Thursday, August 09, 2007

POTW - Week 32

Don't you think that the year is going by fast? Those late summer crickets are humming away giving a nice rhythm to warm afternoons.
This has been one of the more eventful years for me in some time, and I'm certain that the action will not be slowing down. On the business side especially, things are in a kick ass mode.
I hope your year is shaping up too.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week of the 32nd week of 2007.
  • Joe Collins
  • Tom DiMatteo
  • Bill Hillegas
  • Maura LeClair
  • Joachim Phoenix
  • Kathy Peabody
So let's enjoy the rest of the summer and gear up for some real progress.

Gearing Up

I have a bunch of nice blues and striper fishing lures that have rusty, treble hooks. I don't know if the fish can tell the difference, but psychologically you should fish with equipment that you think will catch fish, so I'm replacing the hooks.
At the Kittery Trading Post yesterday I bough some #4 stainless split rings and some, 1/0 Mustad treble hooks, as well as a special tool to spread the rings. Now the hooks on the rebel and popper plugs can be replaced.
All that's left is to find some Bluefish Blitzes.

POTW Later

Remember..... you are not paranoid if they are really out to get you.
Even you could be a Nanepashemet Peep of the Week.
The crucial selections shall be unveiled this evening.
Bon Cbance!

Why Fishing is a Sport

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Collins of Oakley

Joe Collins, my old UMASS college buddy and Michael's godfather, called me out of the blue today and invited Joanne and I to the Oakley Country Club in Watertown for dinner this Friday.
I used to be able to beat Joe in most sports while in college.... which I'm sure he wouldn't admit to then and definitely not now.... but I can't come close to his golf game. Lucky we are not playing.
Dinner will be something to look forward to.


Doug Maxfield turned us on to Essex Seafood in Essex, MA as the best place to eat fried clams about five years ago.
Since that time, Joanne and I made the trek to Cape Ann specifically to eat here on numerous occasions. While in Gloucester today, I dropped by to make another contribution to their business.
Doug was right then, and he is still right.

Hidden Opportunities

There are a ton of economic opportunities out there. Most arise in places that you don't suspect.
That being the case, you have to stay in motion.
If you aren't moving, you can't bump into anything...... And the bumps are where the opportunities hide.
I'm finished with Maine for the time being and heading to Gloucester, Massachusetts this morning.
Gloucester on Cape Ann is a very interesting place with a gritty middle class work ethic mixed in with exceptional natural beauty. I thought that Sebastian Junger caught the essence of Gloucester well in his best seller "Perfect Storm."

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Right and Wrong

Whenever I feel wronged by someone or something, and start to take mental defensive postures, my body starts to feel uncomfortable. Even when I am completely "right".
But then if I realize that there is really no right or wrong, only the endless rotation of yin and yang, I start to feel pretty good again.
It's better to let it go and feel good, because the facts and circumstances will change soon enough.
"Those who know do not say, those who say do not know. " That Taoist phrase confounded me when I was in my early twenties, now I think that I grasp it.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Egg Rock and Katelyn

For years I have stared out at Egg Rock from the Lynn shore and never circled it in a boat until today when we took a boat cruise on the WhaleEye with the Peabody's.
It is like a mini mountain peak sticking about 30 feet out of the water. The water depth plummets to 60 ft all around the rock, so it's a 90 ft pinnacle rising out of Nahant Bay.
Also Kate and Stacey used O'Shea's pool while they were away.

Tender Sail Launching

I'm rigging the sprit sail that Joanne bought for me from Doyle Sailmakers to use on the Tender today. The sail was designed for the pram that I built a couple of years ago, it was never set up to use. High tide is at 5:00 PM and we'll be ready for a sailing launch by then, unless we decide to bring the WhaleEye to Brown's Island for the afternoon.
I bought the kit for a full size sail from Sail Rite to use on the Tender, but it needs to be sewn and I'd rather use the smaller sail to see how the Tender performs
When I build the Marblehead Gunning Dory, it will be rigged for the use of both sails simultaneously. By then I should actually have learned how to sail.

