Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Joedee Fawsta

I think I'm losing my mind!
Everywhere I go, this woman follows me.
She calls me on my cellphone... Constantly!
Doesn't stop emailing either.
And she parks a white BMW 640i Gran Coupe outside the front of my house and just peers at the door.
Everywhere I go, everything I hear... It's Joedee Fawsta, Joedee Fawsta, JOEDEE FAWSTA.
Right now, as I type this, Joedee Fawsta is in my driveway making obscene gestures.
I can't take it anymore.

Senator Selection

Today, Governor Deval Patrick announces his choice for interim US Senator to fill the seat vacated by John Kerry who assumes his Cabinet post.
Early in the process, I made it clear to the Governor that I did not want to be considered.   Sure, nominating the Mountain of a Man would have gone a long way to healing the resentment and vituperation that characterizes our present political situation..... as I would have opened my arms to harmony, mutual trust and understanding.....  I know this to be true.
Yet Peeps.... as I explained to Deval.... I have to be true to a higher purpose.... to expose Liberal Media Gushing wherever it is found.... to shine the light on phony Native American lily white Harvard Law Professors ....and to provide daily guidance to a pathetic flock of hopelessly addicted Nanepashemet Blog readership.
To the Governor's credit, he understood and agreed to pick a lesser soul for the post.  We'll see his selection today.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Swooning for the Secretary of State

There have been a lot of liberals gushing and swooning lately saying that H. Clinton is the "Best" Secretary of State that we have ever had.  
Let's take a look at their assertion though... maybe the Moonbats are right!
There have been 67 Secretary's of State including John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, James Madison, John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster, Elihu Root, George Marshall, Dean Acheson, John Foster Dulles, Dean Rusk, Alexander Haig, Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, and others.     
So, Dems... why is Clinton better than these Folks????
 It's a simple question.  But remember that you disrespect the work of all these people when you glibly gush away about Mrs. Clinton and say that she was better than all of  them with no empirical evidence of their accomplishments or hers.  Frankly, to say she is better than John Marshall, or John Jay, or John Quincy Adams is rediculous, and kind of irresponsible in my book.   Just to name a few Johns.
And here's another question. What is the difference between Fact and Propaganda?   Because the gushes and swoons seem to cross the line.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Is It Hypocracy or Just Plain Crazy?

Diane Fernstein - Proponent of Gun Control. Her bill would allow politicians to be exempt. Classic.  The Democrats just want the laws to apply to us governed types.

Blogging from the iPhone

This could be dangerous

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Global Warming

The Prez mentioned Global Warming as a big part of  his 2nd Term during his Inaugural Address this week, and John Kerry brought it up in his Secretary of State confirmation hearings.
So... Many of you have posed the question to the Mountain of a Man.... Do I think that the world is getting warmer?
Sure  I do . 
Only 10,000 years ago.... a blink of a geological eyeball.... the very spot that I am sitting on was covered by a thick glacier.... as in Ice Age.  There is evidence of this everywhere in New England... All of those big boulders were deposited in our back yards as the ice receded.   And this  process  has been encountered by the Earth on a natural cyclical basis.
Peeps... Despite what you may have been told, Republicans and a capitalist economy did not cause the Ice Age... and they aren't the cause of Global Warming either.   Al Gore may have picked up  an Academy Award and the Nobel Prize by ginning up a Global Warming Chicken Little Flick, but that's about the only tragedy that we will see in the short term during this geological trend.
So if BO and Kerry wish to distract you by tilting at the Global Warming windmill... that is exactly what it is.... a distraction.   Because we can't stop the Earth from spinning, and we can't control the climate.
And BTW, if they could do something about Global Warming, I wish they would turn up the thermostat a few notches today.... it's Freaking COLD outside!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Locked and Loaded

A little while ago, I sent a cold call sales email out to a Massive Potential Client (MPC).   Actually, I was feeling a little frisky that Sunday morning and sent out emails to four MPC's.
These are the types of marketing efforts that I never expect responses from.   They are off the wall offers to provide project management services to companies that have massive projects and resources in place.   I usually do this when I'm a little peeved with the current business outlook and do something outrageous to get the adrenaline back.
But MPC Numero Uno responded... is interested.... set up a presentation meeting for the end of February.  
This gives me one month to prepare.   And this MOAM is going to that meeting Locked and Loaded.
If I told you who it was, and what I offered, you would never believe it.    But Peeps... you can never second guess yourself.   Because when you do that, your failure is a self fulfilling prophecy. 
You have to try, sometimes, be bold... even outrageous.  Then, at least you have given yourself a chance.  Not a huge chance, but a chance that I wouldn't have if I didn't send out that crazy email.
And if, against all odds, I land a game changing deal with this MPC, then I owe it all to allowing myself to go through with a crazy, impulsive action that Sunday morning.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Cynical Situation

Peeps... The other day I was on Facebook and one of my Liberal FB friends accused me of being a "Cynic".
I would hate to think that criticism of the Obama regime has made me jaded. 
Was I cynical when I went on that anti-Warren, "I'm an Indian so shut the hell up" tear?  Am I cynical when I criticize the headlong trip to financial oblivion that the federal deficit represents?  Was I cynical when the Liberals rushed to ban guns using the poor children murdered by a mental case as an excuse?   Is it cynical to see the Libyan consulate murdered with the President covering up the facts as an election liability?
The fact is that I truly hate dishonesty, incompetence, and disingenuous behavior.
If that makes me a cynic. then I'm a card carrying, front of the line, kiss my ass... CYNIC.
And proud of it.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


A special thanks goes out to the sweet baby Jesus that the inaugural is over.
If any more of those ABC Liberally-Biased talking heads gush any more..... I think that I may have to hit the Emergency room for some Obamacare after a serious Gush and Fawn Overdose.
Her Bangs.... "Stunning!!!"    Her Red Dress...."Spectacular"!!!!!!
As Diane Sawyer said this morning... and I quote..."Fawn, Fawn, Gushy Gush Gush, Fawn".  To which George Democratontopofus responded, "Yes Diane, but I also thought that Gush, big fat Liberally Biased Gushy Gush, Fawn, Gush Gush."
This is telejournalism at its hard hitting finest, Peeps.
I always thought that I was as tough as the next guy... but the next Gush I hear could very well be the tipping point.
At least the Prez pounded out a come together, feel good speech that made you proud to be an American.   Something for everyone... as long as you were a card carrying Liberal and don't mind Bankrupting the country for future generations to deal with... but we have to change the climate.... for the children.
Too late.... Heading for the closest sink to Hurl.