Friday, January 15, 2010

Senate Shoo In

The Massachusetts Senate Race is being looked at nationally as a referendum on Obama Care.   This headlong rush by the Democrats to stuff a pork infested Health bill that has huge fiscal implications down our throats will be their ultimate downfall.
The people voted for Obama for change, not a pork fed, self destructive trip to financial oblivion.
I'm no prognosticator, but the Democrats have run into a buzz saw with Scott Brown, who can take the heat and send it back.  At this point, I think he will win even if I didn't give him the Nanepashemet Endorsement.
Although, since I did..... he is a shoo in.

Issues of the Senate Candidates.

If you go to the Coakley and Brown websites and look at the how they examine the issues, it's clear why Martha Coakley has taken the low road in this campaign.  Martha articulates so poorly.  She should take the time to spell out what she believes, and stop acting like this Senate Seat is a Democratic birthright.

Click on the links yourself and make your own deternination.

Scott Brown issues    Martha Coakley Issues

I read what they said, not what mud has been slung about them.
The Nanepashemet Nod proudly stands for Scott Brown as our next US Senator from Massachusetts.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Haitian Hardship

It's hard to get a handle on what's happening in Haiti.   I don't understand how such a horrendous earthquake can be so localized.  And I've seen the Media reporting the death toll at 100,000 one time and 500,000 at another.   Our prayers reach out for those unfortunate families in Port Au Prince.

Maria Rowen said...
Once again nature kills in seismic proportions. For sure this tragedy may rock our faith in a higher power, but it will never diminish our faith in human kindness. Prayers said are prayers heard….God please bless the victims, the survivors and all relief efforts.

Off the Wagon

I went off the wagon yesterday.
Big Time.
The first time in three weeks since I started this calorie counting business.
It started in the morning when I had some english muffins for breakfast and didn't work out on the Cybex because I had to leave for a customer meeting at 10:30 AM.  We decided to work through lunch so we brought in pizzas for everybody.  I had four slices and a diet Coke.
I still had a chance to salvage the day if I jumped on the Cybex when I got back to my office at 3:00PM, but had to get on a conference call at 3:30 that stretched for an hour.
By that time, I went up to see the grandkids with Joanne, and their uncle Mike showed up to have dinner with us.   So I had roasted chicken, stuffing and salad that sent me way over the calorie budget.  With a couple of after dinner drinks, I was completely busted, so I had a nacho snack before finally going to bed.
A 3500 calorie day when my budget is 2200 calories!  I am weak and a bad man.
The good news is that I'm down 10 lbs.  This calorie counting system works and I'm getting back in the wagon today.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Chicken Little

Remember two years ago???  We were supposed to all die of Bird Flu.
Then this year... we shifted to the Swine Flu which was supposed to be a global pandemic which would wipe a lot us out.  Obama was teaching us to sneeze into our sleeves.
All the while, global warming was supposed to be killing us as soon as the polar bears were done in.  Al Gore won an Academy Award because of it.  The problem here is that it is freaking cold out there, and the European Global Summit in Copenhagen was snowed out.   Florida fruit growers are going to be hit hard with frozen fruit due to the plunging temps.
Not to mention the myth that the American Health care system doesn't work, and that the Democrats will "fix" it.
Do you ever get the idea that the leftys are trying to scare the shit out of us?  Kind of like, create a problem then offer themselves as the solution.
How many times do they expect us to swallow this Chicken Little, the Sky is Falling, Bullshit???
Let's send them a message from Massachusetts next Tuesday.  They have the audacity to think that the US Senate seat that has been occupied by Ted Kennedy is their heirloom.  Let's vote for Scott Brown and shock the shit out of these phonies.

Lauren Rathbone, former POTY said...
I am so glad that this blog supports Scott Brown. I cannot stand Martha Coakley!!!

Big Momentum

With less than a week to go in the Massachusetts US  Senate special election, Scott Brown has tied Martha Coakley in the polls. 
Obviously, the Nanepashemet Endorsement has put Scott in front of the Big Mo.
Coakley attack ads accuse Brown of being anti-liberal.  That he actually doubts that Global Warming is caused by humans. That he wishes to kill Obama Health Care.  Thanks for clarifying that.
Keep those ads coming Martha.  We didn't give that seat over and over to Kennedy because he was liberal.   He got the votes because he was a Kennedy, and you are no Kennedy.
Those lefty ads will sweep Brown comfortably into the seat.

