All this coverage of John Edwards fathering a kid to one of his campaign groupies while his wife is battling cancer..
I really don't care who he porks or who he impregnates.
Both he and his wife seem like assholes, but who am I to talk?
Like I said.... we're kind of in a lull.
Maria Rowen said...
...an affront to the flag he stands in front of...White: Signifies purity and innocence Red: Signifies valor and bravery
Blue: Signifies vigilance, perseverance, and justice...John Edwards: Signigies low-life, scum-sucking, sewer rat...
- Ize can not imagine throwin' a hump into that saucer-faced bridde of his, nor go guessin' on who would. Its dissgusten. I am keen on hearin' about these other jezebelles he is pleasurin' from behind, like livestock does. Sorta ow natural, like them Frenchies says.