Looking Back in Time

This is a picture of the Galaxy M81.
Who knows what it really looks like, because this is what it looked like millenniums ago, since the light just hit the Hubble telescope from 11.6 million light-years away.
Everything that we see is a reflection of how long it takes the light of that object to reach us. Therefore, everything that we see actually happened in the past.
Astronomical objects just emphasize that fact because of their extreme distance.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Cootie Free

It's nice to wake up back in Marblehead, in my own bed. I dislike hotels - even real nice ones. You always feel like cooties are everywhere. I don't even like to walk in my bare feet in the rooms. Yes, this does sound phobic, probably because it is.
Anyway, there's no place like home. At least I know where the cooties come from there.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Vacation Planning

I am embarrassed that I waited this long in my life to experience the beauty of the Down East coast of Maine, when it is a half day drive away from Marblehead.
And I wasn't even there on vacation. We can fix that.

Tee It Up

I love the smell of a communications tower in the morning.
It smells like.... Victory.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Cadillac Mountain

Click on this map to enlarge it and see the indigenous tribes of Maine.
I'm interested in finding the significance of Cadillac Mountain on Mount Desert Island to the Passamaquoddy Tribe of Maine and NewBrunswick.

POTW Selections - Week 31 in remote Maine

I know that you think that just because I'm way here up in Maine, that I'll forget to make the Peep of the Week Selections.
That is so bogus. Forget POTW??? Not on your life!
The thought of your lack of faith stirs anger and other negative emotions. Lucky I'm up here in friendly Maine on my best behavior, or I'd probably do something to blow off a little steam about now.

I have to make the selections now..... I can't waste too much time while I'm out in the field.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week - 31st week of 2007
  • Doug Maxfield
  • Tina James
  • Michael Murphy
  • Peter Crawford
  • Tom Egan
  • Tim Wakefield

Tomorrow we survey two more sites in on the coast, then deadhead the 4+ hours back to Marblehead. Mike is home from DC and Katelyn will be coming in from Boston. Looking forward to the weekend.

Bridge Phobia

That bridge collapse in Minneapolis is creepy.
I never conceptualize when I get on a bridge that it may fall down while I'm on it. There are so many things to be afraid of in life.... I hate to add this to the list.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

A Tough Day

I spent the day, trying to get stuff done and make a living, but I kept getting distracted by these pesky views.
It's hard enough dragging yourself through these boring assignments.... now I'm being forced to be surrounded by the incredibly beautiful scenery of the Maine DownEast coastline.
From the Town of Lubec, the easternmost point in the US on the Nova Scotia border, to Bar Harbor on Mt. Desert Island, it was just another boring workday for Nanepashemet Telecom.
BTW - Take the time to visit Acadia National Park on Mt. Desert Island. I had never been and it is spectacular. Definitely worth the 4+ hour drive from Boston.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Headed to Maine.
Don't worry.... I can get on line in Ellsworth near the Acadia National Seashore, so no need to panic. You'll get your Blog fix.
I won't let you down.

Only Human

You're starting to make me nervous.
This Blog is not religious dogma, it is not from the United States Code of Federal Regulations, it is not a tablet from Mount Sinai.... it is only the Nanepashemet Blog.
That means it is the ramblings of a middle aged, slightly overweight, Irish American white guy who has been known to be loud and obnoxious in public and doesn't dress particularly well.
Sure, I'm rough, tough, hard to bluff and damn good looking, but that is beside the point.
Even with my wireless, tech savvy PMP professional status, and my expertise in cedar strip boatbuilding.... I'm just a man who is not that much better that you.
So.... please do not send me anymore money in the mail and stop emailing me with your anguished pleas for advice with your personal and professional life. (I will, however, continue to accept bottles of Lagavulin with appropriate gratitude.)
There is only so much responsibility that I can bear in trying to eliminate evil from this earthly dimension.
I'm trying the best that I can, but you really have to try and learn to get along without my intercession.