Sunday, July 11, 2010

Rowing with Purpose

High tide this morning is at 10:30, and I'm thinking seriously of breaking through the lethargy and getting a vigorous row in.
The Tender is finally ready and suitable for public view.
I'll take my fishing rod for trolling, launch at Riverhead Beach, and row out to Marblehead Rock which .is about two miles away.  I have an ulterior motive with this route choice, because I had 4 pots at Marblehead Rock, and could only locate three when Tommy O and I hauled yesterday morning.
It would be nice to land a keeper striped bass during this workout.  We only netted two keeper lobsters this week, although a lot of critters ended up in the traps including four shorts, three skates, a large flounder, two rock perch and about six huge snails.   So if we weren't so picky about just getting lobsters, it could be considered a fine catch.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

To Do

Everytime I tick off something from the To Do List, I get a bit of satisfaction.
But then some low lying item, that didn't seem too important before, looms forward as a high priority.  And the cycle begins anew.  By the time you tick off this item, you have stuff on the list that you never even thought existed before.
It's not bad when you have a lot on your To Do List.  The ticking off and adding lets you maintain your position in the flow of things.

Friday, July 09, 2010

POTW Week 26

We are at the half way point in the year.  How are you doing on your New Year's Resolutions?   I'm failing miserably which is pretty much standard operating procedure as far as resolutions go for me.  But the difference this year is that at least I recall what the hell I resolved to do back in January.
And there is still the chance that I can get back on track. 
Ok .... not much of a chance, but anything is possible.

Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 26th Week of 2010

Lisa Panakio Rowe
LeBron James
Megan Erhardt
Pauline McBurney
Paul Dulong
Evelyn at the New London Building Department

It's way overdue, but all of the refurbishment of the Columbia Herreshoff Tender is complete as of today, and I'll probably get a rowing workout in tomorrow from Riverhead Beach.  Got to get the guns toned up.

Suicide Stance

I know that I put the scare into many of you Peeps at the thought of my Mojo being a little low.
But there was no need for widespread panic!!!!
Just because my fastball lost a little zip, I get all these calls and emails from Peeps looking to off themselves... to jump off the Tobin Bridge, or open their veins in the bathtup, or something gruesome like that.
The official Nanepashemet position on suicide is a thumbs down.  Definitely not cool and not suitable Peep behavior.
So..... Cut the Crap!!!
The fact is that the Mojo Meter was tracking pretty positive today.   Took care of a lot of details, picked up a nice receivable in the mail, and got a great RFP opportunity.
If you killed yourself, you would miss the tally of this week's lobster trap pull.  Which is precisely why Nanepashemet has adopted it's progressive anti-suicide stance.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Missing Mojo

Peeps... Sometimes I feel like I've fallen off my game.... that I've lost my Mountain of a Man Mojo.... that my fast ball has no movement.
It's a lousy feeling.
For instance, Al Gore left his soulmate, Tipper, just before the bombshell hit about his  attempt to get his "2nd Shakra" released by a $500 masseuse.    ..... And I stood by and said nothing.
Or Lindsay Lohan is going to the Big House after attending a Court Hearing with "F**k U" printed on her fingernail.   .... No comment from me.
Or the POTUS decides to sue the State of Arizona because the state wants to enforce immigration laws that are ignored by federal agencies that are supposed to work on behalf of the states.  ..... And I just let it slide.
Or a Downy Woodpecker was seen a couple to times on the Feeder this weekend.  .... And I never even boasted a little with a Blog post.
This can't be good.
We all have our ups and downs.  I suppose  that  even a Mountain of a Man has to spend a little bit of time in the valleys.  So maybe I should be patient.... but when I come back, it will be with all cylinders firing.
Only now... it just seems like a couple of cylinders are missing a spark.

Pisc said...
2nd Shakra, I am gonna have to use that. Thanks.

