that folk brung along. You stock yerself a party whilst partying. Good times. Hooooey!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Farewell to Jack

We lost a great friend last week when Jack Dog, Katelyn's Pug, passed away.
The problem with having pets is that their lifespan is so much shorter than ours.   And when they go downhill, it's usually very rapidly.  It's so heartbreaking to see them deteriorate and suffer.
During their short life you love and care for them so completely.  When they leave, they leave you with a huge hole of grief to fill.
So it is with Jack.  It seems like just a day ago when he would sit on one knee with Ronick the cat on the other, and both would be resting perfectly content.  Now they are memories.
In a little while, the grief that Katelyn and we have about Jack will be replaced with happy thoughts of the joy that he gave us.
We'll miss you Jack Dog.

Pisc said...
Sorry for your loss. Good pooch, that Jack.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

POTW Week 27

So they apparently have capped the leaking oil well in the Gulf of Mexico.  I never had a lot of interest in geology, but the fact that the earth's crust holds back such enormous pressures, makes me think that our foothold on the surface is tenuous at best.  That just below the surface is a seething, oily mess that could blow anytime.   Kind of like a Mel Gibson telephone conversation.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 27th Week of 2010

Kelly Light
Art Krieger
Mel Gibson
Earl Scruggs
Tyler Gill
Russell Archer
Heading to FreshAyer and hope to get a nice Harbor Row in today in the middle of another weekend heatwave.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Clean the Decks

Around 3:30 PM today, I racheted back Nanepashemet Telecom and resolved to get out on the WhaleEye, put some new boatrods that we bought for baitfishing in place, and maybe troll for some Blues for an hour or so.
But when I got onto the boat, I noticed which a disorganized trash pit it was.   I pulled trash out of compartments that was years old, and there were about three cases of empty beer cans.    Then I emptied the compartment under the center console and found all sorts of stuff that I didn't know I had.
The stainless steel boat grill was particularly gruesome and I brought this back ashore for some serious cleaning.
The basic issue here is that when you finally get some free time to go fishing on the WhaleEye, you really really don't want to spend it cleaning.    And this compounds itself over the season and even years.  But after a while, you have to bite the bullet and clean up.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Tad UnAmerican

I've been trying to stay out of this immigration debate.  Mainly because I don't blame Hispanic people who want to come to this country.  Oops..... I guess you're supposed to call them Latinos now.
If you believe the anthropologists, we are all immigrants on this continent.   Even the Indians... I mean.... Native Americans.
But we are supposed to be a nation of laws... not of men.   That is one of the hallmarks that keep us free, and keep us from falling under the dictatorship of a particular person or group.
And we have a specific set of laws regarding how people can enter this country as a legal immigrant.   If we don't like these laws, we have the legislative ability to change them, but to look the other way while others break them, or to condemn those who seek to enforce the laws.... this seems to be a tad Un-American.
So the story that I saw today on ABC News (yes.... I am a glutton for punishment)... about Latinos who feel threatened because they are on a list of illegal immigrants, and make a critique that they feel like they are being hunted, has me stymied.
Tell me the problem with making a list of people who have broken the law, and tell me why they shouldn't be apprehended and forced to comply.   If you don't agree with the law, then follow the Democratic process and change it.
I guess I'm just one of those narrow minded conservatives.

Rambo said...
You are the New American. We spin this shit all the time.

Goofy Dufus

So I'm right in the middle of the zoning hearing tonight, literally surrounded by hostile elderly condo owners who were giving me stares that made me feel that they thought rather ill of me.  Like they would inflict some pain if we were in a less civilized culture.
I always try to keep a happy countenance in situations like this.   Make the people think that I am some goofy dufus who doesn't realize that he is right in the middle of a crowd that would like nothing better than to separate his gonads from the rest of his man tackle.  Poor Skippy... he would never be the same.
Then, just as the testimony gets a little dicey, I start getting text messages from some of you misguided and irritating Peeps saying stuff like,  "How's it Going?"
I know that many of you are probably getting sick of the characterizations of myself as a "Mountain of a Man"..... but who else could maintain a Goofy Dufus posture while enduring the most annoying text messages ever during a very ackward moment????    
I mean.... you have to be a Mountain of a Man to pull this stuff off.
Anyway, with the vote count in question, we succeeded in getting the hearing continued so that we can provide additional information.   Unfortunately for Nanepashemet, we are on a lump sum contract and can't charge by the hour for this one.   Or this permit process could be getting pretty lucrative by now.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Vituperation Resumes

