Not even a little bit.
He is one hell of an actor, director and producer. Who cares if he has a fight with his wife and she tapes his shit talk???? That's personal and private and should only be between husband and wife.
In every marriage, people say stupid stuff that they don't mean, but they depend on the trust and privacy of their partner to let them vent out their craziness.
The whack job here is his wife, who has violated inner privacy of a marriage. To let even one other person into this personal space proves that you really have no hope for the marriage. It is the ultimate betrayal of a relationship.
When Joanne and I were first married, we lived in a low budget Western Mass apartment complex where all of our surrounding tenants were newly weds. As screwed up as you thought you were in working out the kinks in your marriage, those thin walls told me that everybody had the same whacky behavior.... or much worse.
The sanctity and intimacy of a marriage requires that you care enough about your spouse to work out these emotions within the privacy of the both of you alone. Otherwise, your love is not genuine.
So I feel bad for Mel Gibson, and total distain for his wife who exploited their intimacy. He is screwed up like everybody else, including those self righteous GMA reporters who seem so disturbed at the contents of his spouses tapes. But those phonies are a whole other post.
Tuna Lips said.....
Amen. What i finds pardoxifying is his truculence at her havin' them nice boobies. Wherever thems ponderous melons comes from, I am praisin' the baby Jesus fer thems orbs of pulchritude are here on this earth.
Jim L. said...
It seems apparent that Mad Max is the real whack job in this relationship. The wife had no reason to have any hope. Having been battered, she took the course she felt she had to take.
That is a good take on the situation, Jim... and makes me agree that we don't have all of the facts. I just think that she appears to be a bit more on the exploitation side.... and thus has violated the marital trust by going public. Can't believe that Gibson performed all of the irrational ranting, and she probably wouldn't be taping her own bullshit remarks.
Yer thinkin' is spot on there, Jimbo. No uhn of sound cogitatin' lambastes a gal fer havin' them perty cans, and sharin' them with the rest of us is a simple corporeal work of mercy. She autta be canonaded a saint.