Palin Apology

Levi Johnston says that he lied about all those bad things he said about Sarah Palin.
"Last year, after Bristol and I broke up, I was unhappy and a little angry. Unfortunately, against my better judgment, I publicly said things about the Palins that were not completely true,” Johnston said in the statement to People Magazine  “I have already privately apologized to Todd and Sarah. Since my statements were public, I owe it to the Palins to publicly apologize."
Now it is only a matter of time before ABC News and Good Morning America issues their apologies about all of the lies and untruths that they have advanced about Palin.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Hazy Start

Back to work after a long summer holiday weekend.  Have it hit it hard.  I'd hate to tally the amount of beers that I consumed over the last four days.  It won't be hard to keep a resolution to cut down.
But now, it's time to refocus, and see if I can get some business response from my customers and vendors who are probably as hazy as I am.

Monday, July 05, 2010

Design Flaw

There's a design flaw in the Pram.  The front rides lower than the back and water rushes up through the centerboard slot in a quick row causing the Pram to fill with water and swamp before I can get all the way to the WhaleEye.
I don't mind a little swim in the Harbor, but I hate it when my wallet gets wet.
The problem should be solved by capping the center board slot with a seat panel that I've been thinking of making anyway.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

POTW Week 25

The cookout at Clarke's didn't disappoint.
And Dave Clarke's craftsmanship and sense of design is of the highest calibre.
When Nathaniel made me a Dark and Stormy, my night was complete... and the fireworks over Marblehead Harbor had get to begin.
Nanepashemet Peeps of the Week for the 25th Week of 2010.

Nathaniel Clarke
Paul Perocchi
Jay Darcy
Ryan Nestor
Jimmy O' Shea
Mark Vona

Happy 4th of July.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Memorable Meal

Lobster count for the cookout at O'Shea's was 10 including a three pound beauty.  The work it took to harvest them made them even better. 
We boiled them in the turkey fryer and combined wth Jimmy O'Shea's award winning chowder, and Tommy O's steak tips, it was a meal that we will remember for a long time.

Plan for the Fourth

The July 4th holiday is wicked big here in Marblehead.
There is an undercurrent of history here because of the committment that Marblehead had to the Revolution and the part that Marbleheaders had in significant operations including the battles in Boston  and Trenton, NJ.
Mike came home from Europe last night and had some great stories to tell about London and Majorca.  And Kate is already home with JackDog.
This year, we'll have the grandkids over and Mike and Kate will be helping out.  After some FreshAyer, Tommy O, his brother Jimmy and I will be pulling the traps and sneaking a few trolls down Bluefish Alley.
I hope that we will end tthe afternoon with ten or more lobsters.  Jimmy, who is an award winning chef at Bobby Brynnes down on the Cape, is in charge of cooking up this batch of  tasty critters and some will undoubtedly end up gracing a pot of macaroni and cheese.
I'm also really looking forward to seeing the fireworks tomorrow from a cookout at Dave and Debby Clarke's newly renovated house down by Marblehead Harbor.   Dave owns Essex Builiding and his work is very high quality, and since I appreciate great craftsmanship, I will be happily viewing his latest work.
Plus their son, Nathaniel and his squeeze, Meghan are here from DC.  Both qualify for the coveted title of Superpeeps and I always look forward to hanging out with them.
And the weather looks very accommodating for these great plans.

Tuna Lips said...
Sounds like a right fine time to be had, Had by some, that being. Unless you choose to snap a few polearoids of some fine breasted gals and share them with us, sorta a made in the USA salute to Uncle Sam! I support this keragjus effort on yer paart, you gofer it, Boomer! USA! USA ! USA!

Lauren Rathbone said...
This month's Coastal Living Magazine has Marblehead featured as one of the top 10 places to celebrate fourth of july. Happy 4th .

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Tufted Titmouse Return

This morning, after an absence of about a year, we had a sighting of a Tufted Titmouse at the Feeder.
I know what you are thinking, Peeps. ... "How can J stand the excitement and just calmly enter this on the Blog???"
What do you want????  Do you think that a Mountain of a Man loses his composure just because of the return of a few Titmouses (Titmice?) to his Feeder????.
I do admit that my hands are trembling.

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