It's back out to Western Massachusetts tonight for yet another hearing regarding my evil plot to build a tower for my wireless telecommunications client.
We will be advocating to erect a monstrosity that will reduce property values, wreck the views, produce a fall down hazard, destroy human health, and even increase illegal drug traffic in the area.
I truly believe that all of these arguments are bogus, and that the vituperation and anger that is heaped on me is a bit unfounded...... But at least I get a fee for doing it.
Before I head to the hearing, I have to get an inspection sticker for the Nanepashemet F-150 because the current one expired in June.  I'd hate to be breaking the law on the way to carrying out my evil plot.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

True Liberal

James Carville, Democratic Pundit, says that the Democrats have a three pronged strategy to keep control of the US House of Representatives.  The three prongs are "the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost".
Even though I don't agree with his politics, I like Carville, because he is a true man of his convictions.
He is not a Spin Doctor or a Thought Police Agent.  He doesn't try to twist stuff to fit a liberal agenda.  He believes in his cause, but clearly sees the facts that affect it.
He is critical of Obama where he feels its appropriate, especially with the lack of leadership with the Gulf BP Spill, and points out that the Democrats and BO's administration have lost the faith of the majority of the country.
I would contend that most liberals would simply deny this and put a spin on.
It is refreshing that he describes the facts as he sees them, rather than manipulate and force feed in propaganda fashion.
I know some other liberals that fit Carville's mold.... but generally they are the exception.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Gibson's Rants

Do we care what Mel Gibson says and does in his private life?
Not even a little bit.
He is one hell of an actor, director and producer.   Who cares if he has a fight with his wife and she tapes his shit talk????   That's personal and private and should only be between husband and wife. 
In every marriage, people say stupid stuff that they don't mean,  but they depend on the trust and privacy of their partner to let them vent out their craziness. 

The whack job here is his wife, who has violated inner privacy of a marriage.  To let even one other person into this personal space proves that you really have no hope for the marriage.  It is the ultimate betrayal of a relationship.
When Joanne and I were first married, we lived in a low budget Western Mass apartment complex where all of our surrounding tenants were newly weds.   As screwed up as you thought you were in working out the kinks in your marriage, those thin walls told me that everybody had the same whacky behavior.... or much worse.
The sanctity and intimacy of a marriage requires that you care enough about your spouse to work out these emotions within the privacy of the both of you alone.  Otherwise, your love is not genuine.
So I feel bad for Mel Gibson, and total distain for his wife who exploited their intimacy.  He is screwed up like everybody else, including those self righteous GMA reporters who seem so disturbed at the contents of his spouses tapes.   But those phonies are a whole other post.

Tuna Lips said.....
Amen. What i finds pardoxifying is his truculence at her havin' them nice boobies. Wherever thems ponderous melons comes from, I am praisin' the baby Jesus fer thems orbs of pulchritude are here on this earth.

Jim L. said...
It seems apparent that Mad Max is the real whack job in this relationship. The wife had no reason to have any hope. Having been battered, she took the course she felt she had to take.

That is a good take on the situation, Jim... and makes me agree that we don't have all of the facts.  I just think that she appears to be a bit more on the exploitation side.... and thus has violated the marital trust by going public.   Can't believe that Gibson performed all of the irrational ranting, and she probably wouldn't be taping her own bullshit remarks.

Tuna Lips said...
Yer thinkin' is spot on there, Jimbo. No uhn of sound cogitatin' lambastes a gal fer havin' them perty cans, and sharin' them with the rest of us is a simple corporeal work of mercy. She autta be canonaded a saint.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Studly Tender

The rowing was going good but it was too rough to fish outside of the harbor.  So I circuited Marblehead  Harbor twice for a total of 6.67 miles.
Course after six miles I found myself at the Boston Yacht Club dock and noticed that the outdoor bar and grill was open, so I called Joanne to meet me on the porch and downed a couple of Mount Gays and Coke before the last half mile.
The Tender performed well in the rough outer harbor chop and also received the usual oohs and ahs from passing boaters and people at the BYC Dock.  There must be something lodged deep in the human psyche that makes people attracted to natural wood and varnish.  Too bad it's so damn hard to maintain.
At any rate, the Tender is back and looking studly even with an overweight, middle aged rower at the oars.