Maria Rowen said...
Martha, Martha, Martha… Please stop calling me at home to ask for my vote. You have done less than nothing to deserve it. But give Lois Thistletwat a call. She is itchin’ to make you her queen. My name is Maria Rowen and I approve this message.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Inflated Accomplishment

Martha Coakley keeps running these television advertisements about how, as the Massachusetts State Attormey General, she has saved taxpayers a Billion Dollars, tamed the banks and insurance companies.... yada, yada, yada.
Martha.... if you were that good, don't you think that you would have gotten the Nanepashemet Nod???
If you did all of the good that you say you did, it would be a tossup between canonization as a living Saint, or coronation as our new Queen.  You would have been toasted and feted at every turn, instead of running scared as Scott Brown closes the gap in the polls.
So maybe there is a little Bullshit being slung here....
You should tell the people what you believe in, and what you would do as our United States Senator....not regale us with tales of your self indulgent superhero feats.
Don't embarrass yourself.

Tuna Lips said...

The mug on this gal, with that gob of hers drawn up in a big ole suck face, brings amind Lois Thistletwat, the hard chargin' teen that absconded with my virtue and left me a drawer full o' crushedasians that no reglar soap could scrub aways, had me pawwin' at my rooster fer weeks. I say get thee to a nuttery, you brillo snatched she demon!

Pisc said...

In that pose, she looks like the wife of Judge Smails (Ted Knight) from CaddyShack.

Judge Elihu Smails said...

This is Martha (we can call her pooky), christening the "Flying Wasp":

Monday, January 11, 2010

Half Marathon

Ryan put in 13 miles on the Fort Devens track in 1 hr. 49 min. today.   I think his secret plan is to kick some Kenyan ass in the Boston Marathon a couple of years hence.
Or maybe he has another secret plan.

Let the Beatings Begin

Senator Harry Reid (D) , Majority Leader said that President Obama is "too light skinned, and only speaks with a Negro dialect when he wants".
Uh Oh.  Free speech aside, he is about to get a "political correctness" old fashioned ass whupping.
It did seem like Obama would adjust his speech to fit the crowd during the campaign, but most Dems seem to pander that way.  And Obama seems to have skin that would befit his caucasian mother and negro father.  So his skin seems genetically correct.
Not sure what "too light skinned" would actually mean anyway.  I hope I'm not "too light skinned".
So I guess the Senate Majority leader has entered the "political correctness shitstorm" with some questionable facts.
Let the beatings begin.


Pisc said...
I have an affinity for the precision of the moniker "douche bag". This chap is a douche bag. You know he got whacked upside the head playing kill ball, or dodge ball as it is referred to among the gentry.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Post Season Pats

Patriots lost to the Baltimore Ravens and are out of the playoffs.
It's not like I'm going to off myself or anything.
It's only Professional Football.
But it's still damn depressing.
At least we had a nice visit to FreshAyer this morning.   Ryan was his usual upbeat, forward thinking, self.  I guess life's not so bad if watching the Pats is more depressing than going to FreshAyer.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Lag Time

I've been spending a lot of time on the weight loss book lately.  Since it's about me, it really holds my interest.  Plus, there is nothing really screwed up going on.
Obama is saying a lot of nothing in his security speeches, and seems almost to be putting the health care fiasco on the back burner.
We're waiting to see if the Nanepashemet endorsement causes Scott Brown to win the Senate race.
The NFL playoffs are just getting underway.
Tiger's sex life seems to have blown over... so to speak.
So I might as well use this lag time to move the future New York Times bestseller along.  I find the subject matter utterly fascinating.

Maria Rowen said...

Why stop there? You should probalby start thinking about the movie rights. Then of course, who will play the Mountain of a Man on the big screen...?

Excellent Point Maria.   I'm thinking Clooney or Pitt.

Friday, January 08, 2010

POTW Week One of 2010

After all of the Peep of the Year Hoopla, it's back to good old Peeps of the Week.
I'm glad the holidays are over and we can get down to business.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the First Week of 2010

Maria Rowen
Pat Piscatelli
Scott Brown
Steve Lewis
Carrie Paige DeBlasi
Jim Lundgren

A fresh new year.   A Brand New Decade!   Imagine the possibilities.
All we have to do is dodge the Mayan's and we have a new Lease on Life!